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Kaderin Triste 05-03-2022 10:35 AM

Skyrim is Wild
So the funniest thing just happened and I wanted to share it.
But also we can discuss Skyrim stuff here and share funny stuff?

So I had just exited the Saarthal Ruins and climbed the stairs to the top of the hill when a thief ran up, handed me some boots and was all "hold onto these. Don't lose them, don't snitch or I'll kill you. I'll be back for them and ran off. Buuuut....he was also chased down and killed by a wolf. Then a hunter comes up to me, followed by the wolf and gets killed by it shortly after asking about the (now dead) thief. XD
Guess I can sell those boots if I want to.
Just wanted to share because it was really funny to me.

Stabbsworth 05-04-2022 02:31 AM

honestly, that's just bethesda games for you.

that is damn well funny, though.

Espy 05-04-2022 03:50 AM

Exeunt, pursued by a wolf.

Kaderin Triste 05-04-2022 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Stabbsworth (Post 1947802)
honestly, that's just bethesda games for you.

that is damn well funny, though.

I honestly haven't played a lot of Bethesda games outside of this series, to my knowledge, but have enjoyed a few of the other Elder Scrolls games (Morrowind and Oblivion specifically though I haven't finished either of them).
I forgot how fun the ES games are, though the compass/map isn't super helpful and I've kind of gotten myself stuck in inescapable areas and lost in the snowy mountainous areas quite a few times while trying to navigate.

Jaybird 06-10-2023 04:34 PM

That's funny, Kaderin. Hope you got a good laugh out of it.
Honestly that kind of silly is part of why I love both Skyrim and Oblivion.

I just recently figured out that if I don't start the dragon specific questline, there aren't that many dragons around so I can just walk up and steal their part of a Thu'um from their shrines or whatever they're called. x)
Perhaps not my brightest moment as it took me years to even cross my mind, but kind of neat and a little funny, if I don't want to fight every dragon in Skyrim just to get some Thu'ums. :D

Kaderin Triste 06-10-2023 05:09 PM

I honestly cackled like a maniac when it happened. My neighbors probably thought I was insane.

Ah, wish I had that dragon tip sooner! Though I've gotten lucky with about 40% of them and there have been other animals or enemies around that kill3d out or seriously injured the dragons for me. And frequently got killed in the process for free loot too. xD

Jaybird 06-11-2023 05:45 AM

Haha nice! x)

Oh neat! I never had that much luck with getting other random creatures to help kill the dragon for me. Usually they just go for me x). Currently my nemesis in the game are the frickin' sabertooths. I made a new character recently and those cats appear everywhere and if I don't run they will kill me pretty quickly. Should also be said that this character is a little squishy. Still fun. :D

Kaderin Triste 06-11-2023 04:10 PM

I don't know what my main nemesis is currently. The main account I play on, I decided to deviate from my normal character choices (magic user only with level points split between magic and health) and am barely using magic and have put most level points into defense. If I get ganged up on, I have to really watch my health and use potions, but most animals stand no chance.
Idk about the mammoths and giants yet because I'm scared of them. But even dragon, while annoying, aren't hard to take out.

Jaybird 06-19-2023 01:20 PM

Oooh nice. I should try that some time. I'm also a player that usually goes for the magic user build but with the aforementioned new character I decided to go full on thief instead. So more stamina and health and all the sneaky stuff. First time ever that I put points in pickpocketing. Going good so far.

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