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Demonskid 12-26-2011 10:42 PM

Yearly Items -- Streaming le closed!
Hey guys! I seen some of you suggested that we add some poses to the Tarot Yearlies since you weren't too happy that they didn't have to many. So here is what we shall do. I will list the name of each item and which Tarot they belong to. Here is what we want you to do! Give us pose ideas that have something to do with the Tarot you are suggesting for. Like say you have an idea for “Pillar of the Sky” make sure it has something to do with the Tarot Card “The Tower.”

Pillar of the Sky - The Tower
Spirit of Treachery – The Devil
Magus of the Stars – The Magician
Immortal Worlds - The World
Heaven's Monarch – The Empress/Emperor
Feral Virtue – Strength
Ethereal Passion – Lovers
Celestial Regent – Sun/Moon/Stars
Axiom Absolute – Justice

Some of these items were based off of 2 or 3 cards as you can see. Help us gain ideas for more poses. Remember They have to be based off the card the item represents. Poses will be worked on and added to the items once we are able to get to them.

Thank You~



Things done already:

Echo-chan713 12-26-2011 11:12 PM

looks like the theme all together is tarot cards

Kali_Namir 12-26-2011 11:57 PM

Often times, The Empress/Emperor are encircled by the signs of the zodiac, her by the actual symbol and him by the more earthly representations, so that could be one for Heaven's Monarch...

The Devil card sometimes represents enslavement/self-enslavement so maybe some form of chains/ball and chains also used to be a representation of the pagan god Pan, so you might could work something in with that. You could also make the horns into a mask or hat and that would give a slightly different pose.

For the Pillar of the Sky one, you could always do a slightly closer tower that is crumbling.

Since The World card represents Victory and Triumph, you could possibly do something with a wreath of laurel leaves as a background or something of that such.

Those are just some ideas that I got after looking through my cards and their meanings and seeing what felt like it didn't get fully represented.

Demonskid 12-27-2011 12:00 AM

:3 thank you Kali for your feed back and suggestions! I'll Quote this and put it in the first post ^-^

Toriki 12-27-2011 01:26 AM

Spirit of Treachery – The Devil

Magus of the Stars – The Magician

Immortal Worlds - The World

Heaven's Monarch – The Empress/Emperor

Feral Virtue – Strength

Ethereal Passion – Lovers

Celestial Regent – Sun/Moon/Stars

Axiom Absolute – Justice

Just my thoughts. Derp~

Kali_Namir 12-27-2011 01:32 AM

Toriki those sound awesome, I would love to see some of those...

Rosekitten 12-27-2011 09:16 AM

I don't have any good idea at 8 am in the morning but i can still show my support ^w^ i love that you guys made a thready for this <3 (also feels kinda bad for making Fen work more. .-.)

Demonskid 12-27-2011 05:43 PM

Toriki I have added your suggestions to the first post

Poggio 12-27-2011 06:17 PM

Would it simply be an rearrangement of what is already pixeled or would it be added on as new?

Demonskid 12-27-2011 06:20 PM

It would be added on like with what they did with Bedside manner

Quiet Man Cometh 12-27-2011 07:26 PM

These are a few thoughts of mine as a trisphee user.

Devil - cloven hooves or a goatee, and perhaps an open scroll or book representing the idea of the whole "deal with the devil thing."

Magus - I like the idea of a robe, especially long and arcane looking. I also think it would be nice to introduce the typical tarot suits. If memory serves, pentacles, wands, cups, and swords, perhaps either in hand, or floating above.

Lovers - seems alright, but maybe something like floating or falling hearts or roses, like the feathers in the call of glory pose, or for less work and a slightly different look, pooling around the feet.

Personally, I think Celestial Regent and Feral Virtue are fine as they are. The ones that strike me as being the most sparse are Axiom and Monarch. Not sure what to suggest for those or the others.

Just my thoughts. :)

Poggio 12-27-2011 08:42 PM

Alright how long is this thread going to be open before they are reworked? I know nothing about the tarot and must consult the wiki, also my writing is not articulate my I draw them?

Demonskid 12-27-2011 08:45 PM

Sure draw away :3 and as for how long? as long as it takes. There are other things to be worked on like monthlies, future event items, and one of these days the seasonal items will be worked on. 3 pixel artists to go at all of these? This thread should be open for quite a while.

Quiet Man Cometh 12-27-2011 09:15 PM

This might get me shot, but I'll say it anyway :p, I think that the starry background from Celestial Regent could possibly be moved to Immortal Worlds and the two would be alright. I like the background and Immortal Worlds does feel sparse. If Regent is popular the it is, then perhaps adding more astral bodies to Immortal Worlds would help, such as a background similar to the stars but maybe a nebula.

If I can reference Burning Vigil, perhaps we could use the alternate arm position again to include a floating planet above the hand. It might work for the Monarch as well if there is a good way found to hid the dangling arm.

Just more food for thought. I know nothing about pixelling and am not certain how much work I am asking for when I make these suggestions. The load on the piexelists is someting I believe worth considering when talking about new poses for donation items.

Poggio 12-27-2011 09:22 PM

That is something I am worried about.
Okay final question. I hate giving away things for free, especially ideas. If trisphee does not use my ideas does trisphee own them?

Quiet Man Cometh 12-27-2011 09:49 PM

Check with admin, but my first reaction is to say no unless you decide to give them to Trisphee to use as they are or alter, but bear in mind that this is a public forum, visible without membership, and therefore anything you post on the boards can be seen by the casual online observer, who may or may not ethical about another person's work.

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