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Fenris 07-22-2010 03:25 PM

Get to know the Staff
You can Get to know your staff here. Ask questions and what not. We don't bite. We will answer most questions. I might even help keep track of some of the funny facts about the staff in the next post down.

Fenris 07-22-2010 03:25 PM

Funny Facts about Fenris:

~ I love sushi......I even have a stuffed sushi.
~ Fictions Lives in my right pocket.
~ Demonskid lives in my left pocket.
~ Sadrain just made a home on my right shoulder.
~ Video Game Fanatic
~ Has an almost life size tiger plushie
~ Hates Chocolate in most forms
~ I love iced tea with a burning hot passion.
~ I hate Coffee
~ I love cappuccinos
~ I love fruity frappuccinos
~ Favorite colors switch between Teal, Red, Sky blue, Forest Green and Violet for random reasons.
~ Toriki took up residence on my left shoulder
~ Lucid lives in my hair (make sure not to tangle it now xD)
~ Illusion moved into my belly button........weird.......
~ Sleep? What is this word you speak of?
~ I absolutely love pillows.....
~ I have lost count of people moving on to me....

Things you might not know about Coda but didn't care enough to ask:
- I was born in 1982.
- I've been coding since 1987. (Do the math. ;) )
- When I'm not in front of a computer writing code, I'm in front of a computer writing music.
- I have basically no social life outside of the people who live with me. (Hi Immamoonkin <3)
- I'm not very good at coming up with inane quips about myself.

-Things to know about Demonskid-
~Call me D.K. (short for Demons Kid, call me Donkey Kong I will not like you)
~I love Tigers, Foxes, Wolves and Hamsters
~I dislike any form of monkeys (Most humans are included)
~I am a Female
~I love video games, anime, manga, and TGC collecting
~I am a Yaoi Fan Girl
~I am self Studying the Japanese language, wanna help me learn?
~I have a crack head cat named zeke xD
~I live in Fenris' Left Pocket
~I am training to be a pixelist *bows*
~I am a Co-Owner of the 10,000 Cat Paws Charity

Things you really don't care to know about Sei! :3

  • My favorite color is blue.
  • I live on Wolfrin, Alex, and now Fen (in her right breast pocket).
  • I graduated college last year.
  • I have two cats and one dog.
  • My favorite number is 9.
  • I am thoroughly uninteresting.
  • I always hated icebreakers like this in college.
  • I am addicted to Skype and FEN.

Lucid Trivia

+Lucid loves Semi: so much she changed her name to Lucid:
+Lucid loves Pokemon
+Lucid loves Chocolate
+Lucid loves Sparkles
+Lucid loves Hummus
+Lucid loves her little brother
+Lucid is going to BYU and studying Advertising
+Lucid is a font snob. Bad typography makes her cry.
+Lucid sleeps with a stuffed blue otter named Seymour
+Lucid has an overinflated ego. Ignore her when that happens.
-Lucid cannot multitask well.
-Lucid is deathly afraid of spiders or any other bug that isn't a ladybug or a very small ant
-Lucid hates living in snowy/cold climates
-Lucid hates trying to think of things to say about herself

About Ashurato:
* Is Japanese and yes, likes Hello Kitty. Sue me.
* Writes fanfiction and is currently being stalked by Fizzyology to update.
* Is often joined with Taiki to form the abomination that is KAIMID's Head Nuggets.
* Can out-drink men three times her size.
* Can finish ten massive scoops of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in under 4 minutes.
* Plays the harp.
* Has ridiculously long-so-long-you-can-sit-on-it hair.
* Loves cosplay and naps. Just not at the same time.
* Hates to procrastinate but is lazy as heck.
* Has been in love with Ildon from Saga Frontier for the past twelve years.
* Can make anything perverted.
* Blood Type AB and has low blood pressure.
* The combination of the above makes for very unpleasant mornings.
* Is slightly sadistic. (-edited upon Mizu's insistence)

Stuffs about Ashy
- female and 22
- Born in Brisbane, Australia
- Favourite food is pork chops with mashed potato and gravy
- I play softball, currently specializing in right field
- I don't like the colour green
- My favourite thing to do is sleep
- The Gallaby is my mortal enemy
- Fluent in English, German and Kangaroo
- Can play just about any musical instrument
- Likes playing RPGs

