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Taiania 01-14-2011 10:45 AM

The Pagan inn. Would love new visitors meet trisphites and welcome to the pagan inn
Here you can hang out and chat, especially if you are of any pagan faith or are interested/curious. Feel free to ask anything at all.
Chat to us!:p

----------------------------------------------------------------------- owner of this little hangout:

By the way, I do live in England so I may not be online at the same time as you but feel free to post ^_^



Now with a FREE button for your signature.

Taiania 01-14-2011 10:47 AM

1) Follow the T.O.S
2) No drama please. This is a safe and friendly space.
3) Try not to use text speak. We all make typos once in a while but text speak is awful.
4) No insulting anyone's beliefs.

Taiania 01-14-2011 10:48 AM

Raven's corner :D
Goat (for being my first regular)
Mal Kapwn( for popping in and posting even if I'm away) (I hope I never have to add anyone to this)

Taiania 01-14-2011 10:52 AM

Taiania 01-14-2011 10:53 AM

Contact me if you wish to help or contribute. Thanks :)

Taiania 01-14-2011 10:53 AM

Taiania 01-14-2011 10:54 AM


Myotishia 01-14-2011 06:21 PM

Hello there. Anyone around?

Goat 01-14-2011 09:51 PM

Hmm I don't think anyone is still here, but hello anyway!

I'm a bit of a recently converted Pagan, so I might have some questions as time goes on, if that's alright X3

Taiania 01-15-2011 07:27 AM

Welcome :)
Feel free to ask any questions you like.
Sorry about disappearing. I'm in England so it was quite late last night.
What attracted you about paganism? If you don't mind me asking :)

Goat 01-15-2011 03:30 PM

Ah I see...yeah you posted really early my time so I'm guessing you're not on anymore o.o'

But anywho, I don't really remember what attracted me to paganism, I had taken up interest in it like, 7 or so years ago X3. It was just a matter of figuring out if it was right for me :3.

That and my mother is Catholic so it's not like I can do research all that easily or anything >.>'

I kinda have to watch what I do cause I still live with her so obviously she can't know I'm Pagan D:

Mal Kapwn 01-15-2011 03:34 PM

Hello all! I was raised Pagan. :3 I haven't done much lately, but I do still consider myself a Pagan.

Goat 01-15-2011 03:40 PM

ah! hello again Mal XD I think I'm the only other one in here right now o.o'

I didn't realize you were Pagan though, that's awesome :D

Mal Kapwn 01-15-2011 03:56 PM

XD Hihi-- yes, my family is :3 We celebrate Yule instead of Christmas, all the other stuff, yadda yadda XD It's all very normal for me.

It's so strange to hear people calling Paganism "Satanism"-- the ignorance is sad. Pagans don't even believe in Satan. I heard someone go off on a rant the other day about how disgusted she is with people who call themselves pagan, and how they're really Satanists. She wouldn't listen to me at all when I tried to tell her that we don't even believe in Satan, or that Paganism is mostly an earth-based religion.

Sorry about the mini rant XD;

Goat 01-15-2011 03:59 PM

X3 Mini rants are fine. I know what you mean though, I tried explaining that same thing to my mother once and she wouldn't hear a word of it >.>

Hence why most people simply think I'm non religious, I can't tell them or word might get back to my mother ._.

Though I was non religious for a few years so it's believable XD

So are you just a non specific Pagan? Or is there a specific branch you deal with? :3

Taiania 01-15-2011 04:28 PM

I love the ranters. Especially as I know a Lucifarian or two that should show them that pagans are the nice ones that will, more often than not, turn the other cheek.

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