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Ginger 05-03-2011 03:23 PM

Resonance of Fate
Has anyone played this game yet? I loved the previews and the gameplay looks intense.

princeofrose 05-03-2011 04:16 PM

Seriously. The fighting style they try to make it all new and better, but it really falls for the worse. The graphics are pretty, but the characters are meh. THe story is alright however they have huge level spikes for no reason. And no save points. So you'll go through a
"dungeon" with five levels to go through and you are at the very end when suddenly a boss comes in that is five times highe rlevel than you and instant KO's you and you have to start ALL OVER AGAIN.

If you are a patient person and have no life then you can play the game because you are going to have to GRIND YOUR ASS OFF> Also if you get stuck somewhere and you can't get back out since you keep on dying-you are screwed.

I have no clue why they put it in there-but once you are in critical condition you walk around like your legs are broken and shudder like you are a meth addict going on withdrawals and every time you aim your body is so shaky you miss more than half the time. You run very slow and there is no way you can pick up the items you need to get back from critical condition so you are basically screwed.

Yeah I go that game, played some, and instantly returned it. I regret opening it because I didn't get my 60 bucks back since gamestop sucks.
So yeah, don't get the game. There are so many other things you can buy with your money I don't recommend it.

Serra Britt 05-03-2011 09:49 PM

I enjoyed the premise but I agree with princeofrose, rent it perhaps but it wasn't as good as it could have been.

princeofrose 05-03-2011 11:01 PM

Yeah either rent it or play a demo if there is one and thats it XD

Mizeria 05-10-2011 11:40 AM

I enjoyed the parts that I've played but I've been low on gaming time sadly so... yeah.
I haven't finished it.
Its probably one that you want to rent like they said above. If you really like it buy it. Yes the graphics are well done but the level spikes and the time of game play really make the game not as good as it could be. But hey; they wanted to try something different. Just cause it didn't work doesn't mean they didn't try. Gotta give 'em some credit for that~~

Ashurato 05-19-2011 12:59 AM

Wasn't this by the same company who made the Star Ocean series (or something of the sort).

I've read heavily mixed review with good graphics but gameplay that seriously needs work.

Serra Britt 05-19-2011 09:10 AM

Yes, it was made by Tri-Ace which is why I was so keen to buy it >< It was an interesting idea but it wasn't pulled off as well as they could have. I do love the artwork but the somewhat random difficulty of battles made me put the game away for a while >>

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