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#FFFFFF 01-22-2014 08:33 PM

All Work and no Play
So while some of you remember me, most of you that are still around here do not. I left this site because of work killing me... Sadly, that hasn't changed much and it has honestly gotten a lot worse.

1. My manager that was there for the first two years that I was there, is gone. She transferred to another location. Sure, it sucks... But you really don't know the half of it.

2. Before she left, we got this other assistant manager from another store as well. He's lazy. He cheats on the paper work and he will do anything to keep from doing his job. He leaves me to do the job of about five people on a daily basis... This included his job. I'm tired. So freaking tired.

3. The only time I would be able to have a break from this would be when my manager would come up front and help me... But no, we traded her for someone just as bad as that assistant manager. It sucks and I don't get paid nearly enough to do all of this...

Now, where the play is supposed to come in:

I was behind on bills which is pretty stressful. I wasn't behind enough to have anything cut off though. I moved my boyfriend in and he got a job where I work... Though, he quit that job in such a way that gave me a very, very bad rap. It made me look terrible and I will never let him forget that...
Then he got a job somewhere else and he got fired from there too. >__< What the hell does this man do to lose these jobs? He was getting shitty hours where I was working, so he figured why even work there if he's not going to get hours. He just needs to grow up and I keep telling him that but it never works.

Life is soooooo frustrating.

Lawtan 01-22-2014 09:45 PM

I'll admit that I find the "just grow up" argument rarely helps the situation get better. In fact, I've only seen it work temporarily on those who are very (Unhealthily) Type A (my father).
You could ask him why he got fired. I don't really have much else of a clue here.

As to the company, perhaps you should try looking up company policy on workloads and such (or for a copy and get Mr. Lazybones to help you look through it). It could help build up a case argument for your higher-ups to have to do more of their work, and if they fire you for that, you could see them in court. (It may depend on the company. If it is a part of chain, they could fear you going to those who license the company out...but if they are big, you'd have little chance of getting anywhere as an individual)
One other thing would be that sometimes hard work does not pay. It can prove you competent, or it could highlight you as a good workhorse for a lazier person who schmoozed their way up to use.

I am not sure if any of this would help, or if it would make things worse. I am not there, so I can't really fix anything. I'm just sorry to see this happen and hope it gets better. *Hugs*

Nexess 01-22-2014 10:11 PM

Are you working in a small business or a larger conglomerate? I have a few things to suggest but it really depends on how big of a business it is.

He sounds like my brother. He quit his job cause he wasn't getting enough hours and then decided to just dick around and not actually get anotherone for three years while me and my older sister paid for everything. I'd be careful, you don't want to get stuck with all the bills cause he's out of work on his own fault. He is trying to get a new job though right?

I personally know the work woes, I actually just got really boned on hours at my job, this is after I've been working alot of overtime because most of my department doesn't show up or the managers schedule people incorrectly.

Ashy 01-22-2014 10:33 PM

Hi Lee good to see you again ^^

Yeah I understand what you mean by immaturity, i see it all the time with the teenagers at my work. It's all down to having the right attitude, you wont get more hours until you can show that you can do more.

Anyway on the Ass Manager part, there's honestly not much you can do about it without going over their heads(this is only possible if you work for a corporation though). My first question is, is the paperwork you do for him only supposed to be done by management? Because if it is that you're technically not supposed to do it(at my work only the supervisors and above are allowed to approve payroll but sometimes i do it so we can leave quicker) so you can contact higher ups and say you're being made to do paperwork you're not allowed to and it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Uhh that's all i got right now without getting more elaboration.

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