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Tarrek 02-21-2011 06:49 PM

Genaric Fantasy RP
OPEN. Still Taking Apps
This is a genaric fantasy rp based off of dungeons and dragons ideas including the races and classes and such.

---If you wish to participate please send me a private message with your character.
---Do NOT post until I send you approval
---PM me a character app like this:

-Character name:
-Character class:
-Physical Description:
-Fighting styles and equipment:

---Races are genaric fantasy races like: human, elf, dark elf, dwarf, orc, etc.
---Classes are things like: Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, Sorcerer, Ranger, etc.
---Remember, this is a story, so there will be no bringing people back to life if they happen to die.
---If you are in a fight, you are not an invincible god. You WILL be injured and get tired. It will be a struggle and should be explained as such.
---Use a 3rd person perspective please.
---There will be a 2 character max.
---You must open each post with the name of the character who is being rped with. Underline it as well please.
---My say is final in ALL regards. There's gotta be a leader.

I will update this post as required.

Tarrek 02-21-2011 07:03 PM

Getting Started
Here's a few areas just to get us started. You don't have to, but they could be nice places to meet up with other characters (hint hint)

Valmere: Name of the country where this will all take place.
Daralan: Name of the capital city.
Small cities:
Jacanto: A city where a desert meets a mountain pass
Halfrond: A city near a massive spooky forest
Gerand: A city on and inside of a mountain
Nath' Karond Harath: A dark elf city deep undeground
Amalaorandan: A city deep in the forest

Tarrek 02-22-2011 08:11 PM

So far, all that has happened in the story is that a large powerful violet orb has appeared over volcano that lies at the center of the continent. It is a portal of some kind. As more important stuff happens in the story I will revise this and make it more story like rather than a recap.

Tarrek 03-06-2011 11:20 PM

Rhys - Dragonsworn Sorcerer
Sylvia - Half-elf Fighter
Tauge Heridon - Dark elf Ranger/Chemist
Tarrek - Human Fighter
Eillaf - Shaman/Thief
Twilight - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger

Tarrek 03-07-2011 12:22 AM

Rhys rushed into the mage headquaters ignoring the usual sneers and scoffs that he usually got, and dodged his way through a crowd up to Avandra Galandril, head mage.
"What is it?" he said as the mage scanned over table full of books and scrolls, all having arcane symbols and drawings depicting a strange violet sphere.
"As far as I can tell," the mage said, "it is a portal of some kind. Where it goes and why it showed up is still unknown, but a portal of that size can't be good. It seems to be similar to a legend from thousands of years ago. The legend states that some kind of army marched across the lands wiping out all in their path until only a small holdout remained. These survivors held a number of powerful mages, and together they were able to banish the army back to where it came from, though they sacrificed their lives in the process."
"So what do we do?" A gruff voice barked as a large man pushed his way through the crowd.
"What we do, is we find out what exactly this is and what to do about it." Avandra replied. "We need information. Rhys, can you scout it out?"
"Yeah. I'll be back shortly."
Rhys retreated to a balcony. Rhys looked like a half-elf of average height with short brown hair and crimson eyes. But that was what he WAS. Apon reaching the balcony, his red cloak suddenly spread into large crimson leathery wings and his eyes began to glow like fiery orbs. He leapt off the balcony and soured into the sky where a massive violet orb was stationed miles away over the volcano that lay at the center of the continent. The orb pulsed with energy, blasts of power striking the top of the mountain.

Tarrek 03-07-2011 12:43 AM

Tarrek marched along side a wagon as it slowely moved forward. He hadn't even seen the man he was supposed to protect. Even the one who offered him the job wore a heavy cloak that hid his face and talked soft and rough like he was hiding his voice. This job was cloaked in all kinds of secrecy that he wanted nothing to do with. But money was money' and this money happened to be a LOT. Maybe enough so that he could finally stop this useless mercenary work.
There were several other mercenaries surrounding the cart, all unaquanted. They didn't even know where they were going, only that they were supposed to protect whoever was inside the wagon until it reached it's destination.
Suddenly the wagon did stop. Right in the middle of the road. Tarrek looked around cautiously, as did the others. Just as suddenly, he was knocked off his feet and as a deafening blast shook the ground and sent him sprawling forward. A wave of dust swept by from the wagon. As it settled, Tarrek saw that the wagon had been blasted to pieces. In the distance he could see a strange violet beam moving extremely fast from where the wagon had stood. The beam was headed strait for the top of Mount Felfire.
Disoriented, Tarrek looked around finding that the other mercenaries were in a similar state.
"What the 'ell just 'appened?" One of them barked as he slowely climbed to his feet.
They all followed the beam as it continued toward the volcano. A blast of light suddenly blinded them. When they were able to see again, they found that a massive violet orb had appeared over the mountain.

