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SparX 08-16-2017 11:06 AM

Another Cat Thread (aka my 9th cat)

So here is the story. about 3 weeks ago, one of my coworkers slipped up and was asking about "me and my 9 cats" and I got super pissed at her.I have 8. I told her that with my luck, I'm gonna go home and find a cat on my porch waiting for me.

Well, lo and behold, I arrived home that day and as I pulled in, locked eyes with a cat that went straight under my house. It's back left leg was dragging behind it completely limp. I had to do something.

Ask around the neighbors to find out my neighbor 3 houses down had tried catching it a week or so ago. And the neighbor across the street also tried, but his 7 dogs and yelling scared it away. Now it was here at my house.

So we got a live bait trap (that was too old and didn't work) and we tried coaxing it with food and love. I even crawled under my house with my coworker (the one who said the thing that cursed me) to try to catch it only to have it slip out of hers, mine and my husbands hands. Last week I had gotten to the point I could sit within 3 feet of it without it running away, and it would come scream at us when it wanted more food (straight through our open front door) and was playing with our 2 indoor/outdoor cats.

Yesterday my husband borrowed another live trap from our neighbor down the road. She catches ferals and strays constantly and gets them fixed and releases them into her woods. IT WORKED WE GOT IT. We took it immediately to our vet, who told us that judging by the teeth he is no younger then 8 weeks but no older then 12. He also has a broken leg (no shit) and was missing/had a chip off the top of his left ear. (they wouldn't finish cutting it because they said he was too young. they would rather fix it when he came in to get fixed). They cannot do x-rays at their facility, so I am waiting for next weeks paycheck to take him to my friends vet to see if they will help with his leg. We got him up to date on all his shots and now he is chilling in the bathroom.


Coda 08-16-2017 11:14 AM

D'aww, he's a cute one, in that everyday-cat way. Poor little guy. Glad he's being taken care of.

I rescued one not too long ago. Found him sitting in the middle of the street, in the middle of the night, meowing over and over. I went out and got him, and he wasn't scared of me at all. He had a full tummy, no parasites we could see, and the affection showed he was definitely used to humans. Looked a little younger than yours. No collar, but we figured he had to have been someone's pet and he got lost (or abandoned, but we hoped that wasn't the case).

I've already got three cats and it's ridiculously hard to find a place that will rent a home to you when you have more than two. ._. So we went door-to-door looking for his family and when that failed we put up flyers around the neighborhood in about a one-mile radius. Nobody called for him in a week so we had to take him to a shelter. :( But the good news is -- healthy, happy, friendly kitten = very placeable.

SparX 08-16-2017 11:19 AM

Yeah lucky for me I'm living on the property my mom is purchasing and it has 5 acres, so we have lots of space for our -lots of- animals. This cat doesn't act feral, but he isn't too used to being touched. If you love him for a few minutes though he just starts melting, like his brick wall of badass just fades away.
He hisses just once when you reach towards him, every time he hasn't seen you for an hour or so. I'm hoping to get him well adjusting to knowing us as his home before we let him back outside.

Kaderin Triste 08-16-2017 12:21 PM

Those are both such cutie patooties!
I hope you can get his leg fixed up soon Sparx.

tsukiko 08-16-2017 12:37 PM

awwwww he's precious :D so glad he's getting the attention that he needs <3

mdom 08-16-2017 03:31 PM

You're a cat savior <333 you'll go to cat heaven, which is much cooler than human heaven.

SparX 08-18-2017 01:00 PM

Update: Waiting on my coworker to contact her vet friend about me making payments for him. Still no name. He no longer hisses when you go in the bathroom and try to touch him. He started rubbing against my leg after I fed him last night <3 then he let me scratch his belly =O I attempted seeing his reaction to the name otis. HE responded once with a glance, but not again after that.

tsukiko 08-18-2017 05:12 PM

hehehehehe he looks like a brandon or a mister fuzzbuttkins xD either one.....

Kaderin Triste 08-18-2017 05:49 PM

For some reason, the name Roland comes to mind when I look at his pictures, but that's just me...

SparX 08-21-2017 09:00 PM

Update: His name has become Titus. He is going to the vet at 8:30 am, and they may operate on him tomorrow. I will find out what exactly is wrong with him and what we need to do to fix it.

tsukiko 08-21-2017 09:03 PM

ooooh titus ^___^ good luck with the vet visit. i hope it goes well <3

SparX 08-22-2017 02:19 AM

I do too. I also hope they don't charge super much T.T I will probably end up spending all the money I saved to get the dogs a fenced yard on getting the cats leg fixed T.T But I can keep leash-walking the girls. He deserves a chance at being as fully-functioning as possible

On a side note, I noted he can lift and raise the foot/entire leg somewhat. Still no care on it being touched. He kinda uses it like a crutch, if that makes sense? The part of his fur with no hair (When we caught him it had a huge scab from being used on concrete all the time) now has no scab, but the hair is not coming back yet.

Demonskid 08-22-2017 06:27 AM

it's good that he's still able to move it somewhat, and can still feel pain when its touched. Better chance at a full recovery after the vets fix it.

Hate vet visits... especially when they have to stay there for hours/days on end.. QnQ I'd be nerve wracked... -remembers Kuromi's 5 hour stay at the vet while she got fixed- ugh...

Hope they don't charge you too much, and hope they can work with you on a payment plan. x-x not many seem to do that anymore.

SparX 08-22-2017 10:10 AM

No he doesn't acknowledge his foot much pain wise, even when I squeeze it. By no care I meant he doesn't mind it at all. I can touch it all I want and unless it impedes his movement he doesn't notice. Yesterday while he was walking I held his foot and followed him a bit, and he happens to put a bit of pressure down on his leg, so there is that.
Hour and a half till his appointment.

SparX 08-22-2017 12:58 PM

So his femur is broken up near the knee joint. It has already fused together, and his muscles have shortened to compensate for the deformity. The doctor would be able to break it, but he would rather let it be then cause more problems due to the muscles. The doctor believes someone nicked/hit him with a car. If we had brought him in 2-3 weeks ago we would have been able to get it fixed (remember we only caught him last week). If it becomes a hindrance they offered to amputate, but only then will it really be an option.
He is likely to just heal up and have a shorter leg then the rest, and just have a small gimp for the rest of his life.
He should be good to go for the rest of his life, but the doctor requested if possible for him to be more of an indoor cat then outside.

Demonskid 08-22-2017 02:06 PM

yes indoor kitty oxo -wraps him and Kuromi both in bubble wrap- xox

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