About Mizeria
- Has lived in New York her whole life
- Born October 23rd, 1990
- Works 40+ hours a week but I try to be on Trisphee as much as possible.
- I'm a gamer girl <3 But I enjoy watching games just as much as I enjoy playing them myself.
- I love Board Game, Card Games, and Role Playing Games. So its not just videogames.
- Books and Music are my escape. They always have been and always will be.
- I love to write as well, and I've always enjoyed RPs.
- I enjoy all kinds of movies, but favorites are normally Horror or Action~ Yet recently TV series have been more interesting than movies for some reason.
- I enjoy anime and manga but I have yet to cosplay anything though.
- My favorite color(s) are black / red / blue / purple / green. I can never just pick one.
- My favorite number is 13.
- I've been staff on other Avi Sites in the past. Most of them didn't last long because the owners didn't realize how much work was really in running one of these sites.
- As a kid I didn't have access to a lot of different things so I feel I'm a very boring type of person.
- I'm a loner for the most part, but when I make friends they tend to be friends for life.
- I've had depression for many years and cope with it. I have my up and downs like anyone else.
- My mother refuses to believe that depression is in fact real and a problem so I never got help from her. I only got the lecture "God is all knowing and all powerful. Pray enough and keep your head up and you will be fine."
- I don't believe in any set god/gods. I DO believe that there is a god maybe many of them, but also that our destinies are in our hands.
- I'm afraid of doctors and the elderly.
- I'm not afraid of death or the thought of dying. Everyone has their time and we all will come to terms with that someday.

~Stuffs 'bout Rem
- Is Oldy McOldperson
- I used to consider myself bisexual, then pansexual but now I'm just allsexual 8D~~~
- I make terrible jokes 9u9
- I used emotes too much >u> <u< <u>
- I'm a huge flirt and a huge pervert who thinks about sex all the time. I'm thinking about it right now actually!
- Speaking of, one dream of mine is to actually be an artist on a pornographic paper- or web- comic |D
- It's also to be an artist in comics period
- I also want to be an animator
- I grew up on a farm and know how to drive/work various farm equipment, ride a horse and milk a cow
- I live on my own in a (crappy XP) apartment with a full time job and I go to school full time too. x_X There are not enough hours in the day...
- I've worked 3rd shift for the past 5 years, I don't know what the sun looks like anymore =o=
- I like comics, some animes, drawing boys doin' it, cult movies and hard rock / metal music. And Jonny Cash. <33


x:: She's twenty one years young [but I feel so old!]
x:: I FRICKEN LOVE COFFEE. [It can be used to bribe me to do many, many things.]
x:: AND MONSTER ENERGY DRINK! But only the Absolute Zero kind!
x:: A proud, flaming redhead
x:: I have a few nicknames. Charmander [where I TRY to sound like the cutest charmander possible], Batterz, Red, PUMPKIN HEAD! [WHOO THAT RHYMED!]
x:: I live in South Florida, where you see more palm trees than oranges
x:: But where the ball drops on new years, its a GIANT ORANGE wearing sunglasses. u.u;
x:: I like to work out. You'll see me posting about it a lot, and randomly poofing because of it.
x:: I'M THE UNO QUEEN. Seriously. Don't challenge me. <3
x:: My mommy is my best friend. [kudos to anyone who knows where that comes from]
x:: Wishes she was born on Halloween comes next.
x:: I'M IN LOVE WITH BATS. [Thank you, captain obvious! xD]
x:: I'm constantly coming up with random designs in my head. Its a scary place there,like a seamstresses place, but messier. And darker. Kind of like a really suave dungeon.

x:: I'm not so good at talking about myself. I'm much rather fit to talk about youuuu~
x:: I incorporate Black, Orange, Green, and Purple into my everyday wardrobe... EVERYDAY.
x:: Oh yeah, those are my favorite colors.
x:: CUPCAKE DOLLY IS MY WIFE. Mine, peeps. <3
x:: I live with Zane, and when he sleeps, he drools. All over the place. We're talking GIANT puddles of drool. I'm always afraid I'm gonna drown. ITS HORRIFYING.
x:: If I could, I've live in Fen's pants.
x:: Music, Art, and Exercise are my liiiiiife.

