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-   -   Hidden Garden {U/C: feel free to post} (

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:40 PM

Hidden Garden {U/C: feel free to post}

As you venture towards the over grown gate that marks the entrance to the garden you are quickly run off by a odd little creature that nearly bit your and as you went to push the gate open.

A small voice speaks to your mind telling you the garden is not open yet.

Note to self:

You are HERE!

{Into}~{Updates}~{Rules}~{FAQs}~{Breeds}~{Forms}~{DNA Tube}~{Rares}~{Frills}~{Habitats}~{The Den}~{Keepers}

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:40 PM

30th ~ Shop created @10:40 pm.
31st ~ Shop layout finished, an two of the million things needed to open.

November 2010
01st ~ Finished Animations for final pet stage, and most of the eyes.
02nd ~ Finished adding eyes to the finished frames, started working on ears an other details.
03rd ~ Added a few more ears to the list, and started on extra details for the final stages.
06th ~ Final touches on the faces, may add faces for stage 3 as well.
08th ~ Worked on more accessories, plus planning to add a few more ears.
09th ~ Finished eyes, started work on markings and held items.
10th ~ Shading started on ears, almost finished with markings and patterns.
12th ~ Starting to add finishing touches before opening soon.. frame work an such to do still.

December 2010
10th ~ Started back on working on these guys, had to take a minor break an I was sick on top of router issues.
15th ~ reworked the pages in the shop and redid the titles for each post.
16th ~ Finished the tails lineup as well as a few side ideas for later.
20th ~ Had a sort of side project come up, plus my grandmother's been in the hospital but goes back home today, got headers done.
21st ~ Started reworking the forum layout, an post titles, added the rp story to the front.
28th ~ Side project 50% completed, can focus once more on the shop being finished and opened.
29th ~ Added Rules, and the base creation templates. Also opened today.
30th ~ First onslaught of orders, first owner added to the Keepers list.

January 2011
01st ~ Finished backed up orders, added more to do items to the list of upcoming releases. Added color palette to habitat section, working on the colors for the other sections.
02nd ~ Added color palette to the base section 1-24
10th ~ Reworking the eyes and mouths into just a faces tab and fixed the samples so they don't cover the details as much.
11th ~ Caught up on my orders again ... plus added the extra features yesterday well a few of them
16th ~ Getting caught up again, planning to make a new banner as well.
February 2012
18th ~ Have not forgotten about shop, still working on the updated bases and fixing the items and tags to fit the bases.
19th ~ Base finished, poses started and animations.

March 2012
13th ~ A few sets of ears done, most of the color swatches. Tails are in the process stage as well as animations for them.
15th ~ A few more sets of ears finished, as well as mini banner.
20th ~ A few more ears finished, Q & A's started/posted.
23th ~ Finished ears for release, started stages and platforms, also working on finishing tails and some animations.
27th ~ Banners and organization work, banner style finished.

You are HERE!

{Into}~{Updates}~{Rules}~{FAQs}~{Breeds}~{Forms}~{DNA Tube}~{Rares}~{Frills}~{Habitats}~{The Den}~{Keepers}

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:44 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:45 PM

Q: What gave you the idea behind this shop?
A: A number of things, for starters I've had a pet shop before, some of you may remember it. These bases allow more poses and ideas.
Q: Why are you using bases that you did not make?
A: The bottom of the base no I did not make, tweaks and any other edits to the bases are my personal doing with permission from the owner of the original bases.
Q: What bases do you use?
A: They are by KawaiiHanna, I do plan at some point to make my own that are similar in style, until then this makes things easier on me.
Q: What updates are you planning?
A: Well I have a number in mind, like a note pad list of over 50, I'm not going to list them all here.
Q: Can you breed the pets after they are adults?
A: Yes, when I get the system set up feel more then free to fill a form out for breeding.
Q: Can you breed with other's pets?
A: Yes you can breed with another users pet, if they say so. In this case there will always be two eggs (one for each user).
Q: What all is included in a normal package?
A: Base choice, pattern, eyes, animation and habitat, other options you will have to pay a little extra if you want them due to the time needed to produce them. Oh and the stages as well are included.
Q: What are limited pets and how long will they be in the shop?
A: Mostly these will be done for special events or during the holidays. I will either post a number count for the egg or I will say when they will be removed from the shop.
Q: Why did your shop take so long?!
A: Easy, I have a life outside of the internet. College and my family take most of my time and soon I will probably have less.
Q: Can I make a suggestion for your shop?
A: sure feel more then free to, if it's a idea I like you might get a free pet with the said idea.
Q: Where did you get your font at that you use?
A: It is a user made font I found on DA, it's called PjukRandom.
Q: How do you release new content?
A: My plan is to either release things in sets of 5 every other week or at least once a month.

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:46 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:53 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:55 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:56 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 10:59 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 11:03 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 11:04 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 11:06 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 11:16 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 11:17 PM

Rosekitten 10-30-2010 11:17 PM

Rosekitten 12-29-2010 10:55 PM

~unlocks door and pushes it open~ I declare this place officially and finally open.

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