Funkduder 03-07-2011 12:49 AM

Beggining: Enter Heridon
Tauge Heridon
Naturally running through the forests of Halfrond, Tauge checked the The Alchemist's Book of Alchemy a second time.
"Mmmmhmmm, so then the plant that I'm looking for is....this one." He pointed to a strange, purple mushroom at the base of the black tree, one of many in this spooky place. However, Tauge was not afraid of the ominous presence from the forest; he welcomed it. It was a darkness he knew well....
Sweeping up the purple mushroom and storing it in his black lab coat, he sprinted off back to his home at the fringe of both the forest and the town of Halfrond, his soft, leather boots providing little hindrance as he stepped over roots, ducked under branches, and sidestepped through the trees while his shoulder length hair followed him faithfully.
Sunset hit the workshop and residence of Tauge Heridon when he arrived back with the strange shroom. He was greeted with the usual treatment from the townsfolk: a broken window, a shattered door, a few papers thrown here and there, but this didn't bother the chemist's mind. Throwing open the trap door toward the back of his house, he climbed in, and shut the door.
It always took a few minutes to readjust his eyes to the light but it was those moments which he treasured most. You cannot see, you cannot harm nor be harmed, and you cannot know. Knowing is bad sometimes, but when it's good, write it down because you don't want to know later. This time he dreamed of the day when he lost it all: his life, his name, his sanity. It all went up into flames:
"Smoke rose from mansion which was once called home, screams came from the inside, chilling the bones. Arrest, Trial, Banishment, and here you are, Old Heridon, living undergrond, again," thought the man. A tear ran down his face at the thought. Tauge Heridon wasn't even that old by the standards of Dark Elves, but with what he experienced, it seemed like a lifetime. The tear droped off of his face, seeping in to his leather vest.
Suddenly, a pulse was felt by the depressed chemist. Tauge opened his eyes It was a pulse of power. He blinked twice... and the power felt good. It was calling to him, promising redemption, life, happiness....things that were from the past. Despite his disposition, the Elf wasn't falling for folly any time soon. He was a couple decades too old for that. Grabbing his bow and his seventy willow arrows, he figured that the time was right. The time to leave this hell-hole of exile.
"Sorry, good shroom. It looks like your death was yet in vain." The cave was now better illuminated, the moon seeping into the room. Pulling out the Mushroom from his lab coat again, he saw that it was glowing, but making poisons out of Harathian Mushrooms would have to wait another time. There was an evil out in the world.
"An evil in which requires my vegence," thought Tauge, and he marched back towards the trap door, leaving the mushroom to regrow inside the cave. He wouldn't be able to keep it tidy much longer, with all of the angry mobs. Tauge decided to move away after the job was done. He picked up the knife, opened the trap door, stabbed the man who ran towards him, and left towards the source of the evil under cover of night.

Funkduder 03-08-2011 01:56 AM

An Encounter with the Ban...dits
Tauge Heridon
Morning rose and afternoon was well on its way when the dark elf decided to rest. The light wasn't the most comfortable thing to be under, so Tauge set up camp to wait until nightfall. Drafting up tents, and setting a fire seemed like the reasonable thing to do, but to Heridon, it drew too much attention. He was on a quest for vengeance, and he didn't want the wills of others won't get in his way.
"Not this time, at least," he thought. Setting himself up in the shade of a willow, he fell asleep in a state half alert and half in rest. Tauge had a strong attachment to the willow trees, and often found comfort under the shade of their long, widely-spread branches. He made his bow from its bark, and his arrows were carved from its branches soon after he had left Nath' Karond Harath...but that was a long time ago:
Walking out of the burrows, the tunnels that he was left in to die, Tauge caught site of the first signs of nature since his months of imprisonment, trials, and eventual punishment. "Abandoned?" Heridon thought, "Or free?"
Heridon had never seen wild life of this sort before. Here where the stars are seen and the moon makes the plant life glow and where the fireflies lead the way, Heridon wandered off to find new shelter, shelter which became an old willow tree.