I.. I can't think of anything else. FEEL FREE TO GRILL ME :3


○ Ultima is genderqueer, so they/them pronouns please!
○ No, I will not tell you what I "really" am.
○ My avatars on here and other sites are normally feminine/androgynous male avatars.
○ Ulti talks in third person occasionally~
○ I live in Connecticut, USA.
○ I was born March 1, 1992 which makes me 21 years old.
○ I'm currently an art major (and Japanese minor!) in college, and love drawing.
○ My favorite color is blue!
○ I love video games especially Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Pokemon.
○ I also love anime/manga, but I'm rather picky about what I watch/read.
○ I wear glasses. Hell yeah
○ I love steampunk, goth, cybergoth, and punk fashions. But don't have the guts to wear any of it irl.

It's just a Gallagher, keep walking.
- Born September 4th, '91
- Is a Jehovah's Witness!
- Does not celebrate birthdays or Christmas - Sorry!
- Prefers to be called a he! (But won't complain either way)
- Will probably rant if RPs or OCs are brought up
- Was hunted down by an evil caterpillar for 2 weeks straight... and got bitten twice!
- Is kinda sorta nocturnal (It's 3am as I write this, and I'm getting 'lunch'...)
- Wakes up in the 'mornings' with random bits of clothing missing...
- Is slightly perverted, but also flustered easy
- Gives people random nicknames and uses petnames often
- Is very bothered by the fact that none of these lists are formatted the same way!
- Absolutely loves Ashy to death no matter what either of us says <3
- Is constantly overworked

Things that Semi: probably doesn't know are posted here:

//Semi: was brought to you by Lucid
//Because Lucid is Semi:'s wife
//Semi:'s name is a joke. HAW HAW.
//Semi: thinks that doing his coding work for Trisphee is more important than chatting. That means he gets stuff done. You should loudly and publicly thank him. D:<

Trivial Arcana of the Suzerain

-has an occasional penchant for sesquipedalianism. You have been warned.
-tends to over-analyze things
-repository of incredibly useful and relevant historical, theological, mythological, and literary information
-is an English major/creative writing minor
-has a degree in construction technology... for some reason
-is turning 23 in August (2012)
-is ostensibly writing about 6 different novels. Supposedly allegedly. You didn't hear it from me.
-is obsessed with angel-lore
-collects swords... and other implements. (Four-headed flail, I'm looking at you!)
-prefers (the best of) fantasy to supposed "literature"
-is the sort who gets annoyed by things like "literature"
-would like to teach creative writing eventually
-lives on Trisphee
-Oh and also Galla is his best friend in the whole wide world no matter what and he gives Galla all the love and money and fancy writing words in the whole entire world ever. FRIENDSHIP!

Something about Poggio:
is magical, and cream happens to be my favorite color, along with seafoam
Some how I am old
I am a fish! (Pisces)
I love slash,
I love slash a lot. (As me about fandoms @u@, non anime ones only)
Ask me about superheroes too XD, and science fiction.
Nine out of ten times, I am not thinking.
I am an Illustration Major/Graduate working on Freelancing
I am sadly addicted to cute.
I love musicals, photography, drawing, writing, crocheting, and reading.
I tend to quote movies alot
The Cable guy gives me nightmares.
I've never worked a day in my life.

Espy Facts: (why do I even bother.)
-Can be a sarcastically pessimistic killjoy.
-Draws. A lot.
-Can be blunt as hell.
-Uses puns to an annoying degree, at times.
-Is good (?) at procrastination.
-Likes both dark fantasy and Shakespeare at the same time. Especially Macbeth. Bloody awesomeness.
-Has a penchant for anything black or silver. Or both.
-Is in perpetual need of a haircut. (It's almost shoulder-length as I type this.)
-Is in perpetual need of a comb.
-Is an MMORPG addict.
-Is more than likely ADD. Wait, what was this about a new update to Mabinogi? Hold on, need to check that out.

Stuff about Quiet Man Cometh, if you wanted to know.

- is younger than Coda.
- is probably older than everyone else.
- has one of Galla's random nicknames.
- is also a fish.
- is pretty sure Suze didn't write that last comment about himself.
- is something of a hippy with redneck leanings, a little goth, and a layer of bureaucrat.
- blames the bureaucrat part on having lived with lawyers.
- has a degree in English Literature.
- wants more degrees but can't afford them.
- knows a little about many things but not enough about any one thing to be considered an expert on it.
- is magnetically attracted to unfinished jigsaw puzzles.
- has quoted some things from movies or books for so long that has forgotten where some of them originally came from.
- probably had more stuff to say here but has temporarily forgotten.
- is the household mistress of tea.
- likes talking about games.
- likes dogs. Wants another dog. Wants two dogs...

