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Alatariel 12-05-2016 09:55 AM

New 3DS: Plates or XL?
So I'm curious... who has what system? Do you like the bigger size of the XL or do you like the interchangeable plates of the smaller system?

I use to own the Fire Emblem N3DSXL, but my sister's Persona 3DS stopped working properly out of nowhere so I gave her mine as a wedding gift. Then I got the Galaxy N3DSXL but decided I wanted to try the smaller one with plates, so... I traded that one to my other little sister for her Animal crossing small 3DS (although one of the buttons worked intermittently..)

By chance, I happened to snag one of the Black Friday deals and got the $99 N3DS with interchangeable plates and I LOVE it. I've even gone as far as making my own plates.. there are a few on amazon I want too, and I can tell it's slowly becoming an addiction. So much to the point where I had my local GS locate a Pokémon 20th anniversary edition of the smaller 3DS to ship to their store to get.

Also! Add me if you'd like to your friend code list! I could always use more friends. Just let me know if you've added me so I can add you back!

Friend Code: 3798-0937-2694

Tohopekaliga 12-05-2016 11:56 AM

I've got an old 3DS with zelda patterning on it, and it serves me fine. It plays Pokemon Sun, so I'm good, heh.

But. If I were going to get a new 3DS, I'd probably get one of the plate ones, because that's kind of cool.

Alatariel 12-05-2016 12:13 PM

The Zelda ones have always been awesome.
I have an XL link between worlds one I'm supposed to be sending to a friend but I keep forgetting...

I love having the ability to buy 3rd party plates and making my own designs.

Tohopekaliga 12-05-2016 12:23 PM

Mine's the first Zelda one, it's a black 3DS lite, with gold symbols on it. Quite classy, I think. :D

Alatariel 12-05-2016 12:39 PM

I've seen those! They're snazzy.
My first 3DS was the teal blue one. I kind of miss it.. traded it in towards my Persona 3DSXL.. and then went from there..

But it was my baby..
Part of me wants another..

I have an addiction..

Coda 12-05-2016 12:39 PM

It's a hard call for me. I've got both -- my own 3DS is a New 3DS XL, and my wife's is the New 3DS and she's currently got a set of Kirby plates on it imported from Japan. The smaller model has a sharper screen and fits in pockets more easily, but the larger model fits my hands better and has more touchscreen space for games where precision is important.

Tohopekaliga 12-05-2016 12:41 PM

lol. My 3DS is my first 3DS, although I did have 2 DSes. (I had a DS Fat and a DS Lite.)

I used to play stuff on my 3DS much more frequently, but I barely touch it now.

...Well. That's not true. Now that I have Sun, I play it some every day. But prior to that, it had no charge for a long time.

Alatariel 12-05-2016 12:42 PM

I enjoyed the larger 3DS when I had one. Had always said I wouldnt go back. But those plates have been calling me for so long now.. it was hard to ignore the call. Plus being able to snag one on BF was awesome and I was super glad to get one. Went with the black color. I want the splatoon plates and the Pikachu ones.

Tohopekaliga 12-05-2016 12:55 PM

If anything needs Splatoon plates, it'd be the Splat U. :P

Wait, that's not what it's called.

WiiU. There we go. The thing that I use solely for playing Splatoon.

Alatariel 12-05-2016 12:58 PM

XD I miss my Wii U.
Had to let it go after getting a stupid ticket.

I'll get one again eventually..

Tohopekaliga 12-05-2016 01:37 PM

Well, there'll be that Nintendo Switch before too terribly long.

With new splatoon on it! I'm sold already.

Alatariel 12-05-2016 01:39 PM

Yas! that is what's keeping me from getting my Wii U back.

Rosekitten 12-20-2016 11:52 AM

I have one of the old XLs. It was a red special edition and short of the US ever getting a proper dragon Warrior pattern on the cover I'm probably gonna ride this system out till it has to be replaced. The better question when that happens (if all goes well and it lasts another year plus as my kids sometimes abuse it) do I get another DS just the new style or try the Switch that seems to have the hints of getting pretty much all the new DS games.

Coda 12-20-2016 12:49 PM

The Switch is a completely different beast. You should think of it as the successor to the Wii U instead of the successor to the 3DS because there's no evidence to suggest that the 3DS is going away any time soon. (The Switch is clearly NOT targeted for "all of your kids can have one.")

You'll probably want to get ONE of the New 3DS models, because it's got more powerful hardware and games are coming out that the old 3DS models CAN'T play. If you get the smaller one, you can import plates from Japan, so there's plenty of Dragon Quest stuff you can get.

Rosekitten 12-20-2016 04:28 PM

I just hope it goes over better than the Wii U .. I love the games and stuff the company makes but I admit I skipped over the Wii U. Not enough support for the console at all to warrant me spending that much.

I'm getting older with not so hot eye sight. ;P I better stick to the larger screens hehe. I wish they would release some of that stuff for the larger one though. I know Dragon Quest isn't as popular in the states but still >-<;

Coda 12-20-2016 04:53 PM

It definitely will get better games than the Wii U. The launch title lineup is looking better, and the list of partner companies is very promising, especially compared to the list of companies that up-front or early-on said they WOULDN'T produce for the Wii U. And getting rid of the secondary display frees up a lot of GPU power so developers won't have to worry about performance as much; players might have loved the GamePad but developers hated having to deal with it.

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