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daikokunyo 08-05-2017 01:52 AM

Ranting journal thing (everyone welcome)
Because sometimes I want to rant and there is no one to rant to and I don't want to clutter up a forum with rant threads every time I need to rant and maybe others need to too? This might end up a little bit like journaling, as well, with stuff I want to remember like how I react to various foods etc. Y'all are welcome to do anything similar, or chat, or whatever.

daikokunyo 08-05-2017 02:11 AM

Today I had my first class in Percussion. It was at 9 and I was late because I was in the toilet (thanks, IBS). Now since I use the bathroom a lot (again, thanks, IBS) I wash my hands a lot and my skin is sensitive so I have to use a special handwash to prevent my skin flaking. Even with that, it still goes very dry so I oil my hands every night and lotion my hands when I can during the day. Lotioning during the day is kind of pointless because too soon I have to use the bathroom AGAIN and wash it off. But I usually lotion before a class.

Now, I didn't for this class because I was already late. And I hated walking into the class, apologizing because I was late. Then, Vi mouthed to me 'Are you wearing pants?' cause I wasn't and neither was she. The reason this mattered was, since that class we were learning to play the Djembe, and you have to spread your legs, put it between your knees and cross your ankles in front of it to play it. I was wearing a cotton lounge dress, and an A-line one at that.

So people went to the front of the class to practice in groups of four, since that's how many Djembe were there, and the instructor said some of the strokes would hurt. Now, my hands undergo enough trauma as it is, there are plenty of problems from them being so soft and sensitive (one of them is that I had to get my biometric registration done this semester and just like last semester, my fingerprints are too faint) on top of which, I hadn't lotioned my hands before class so the skin of my palms was actually hurting from dryness (yes, even though I oiled them last night.)

So I was like, damn it, I can't do this without prep, so I had to leave in the middle of class, run to my room and lotion my hands. I come back, I see Vi suddenly has pants on. I didn't change when I went to lotion my hands because I didn't want to take more time than a pee break (and because I'm STUPID) so after being nervous for a while I ran to my room AGAIN, changed and came back. I must mention here that I'll obviously have to wear pants every class (one class a week) and I have only three pairs of pants because I wear skirts and dresses 99% of the time (they're much more convenient to go to the bathroom in.) And I'll be using those three pairs through the week once my period finishes and I continue my yoga sessions, so... I'll have to see how to save a pair each time for this class.

Then it was my turn to go to the front and practice, and I crossed my ankles around the Djembe and the instructor had to tell me to take my shoes off because it wasn't respectful to the instrument. Everyone else had had their shoes off, an instruction I'd missed because I was late. And because my hands are so sensitive even the normal strokes stung and I couldn't do them really satisfactorily.

I can't do some other elective on account of my hands. We can't change at this stage of course but I also don't think any of the others would've been better options. We can't do the same elective twice so theatre is out. I can't do any of the outdoorsy ones because I need something that doesn't involve moving about, because if my IBS acts up I need to be sitting down to be able to hold it in. Or at any rate, something indoors so I can get to a bathroom easily. Clay modeling and sculpture are out too because hell knows I wash my hands enough. Guitar strings do terrible things to my fingers. All that's left is Fabric Arts, which was my first preference but there was too much demand so I didn't get it. And I need options for the three more semesters I'll be here.

Anyway. I didn't want to draw attention to myself, that's not positive, on my very first class.

daikokunyo 08-24-2017 03:40 AM

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