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Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:28 AM

Disco's Writing Desk

Hello Trisphee. Welcome to my writing desk!

Basically, in this thread I will post all my short stories, my fanfictions, my poems and my permanent OC characters. The index to the thread can be found in this post and in order to keep things clean and tidy all of my writing will be placed in spoiler tags, so you only need to read what you want to.

I welcome all comments on my writing, even criticism. Though please, if you want to pick holes in my writing do it constructively. I don't want someone running in and saying "You suuuck!" and then leaving again. I would like to improve! D<

Also, please don't use any of my work without permission. =.=

So, without further ado, lets get this show on the road!

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:29 AM

-Short Stories-

In this post you will find the short stories that I've written. I may or may not decide to post comments after them and I may or may not decide to develop them further. Any input you have on these are much appreciated.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:30 AM


Voldemort says whaaaat!?

Just kidding. But in all seriousness, you can find the fanfictions that I write here. I may or may not add comments to them and I may or may not continue them. It really depends on what sort of feeling I get from writing them. Just as a note, I am a giant Harry Potter fan, so the majority of stories in this post shall be Harry related.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:31 AM

-Poetry Corner-

This is my poetry corner. Not going to lie, I suck at poems, so this may be very rarely used, if ever. But you know when you get that need to make rhymes? Well, I you never know. But yeah, poetry lovers, you may want to go elsewhere.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:32 AM

-Original Characters-

Obviously not every OC will be posted here, that's just ridiculous. No. This is where my favourite OCs will go, the ones that I am likely to re-use. Please don't use these characters without my permission. All of these characters are my own creation (every bit, that includes pictures if there are any) and using them for your own RPs is plagiarism. So no touchy! xD

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:32 AM

-RP Plot Listing-

Yeah, these are some of my personal favourite RP plots. I've created each of these plots myself so if you would like to play one you'd need to ask me first, I may be interested in joining you (just kidding, but please ask). I will mention whether or not these are 1x1 or group plots at the beginning of each one.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:33 AM

-Dramallamas Anonymous-

Well, not really, for I am that dramallama! In case you didn't get my cryptic title this post will be for any plays or monologues that I write. I have to do a few for school and I study drama, so I do write a lot, even in my free time. Don't judge me! It's fun!

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:34 AM

-The Critic-

In this post I will post all my reviews. I will either rate movies, games or books. Anything not written by myself will be quoted. Please keep in mind, this is probably the most controversial post in my writing desk simply because it is my opinion and my opinion only. There will be spoilers in this so please, read at your own risk. If you don't want me to badmouth something that you really enjoyed, please don't read this.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:35 AM

-Song Listing-

I'm a bit of a music whore, so I do enjoy writing songs every now and then. Some will be parodies and some will be pure original creations. If I have music for them I will include a note of that. If I do create a parody of a song I will give credit to the original artist and put a link to the original song on youtube.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:36 AM

-Dear Diary-

I'm a ranter, probably one of the biggest you'll meet. Rather than create a new life issues thread every time I want to moan I'll just update this post. This may not be the most interesting of my posts (for you) but to me this is therapeutic.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:36 AM

-Scotland The Brave-

Ok...I'm patriotic, sue me. This is a little story that is based in Scotland. There will only be one story in this post, split into different chapters. Think 'The Broons' or 'Oor Willie' but without the pictures. For those who don't know what that is: basically this is a comedy story.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:37 AM

-Critical Essay-

I'm a nerd hoping to take Advanced Higher English nest year. Here I will post some of my school work, namely the critical essay. This is not entertaining writing, this is not something that you'll read and enjoy. Mainly this is an educational post (and somewhere where I can post my essays and get them from the school computers if I need to print them off).

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:38 AM

-Cook Book-

Yeah, this is my cook book. Any really good recipes that I have I'll put them here. These will not be recipes copied from a book, they will either be my own creation or a family recipe that I want to share.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:39 AM


*enter game nerd gigglesnort here*

A sims legacy is a form of writing. My legacy shall go here, pictures included.

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:39 AM

-Reserved For A Final Writing Escapade-

Vinyl 01-26-2011 11:40 AM

-You May Now Post-

Yes, my thread has now been created with all the categories that it needs at the moment. I will alert you in the title when new writing has been added.

Hopefully I should get some things up later on tonight/by the end of the weekend depending on my schedule.

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