Startled, Tauge drew his knife, if only to meet it with another.
"Woah, ho there now. We don't want to hurt you," the stranger stated. Heridon's "camp" was surrounded by masked men. There were about four or five including the guy in front of Tauge. All of them wore masks. All of them looked unfriendly, even the man near Heridon. Tauge observed these things, before predicting the outcome of the battle. Leaping into action, the man with the knife was stabbed and his knife dropped, caught, and thrown at another random robber. Tauge worked qiuickly, making his way to his bag by the time the bandits could surround him. Smirking, he only laughed and said, "Kill me, I know you can." But no one did. No one could, and Tauge left with what he wanted. A hundred dead corpses, a new set of clothes, and a clue. If evil was affecting ordinary men even more, than usual, which Tuage was pretty certain of, then his destination was getting closer.
Picking up his blood stained bag, he walked towards the river, miles away, to wash out the blood.

Tarrek 03-11-2011 06:05 AM

Rhys was still a couple miles from the portal. Even so, the incredible power pouring forth was almost unbarable. The land around the orb was already being effected by the strange energies being emitted. The trees and grass at the base of the mountain had fallen and died and wildlife was nowhere to be seen.
I've got to land and take this slowely, he thought to himself already feeling drained from his distance to the portal. He glided down to the ground. The second he landed something happened. A dense fog was suddenly surrounding him. It didn't rise from the ground or anything, it just appeared. Through the thick fog all he could see was an ominous reddish light.
"Hmmm. Strange red light in an odd thick fog. NOT where I want to go." Rhys said aloud.
"And yet you won't have much of a choice," a voice whispered from around him, "now will you?"
"Oh really!" He retorted. "It seems to me that if I don't want to walk toward the light that I should just walk...that...way..."
He slowed down as he turned around and saw that the light had appeared in the direction he had set off in.
"Well that's interesting" He said. "Guess I don't have much choice now. Hey strange voice! I'll see you in a sec."

Tarrek 03-11-2011 06:26 AM

Examining the reckage to the wagon, Tarrek couldn't find a single hint of human remains.
What is this about? he thought to himself.
"I... don't know what that thing is, but I don't want anything to do with it." said one of the other mercenaries. "I'm leaving."
"I don't know about you all, but I was promised a large sum of many for this job." Tarrek announced. "and I intend to get paid as well as get some answers as to why I was just about killed and what in the bloody light that thing is." He started walking north. Toward the mountain.
"Where are you going?" asked one of the others.
"I'm going to find who hired me. Where else can you think to start but that thing." He replied.
"Whatever. You're flaming crazy. I'm headed back to town." The other all followed.
Good. Tarrek thought. I prefer to be alone.
Night had fallen after several hours of walking and Tarrek had stopped for the night just off the road. He made a simple camp and after a small meal went to sleep. He awoke to a dense fog all around him. Something seemed odd about it. This wasn't normal fog.
Of course. I'm just that lucky. he thought to himself.
In the distance he could see a strange red light.
Hmmm. A strange red light in an unworldly fog. Yeah. Not going that way. he thought.
"Can't see a bloody thing." He grumbled. He headed off toward where the road was. After walking for a few seconds, he stopped.
"Where's the flaming road?" he cursed. Taking a few more steps, he spotted something dark on the ground. walking closer he ducked to get a better look. A closed hand and half of an arm lie in the dirt. Around the wrist there was a common mercenary tattoo.
This must be one of the others. he thought. What is going on?
Suddenly, in the distance he spotted the red light again.
"Guess I don't have a bloody choice!" he cursed as he set off towards it.

Poggio 03-13-2011 03:28 AM


He rubbed his hands greedily, at the feast before him. He watched as his specter friend roamed around the after math of the wreckage. There wasn’t much left, nothing that others deemed of value, but to Eillaf they were perfect. His hands rummaged over a piece of stray fabric. He plucked it off the ground giving it a once over. His eyes peered over at his friend sniffing the bloodstained bodies on the ground. A pair of thick jaws clamped on to an object lifting it into space so that Eillaf could see. He wondered over to the floating object. It was a nice knife something that he could pawn in town. He tucked it away in the nest of his arm along with the other goods he found. This is splendid, he said more to himself then two his friend. You shouldn’t be so happy about these strange occurrences. Eillaf scoffed leave it to his friend to ruin his happy mood. When Eillaf had a satchel full of miscancellous items that he felt were of worth he headed towards the nearest town.