Thing You Didn't Need To Know About Nexess
  • Nexess is 22, female, and lives in Canada
  • Nexess graduated high school shortly after her 17th birthday
  • Completed four years of university already
  • Has a major in Fine Arts, minors in English, Biology, and History
  • Has loads of information on things and has no idea what to use it for
  • Is addicted to everything bagels with cream cheese
  • Amazes Gallagher with her writing skillz
  • Finds to many things to do and makes Sei help her do them
  • Bothers Suze atleast once a day, for fun
  • Has a full time job, and hates most of her coworkers
  • Spends way to much time in her inventory
  • Knows alot fo Tolkien lore.
  • Has piercings and tattoos
  • Tends to be way to blunt and honest
  • Tends to ramble on about nothing
  • Is a brony. So is Gallagher
  • Owns a duck, his name is Ducky, he is her favorite ever
  • Wonders why Quiet gets a Gall nickname but she doesn't...
  • Gets Galla love on a daily basis

Tohopekaliga & You: A Field Guide
  • Toho is a strange creature, known to stare at computer screens for nearly his entire waking hours, while dreaming of actually being on a sailboat.
  • You say "Tohopekaliga" like: Toe hoe peh kal ee ga. Or just "toho," like that bullet hell thing.
  • He has finished college, and his bachelor's degree was actually called, "Game Development," because he developed games to get it.
  • He likes the ocean, and things relating to it: Sailing, swimming, sea creatures...Knows lots of useless trivia.
  • He draws pictures sometimes. They often end up being colorful and based on fish.
  • He's been an admin of forums for ~8 years now, so knows what's up, and is always perfectly willing to help people figure stuff out.
  • He likes cookies.
  • He likes the colors blue & green the most, but others are nice, too.
  • He cosplays sometimes, but is much too lazy to make those often.
  • He is named after a lake in Florida. Because that's where he lives: Florida.
  • And really, he's got no idea what he's actually supposed to say in something like this!

What you probably didn't know about Arikana...
I'm a proud Canadian, eh?
★ I have a learning disability and some disorders.
★ I am a masochist most of the time
★ I'm born on the twenty-eighth day of the ninth month in the one thousand, nine hundred, ninety-first year. Therefore, I am currently twenty-one years old.
★ I love learning new languages.
➾➾ I can use fluent English and Cantonese.
➾➾ I can use semi-fluent French and Spanish.
➾➾ I can use some varying amounts of American Sign Language, Mandarin, and Japanese.
★ I love to study. If I could afford it, I would be studying various major/minor program after program after program till I die.
★ I love typing numbers out in words.
Before I got sick for three to four days in December 2010, I had a healthy streak of ten years! I'm now working towards rebuilding that as I've been healthy since then. Turns out those three days don't really count as being sick, so I've got a healthy streak of fourteen years and still going on strong!
★ I love to travel. I've been to four of the seven continents, and hope to go to them all one day.
★ Paris, France is awesome. I want to go back one day. <3

//Age: 24
//Lives in Chicagoland, IL
//From Powder Springs, GA
//Username a reference to: The L5R Spider Clan Founder, Daigotsu
//Currently Fangirling over: Doctor Who, Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
//Hobbies: L5R (CCG and RP), Dr. Who marathoning, Performing Arts
//Favorite color: Baby Pink
//Favorite food: Sushi / Doughnuts
//Favorite drink: Coffee / Coke
//Aspirations: I want to be a mother. I miscarried in October 2012 and since then I have started to undergo a series of lifestyle changes. I recently joined a gym to become in better shape and I hope to quit smoking in the near future.
//Online Obsession: I am an art hoor through and through.
//Favorite Song: Pornstar Dancing by My Darkest Days / Soldiers by Otherwise
//Other weird details: I collect weird stuffed animals. Currently among my collection I have a Capybara, Platypus, Buffalo, Turkey Vulture, Aye Aye, Fennec Fox, Ookapi, etc. I also own a Bag of Holding from I also always carry a flashlight in my bag. You never know when you have to attack the darkness. I love bathroom humor and inappropriately used profanity. I am super prone to strep throat and laughing maniacally. I high-five people when they fart. I love going to anime conventions, but most anime annoys the crap out of me. Satirs are the only animal/man creature I'd ever have consider having the hots for. Coke makes me farty.

