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Coda 04-02-2011 05:44 PM

Forum Rules Updated (4/2/2011)
The Trisphee forum rules have been updated. All users are expected to read and understand them. (Link)

Trisphee seems to be developing a bad reputation for drama. This will no longer be tolerated. We want Trisphee to be a happy, fun, safe place to be. Instructions given by moderators are expected to be obeyed and disobedience will result in further disciplinary action.

We have also had problems recently with PayPal chargebacks. Chargebacks cost us a LOT of money to process. They are, therefore, prohibited, and anyone who files a chargeback or refund request through PayPal will be immediately and permanently banned, and you will forfeit all of your items and runes. If you have a complaint about unauthorized use of your PayPal account, please contact an administrator or e-mail and we will be happy to work with you directly.

The rules concerning spam, necroposting, etc. have been clarified. This doesn't change our policy but it should make the intent more apparent.

The rules concerning account sharing have been made more strict: It is now prohibited to share accounts without prior administrative approval. Keep your password to yourself; if you let someone else use your account, you both may receive disciplinary action.

Also note that the rules for post formatting have been revised. Most users won't be affected, but we have clarified the intent of the rules for formatting, signatures, and post flobs.

Please direct any questions to a moderator or post them in this thread.

Panda 04-02-2011 09:40 PM

Thank you for letting us know.

I will make sure to read everything carefully and twice if necessarily.

Passion Pit 04-02-2011 10:55 PM

Thank You, Coda, although I do have a slight concern with the new rule about no bumping.

I have a buying thread that never ever gets posted in, and I don't want to keep making new threads just so someone who happens to have what I'm looking for comes by. (Also; no more than one buying/selling thread...) I also feel incredibly guilty and pushy to ask for friends to post in it to keep it active.

Sora 04-02-2011 10:57 PM

I am a bit concerned about the no bumping rule as well. I have a search thread in the OOC forum. What am I to do when it falls off the front page or even very close to the bottom of the front page? People won't post in it unless I were to bump it up, which would show it's still live and active. People would think it has died, thinking I'm no longer looking for role play partners when I actually am, and I don't want to have to re-make it every time it were to happen.

Not only that, but I have a few hangouts that I don't want to have to keep remaking just because someone didn't feel like posting in it for about a week, causing it to fall off the front page.

If people are to just remake threads now because bumping is no longer allowed, it's going to clutter up the forums with multiple threads we don't really need. I think it's better to just let people have there bit of currency they get from the one bump post rather then cutting that out and causing a massive flood of multiple threads when a perfectly good and still usable thread is being pushed off the front page of a forum.

EIDT: Unless you plan on creating some sort of Bump button at the bottom of threads to weigh this out? Like on Solia Online, they have a bump button appear at the button of every thread after an hour has gone by with no posts made since the last one. Ernya now has the same thing too.

Cupcake 04-02-2011 11:13 PM

Agreeing with Sora, I tend to have to bump my threads a lot because I don't get many visitors.

But I don't want perfectly good threads to go to waste D:

Too much time and effort to remake them every time @.@

Coda 04-02-2011 11:20 PM

The "no bumping" rule has always been there; its intent is just clarified with the new verbiage. A thread should remain active because of activity, not because it's being artificially kept to the top. Think for a moment: If your OOC thread is about to fall off the front page, that means there are that many other threads that have been active while yours has been idle.

If the thread IS idle, you are permitted to multi-post, by the way, so your objection is somewhat irrelevant. You don't need to get your friends to bump if you have something to say. In fact, creating a duplicate thread would itself be a violation of the rules if you KNOW that thread is there -- it's better to revive your existing thread. If you have enough content to re-make it, you have enough content to make a post in it.

I will take shops under consideration. This may be a valid case, at least until we get a proper marketplace.

I might also consider a bump button but I'll have to think about that for a while.

Panda 04-02-2011 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Passion Pit (Post 610778)
Thank You, Coda, although I do have a slight concern with the new rule about no bumping.

