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uncledaddy 03-05-2013 02:49 PM

Dis's Short Stories and Assignments [M]

This will be a spot for me to keep various small writings and ideas of mine, either as I think of them or in response to suggestions. As this is pretty much here for my own purposes, critique is not necessary. However, feel free to comment or pose questions and suggestions. Discussion relevant to the writing in this thread is encouraged! Some posts and/or stories in this thread may be edited or added to over time.

uncledaddy 03-22-2013 01:59 PM

A letter from Randy VIII to Randy VII

To my big brother:

How about that thunderstorm last night? The babies weren't bothered a bit, but poor Sugar didn't want to leave my side until it got quiet again. I had been looking through some old family photos earlier that day, and it reminded me of how I always used to run to you when I got scared. And that hasn't changed; I know I can still come to you whenever I need someone to talk to, to cry on, to tell me it's OK. And I do. You've always taken care of me. So if I haven't actually said it by now, I want to say thank you for that. I know I'm not really big on the mushy stuff, but I'm sure you already know how much I love you. You were my first crush, you always knew what to say or what to do, and you never left me no matter how hard things got. I wasn't always easy to deal with, and I doubt I ever will be. I've gotten myself into a lot of trouble and I've been plenty volatile and mean--even to you. But you stayed right there and loved me no matter what I did. I don't know how I got so lucky. You're the best brother anyone could ask for, and that's why you're my favorite. It feels weird for someone like me to say, but I've always felt safe when I'm around you. I guess even soldiers and killers need a hand to hold sometimes. You're sweet as can be, but you're a lot of fun. You're one of the best friends I've ever had and that's never going to change. When you got sick and I thought I was going to lose you, I can't even tell you how afraid I was. For that instant, it was as if all my years of training had never happened. I wasn't a soldier or a killer... I was Baby Boy and I needed to be with my Number Seven. Even Dad couldn't hold me back. I would have done anything for you, and you know I still will. I'd like to think that you can count on me, if you ever need me, just as I've always been able to count on you. We're all lucky to have you. I love you, big brother. I love you to the red sun and back again.
...By the way, now that it's getting warmer, I think you and I are about due for another trip to the beach. One with a little better ending than last time... but we can still steal any gumbo we find. Maybe we'll bring Antimony and Bert along to show them how it's done!
See you soon.

Randy VIII

uncledaddy 04-09-2013 02:18 PM

[work in progress]

Blood everywhere! The walls, the curtains, the carpet, all spattered in red. Sarah drew a slow, ragged breath. All was quiet now. It was a miracle she had survived, but with the ritual complete, at last the vengeful spirit could rest--and so could she. The police would be arriving soon. She closed her eyes as she leaned weakly against the bloodstained wall.
Scratch, scratch, scrape.
Her eyes snapped open again just as a dark form was lurching its way across the floor toward her...

The credits began to roll and so did Devon's eyes as he turned off the TV. "Never send a woman to do a man's job," he scolded the fictional characters, easing himself out of his plush armchair. It was time for another drink. He padded across the living room, a long shadow following him in the dim light. What'll it be? he thought to himself as he stooped to take inventory. Every glass bottle seemed to have his name on it. He reached for one, then froze.
Scratch, scratch, scrape.
His heart gave a leap and he immediately rebuked it. Don't be stupid. You direct movies, you don't live in one!
Scratch, scratch, scrape.
"I'm gonna have to call that exterminator tomorrow," Devon muttered to himself. He got his drink and retired to the kitchen with it.
Scratch, scratch, scrape.
There it was again, a little louder now. He found himself glancing over his shoulder for signs of intrusion. No rats scuttling across the floor. They were probably in the walls... He had begun to settle his weight against the counter when he heard another sound: a loud thud coming from the second floor. Damn rats! What had been knocked over? With a groan he finished off his drink and headed for the stairs. The long shadow followed him, sliding over the carpet like a train of black satin.

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