The Basics of Belial
Age - late 30's
Species - Human

#1 Belial likes Mad Hatters of all kinds, from movies, books, to Anime.
#2 Belial can whistle backwards.
#3 Belial adores his dog and has a myriad of embarrassing pet names for him.
#4 Belial enjoys british programing, wit, and humor.
#5 Belial has a son named after the main character in "The Crow"
#6 Belial says "their is no spoon"
#7 actually does make IRL hats from Crochet, leather work, and felting.
#8 Does not eat beef but is not a vegetarian.
#9 lives in a small attic room with one working window.
#9b Does NOT live on Fenris, Too crowded.
#10 Is too attached to Tumblr and finding discounts.
#11 Is asexual
#12 Is a reverend in the Church of Bob JR Dobbs. (Rev. Belial)
#13 Is a huge Gaming/Star trek/Doctor Who/Science nerd
#14 Volunteers for a dog rescue and the fight for LGBTA rights.
#15 can also be found on Steam and Reddit.

Things About Monmon
- Is also referd to as Bee
- favorites flower is Sunflowers
- Very socially awkward and quiet until i finally open up to you
- She is dyslexic and misspells a lot
- Born Raised and Lives in French Canada
- Wants to design characters for video games
- has several ocs and story lines
- Loves to design outfits
- Was born Portuguese
- Constantly mistaken for a 17 year old
- Loves History of any culture
- Kid is her Bitch and he must run into my fist
- Is a Leo in both moon and sun signs and a snake in the Chinese zodiac
- Loves JRPGS and Kamen Rider
- Is a Tales of series Fangirls and will always be
- likes final fantasy a lot
- Apologizes WAY to much

Facts about Alpha
-Born and raised in a military family (I've lived a lot of places....)
-Favorite animal is a Dragon (but wolves and tigers are in there somewhere)
-Favorite color is blue, but dashes of purple are nice
-Plays League of Legends, Hearthstone, Assassin's Creed...nvm, too many games to list
-Watches a lot of shows like Lost Girl, Almost Human, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Sleepy Hollow
-Also likes to watch Anime (Umm...Naruto, FMA, Attack on Titan, Bleach)
-Loves to build and rebuild computers, laptops, xbox name it and I'm willing to try!

Fenris 07-22-2010 03:27 PM

You may post now :)

AceValkyrie 07-22-2010 03:44 PM

ooo~ Fictions, demon, and sadrain get to live on Fenris-land *o*

Chi 07-22-2010 03:47 PM

Fun fact about Chi:
I am a video game fanatic. :D

Flaria 07-22-2010 03:57 PM

I'll secretly bows down to Fenris. Lol. Are you all nervous yet confidence about your work?

Tea 07-22-2010 04:03 PM

Not so fun but maybe reassuring fact bout Tea
Tea is a tailor and wannabe designer!

Zypher 07-22-2010 04:10 PM

-adds silly facts about herself then wanders off-

johnny 07-22-2010 04:11 PM

A few johnny facts:

I am a girl!

I named my username after John Lennon.

There are numerous things I geek out over. You'll just have to get to know me to figure out what they are. :3

Fictions 07-22-2010 04:11 PM

@Flaria, Im ready for anything that can be thrown at me ~radiates overwhelming positive vibes~ :D

OH OH OH Fun facts about fictions.... wait [edits in himself] >:3

johnny 07-22-2010 04:16 PM

I still have my Yu-Gi-Oh cards from eighth grade.

I used to have a Yu-Gi-Oh game session every day a PE.

I alwaaaays lost. D:

Zypher 07-22-2010 04:18 PM

I almost always won. >u>;

johnny 07-22-2010 04:20 PM

That's because you are a winner, Zypher! : D

Zypher 07-22-2010 04:22 PM

Rofl.. I'm just really good with strategy and cards in general. But I'm also fairly mean when it comes to dice. I almost always get the number I'm after. Same with coins.

So when I played Yu-Gi-Oh, I always had cards like time wizard. Which worked 9/10 times. x'D

Sadrain 07-22-2010 04:31 PM

8D -floats from one Fenri's shoulder to another- Teeheeehee.

Sei 07-22-2010 04:35 PM

It's nice to get to know you all. I enjoy our time together. ;3

johnny, I still have mine, too. Let's d-d-d-d-duuuuueel!

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