I have a buying thread that never ever gets posted in, and I don't want to keep making new threads just so someone who happens to have what I'm looking for comes by. (Also; no more than one buying/selling thread...) I also feel incredibly guilty and pushy to ask for friends to post in it to keep it active.

You can always bring your thread back whenever it fall off the first page or after a period of time. Just don't use the word bump.

Sora 04-02-2011 11:24 PM

So as long as we're not just posting, "lol bump" it's fine to revive our threads? I usually type out something like, "I'm still looking for a role play partner" whenever I revive my OOC thread. Or "Bringing my hangout back up, seems to have gone dead. D:". Are these fine to do and not considered "bumping"?

Coda 04-02-2011 11:34 PM

Well, it's best to have some serious content -- for instance, in a "looking for RP partners" thread you might include some new idea (for looking for new RP) or a recap of recent events (for ongoing RP needing new members). Give people clicking your thread something to read. That's the real point of the rule. It would suck to have the top ten threads in a section all just say "hey I'm still here" as their latest posts.

Azrael 04-02-2011 11:38 PM

Coda, in a search thread no one pays attention to anything after the first post/couple posts. All they need is the information about what the person is looking for. If it's near the top of the forum they're still looking. If it's not, it's typically assumed they aren't. That's why they do try to stay at least on the first page.

Coda 04-02-2011 11:53 PM

Hmm. I'll think about it and talk to the rest of the staff. The rule as written WILL stand as a general rule, but we may make exceptions for certain sections, just as we've relaxed the "spam" rules for the games sections.

Sora 04-02-2011 11:56 PM

Thank you.
I still think though a bump button feature (in the future) would do good for everyone. It'd certainly cut down on people purely just bumping threads and it'd help people out who no longer need to fear about reviving threads by posting something or trying to find a friend to post for them.

Coda 04-02-2011 11:58 PM

Well, the reason I'm not so certain is because the whole concept of artificially reviving threads is, itself, a problem in my eyes. I'm open to reconsidering it for sections where it's a necessary part of normal operation, but it's not something that will be allowed in general.

Sora 04-03-2011 12:14 AM

Coda 04-03-2011 01:00 AM

Not "would be" -- "is." It's just not conducive to good discussion or fair use of the forum. We don't like it, and we know it's a common practice on many avatar sites and we don't want to see it spread here. Since forums are all we have, we want the forums to be an interesting place to be, and bumping doesn't serve to make anything interesting; in fact, it defeats the natural "sorting order of interestingness" that a forum left to its own devices will exhibit.

Sora 04-03-2011 01:14 AM

Since when did reviving a thread become bumping?
I'm seriously confused on which we're talking about now.

A RP forum is much different then just a chit chat forum. You're not really there to make small talk with people or to discuss a topic you think is interesting. You're either in there to post in an RP or to look for people to RP with in your OOC search thread. The only actual discussion that ever takes place in said type of thread are what the plans for the RP is going to be. Then once it's discussed, it's over. Until someone else looks at the thread and says, "hey, I want to RP with you too".

But there are times where even search threads get pushed down either because new ones are made or the forum is fast moving. Reviving the thread is where it comes into play so you can be seen, which is a necessary thing in the role playing forum. You can't find more role players if nobody sees you on the front page anymore and nobody bothers looking past the first or second page. It happens on every avatar site I'm on, so I know what I'm talking about. Every other site out there allows people to revive their OOC search threads because of that very issue of people's threads not being seen. Even if it is just a simple, "bringing this back because I'm still looking for role players" line.

I understand your views on not wanting anything non-discussion related in forums, but there should be an exception too with certain forums such as the RP forum where you know that's not where "every day discussion" happens and where reviving your thread is needed.

All I was really wanting to know what would be the difference between reviving a thread and bumping would be concerning forums where you need to revive your threads for the very purpose of being seen, because the thread being seen is needed.

Because at first you were telling me that it was just bumping that wasn't allowed and how it was never allowed and that reviving your thread and multi-posting would be fine. But then it looked like you were starting to say both reviving threads and multi-posting was now bumping and was against the rules.

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