(( I hope this is alright I am not quite sure what the plot is ))

Tarrek 03-13-2011 04:21 AM

As he made his way through the fog, Rhys began to sense a dark power coming from the light ahead of him.
This has to have something to do with that portal. he thought to himself.
He was close now. He could even hear a pulsating hum from ahead. Also cracks of energy popped and sparked from ahead. One second he was inside the thick wall of fog, and the next he stepped into a clearing. The fog formed a dome around him. In the center of the clearing there was a large gateway of some kind.
"I assume you are intrigued as to the meaning of our object." a voice sounded as a figure appeared from the far side of the clearing. "as well as why you cannot leave the area."
As he approached, Rhys saw that the figure was a tall man in rich dressings. He wore leather gloves of a texture that was not that of a cow.
"You see, we need those such as yourself in order to complete our plans. I'm sure you've noticed the portal over the center of you lands. As of now, it is not active. However, thanks to you as well as several others, that will soon be rectified."
Rhys chuckled.
"Well, only if you say please." he joked. "But seriously, anyone with any kind of connection to the arcane can sense the evil from that thing, and I can tell you that the only part I will have in interacting with it is to see it closed."
"You act as if you will have a choice." The man said as his eyes began to glow red. "You will be the first step to our plot. When we are done, this world will be renewed to our liking!"
He blasted his hand forward and a lance of energy flashed toward Rhys. He twisted to the side narrowly avoiding the attack.
"You'll have to do batter than that if you want to kill me." He said as he retorted with a burst of flames. The man spun his hand in front of him and the fire struck a shield.
"You would have no use to me dead. And you may wish to think twice of you thought I missed" He whispered.
Rhys looked back just before he was engulfed by a violet wave of energy. His body surged with pain as he fell to the ground. Than darkness came.

Funkduder 03-13-2011 04:37 AM

Tauge Heridon
Finally washing his bag off from the river, he looked towards the mountain in which the river came from. Above it was a Violet Orb, the very one that emitted the strange power, power that he felt when his house burned and when he left, disgraced and banished. Anger washed over Herdion.
"Soon," he thought. "Very soon."
He let his anger recede as he saw a body floating down the river. It seemed to be a man, but scales covered parts of his body. He was a Dragonsworn, a half-bred dragon-human hybrid, an outcast.
"Like me," thought Tauge, and in conclusion he grabbed the body as it floated near Tauge. If he wanted to save this one, he would half to work quickly. The back of the Dragonsworn was nearly blown straight off. His skin was burned severely. Covering up the opened skin (probably from the current), Heridon grabbed the nearest weed he could find. Kings-foil. The Alchemist's Book of Alchemy made note of this weed as a wonderful healing supplement. Tauge looked around to see if there were any rocks good for grinding. There were none.
"Well, my spit won't kill ya, will it," Tauge said to the unconscious body. He began to chew the Kings-foil in preparation to make a poultice.

Poggio 03-13-2011 07:25 PM

Eillaf was to busy mentally counting what could possibly be the best dinner he had had in a while to notice the low menacing growl emanating from Aurelian. As he walked pools of fog began to radiate around his feet, before long Eillaf realized he was knee deep in the silvery mist. He quickly looked around to see what was wrong. It had not rained in days and he was no were near a swamp. He heard Aurelian growl then. Eillaf frantically turned to look at his ghostly friend. His vision was soon encased in darkness but for a faint red glow. It made Eillaf curious, immediately the items he was holding fell into nothingness. “That’s right child…” A voice came from the darkness. Eillaf turned his head frantically around wondering from wince it came. He looked back down at Aurelian. Did you hear that? He asked the beast. All he got in response was a mangy headshake. What ever it is don’t listen to it.

It was followed by a soothing laugh. Eillaf looked in the direction of the laugh. He saw a lavishly dressed man. He couldn’t phantom why Aurelian thought this man to be dangerous until he gazed into his eyes. He let out a small gasp. Only in his dreams could he image the specters that Aurelian described to him. This one was real, and he was making a steady stride towards Eillaf. “When I look at you I see infinite possibilities…” The creature went on saying unphased by Aurelian “You could be a petty crook all your life or…” He gestured towards the gate. “Help me, use your powers for me. “ With that the mighty panther lunged at the man, and Eillaf followed suit arming himself with one of his daggers. The man with the glowing eyes disappeared before reappearing behind Eillaf. “Think about it boy” Eillaf turned and aimed a punch at where the man stood. Instead his body seized up pain. The last thing he remembered before plunging into darkness was the violet light and the sound of Aurelian calling his name.

Tarrek 03-13-2011 08:05 PM

Tarrek continued making his way through the fog, the forboding glow growing brighter as he closed in. He suddenly stepped into a clearing and saw a strange glowing doorway in the center. To his right, there was a richly dressed man standing over a crumpled form, trails of dark mist shifting off him.
That mist! he thought to himself raising his gloved right hand to his eyes.
"Yes." said the man as he turned to regard Tarrek. "The energy you sense is from the same power source as the one who gave you your gift."
"Gift!" Tarrek spat.
"If you only knew." the man said.
"Who are you?" Tarrek asked as he reached above his shoulder grasping his massive weapon, a 5 foot long blade, in one hand. His hand becane to glow violet as he brought the weapon forward pointing the edge at the man's neck. His glove fell into pieces that burned before they hit the ground. Where his glove was before, there was now his bare hand covered in a glowing tattoo that stretched halfway up his arm.
"You know," the man replied "that arm has much more power than you've made use of. I could help you gain that power."
"I don't want this bloody power!" Tarrek roared.
"Well that is a shame. I guess we'll just have to use you as we will this half-breed." The man's eyes began to glow with a crimson light. He shot his hand forward and a blast of violet energy shot forward. Rather than dodging, Tarrek brought his blade forward. The energy burst upon impact with the sword, but than it swirled around the blade and was absorbed into it.
"I guess you don't know this power as well as you thought!" Tarrek said as his eyes began to glow with a light the color that the blast had been.
A look of surprise was all the man could show as the warrior brough his blade to and than through his center bisecting him from his left shoulder to his roght leg. The second he fell, wind abruptly began to swirl around the area. It quickly gained in strength until Tarrek had to fight against it. The dragonsworn on the ground began to move toward the gateway in the center of the clearing, pulled along with the fog. Tarrek leaped for him and cought his leg before he could pass through. He fought his way away from the doorway along with his passenger back into the fog. After a few moments, he passed through other side and watched as the wall moved toward where the clearing had been. The fog cleared, and he saw a flash of the gateway before it exploded in a violet eruption.

Mirror Gardens 03-15-2011 04:10 PM

Something was definitely wrong. Opening her eyes, Twilight sat up, her leather clad legs dropping down on either side so that she sat straddling the branch she had been previously napping upon. Looking down the first thing she noticed was the distinct silence. With a frown, she grabbed her broadsword she had hung on another branch and dropped silently down onto the forest floor. Kneeling down she listened more intently, nothing.
Slinging the large blade over her shoulder, she adjusted the strap across her chest and stood up scanning the area for anything her ears might have missed. The distinct sound of snapping twigs had Twilight whirling around in an instant, the crossbow that had been hanging at her side now in her hand as she aimed at the source of the sound. A small black doe darted out from behind a bush. Lowering the weapon, the wood-elf watched as the frightened animal ran away. It wasn’t afraid of her.
Looking in the direction the animal had come from, Twilight wondered what had been so terrifying that is had managed to scare off the majority of the wild life in the area. Keeping her crossbow in hand, she decided to investigate and began running in the direction the animal had come from. She moved quickly and quietly through the woods, an easy enough task. The woods were similar to the woods of her homeland, which was in part why she had decided to take up camp in one of its trees.
The air took on a distinct chill the further into the forest she moved. Soon she found herself running through a fog bank. ‘Odd…where did this fog come from?’ Slowing her pace a bit, the wood-elf let her eyes readjust to the mist. Not to far from her location she felt a sudden pull in the wind that almost knocked her off her feet. Gripping onto a nearby tree, Twilight gripped tightly onto the bark to avoid being drawn in by the suction. It didn’t last long. The winds soon died down and she found herself standing once again in a still wood, even the fog had vanished. The calm was short lived as a bright flash of violet erupted about forty yards to her left. When the light faded, her frown returned.
Magic…it had to have been magic’ she thought. Twilight and magic had never been on the best of terms, at best she was only able to master a few healing spells and charms, but all her attempts at anything larger than that tended to end up disastrously for her so she tried to avoid the stuff as much as possible. Still, she was curious as to what had driven the animals off and disturbed her from her sleep. Still armed with her crossbow, Twilight made her way towards where the light had vanished. As she neared a small clearing, she crouched behind a tree and studied the area, spotting two forms near the center of the area.

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