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Pocket 05-06-2011 02:37 PM

Views on Lady Gaga's Judas vid
So I want your imput on the video for Judas.

At first when I heard the song I was kinda confused but after seeing the video I understand it but and the same time I'm like ...really...?

So what are your thoughts on the song and video?

Otouto 05-06-2011 04:01 PM

Eh, it's another publicity stunt. I'm personally getting tired of songs like this. Stars have to keep pushing it and pushing to the point where I don't think they even believe their own crap.

Duchess 05-06-2011 05:32 PM

^ What they said.

I'm not gonna watch the video because frankly.. I've just stopped caring. The more controversy on a video, the more popular it gets. *shrugs*

And whether she's working for the devil or whatever the commenting people seems to think, how is it any of my business what she does in her personal life? =P

Silverbleed 05-06-2011 06:23 PM

I stopped caring too. I don't even enjoy either the video or song.
They're all the same.
'he a-a-a-ate my heart',
'te-te-te-te-telephoning me',

Fey 05-06-2011 06:26 PM

See, oddly enough,I really liked the video, and the message I got out of it. Odd cause I'm not religious by annnnnnny stretch of the imagination. But I can see why people who are would have major issues with it...but it's no different than when Madonna did her Like a Prayer vidoe(which is totally what I figure gaga was going for).

Misericorde 05-06-2011 06:27 PM

I think the song is stupid, just a repeat of what she has done before.
I think the video is worse. Honestly, this woman needs to keep her clothes on.
She does not have a body to show off. She's horrifyingly skinny and has no shape.

Duchess 05-06-2011 06:32 PM


The first songs were catchy and nice for me. But just don't care for the recent ones.. probably from alejandro/paparazzi and onwards. With the exception of "born this way". I kinda like that one. It's fun to sing.

And gaga doesn't exactly dress herself in the most attractive way possible either ^^;;;

Madam Kira 05-07-2011 01:54 PM

I don't particularly care for the song, nor the video. Though now that I've seen the video I understand the song more...I think.

Fey 05-07-2011 08:21 PM

LOL I must be old because I keep thinking, 'but, don't they understand she dresses that way to cause a reaction? Good or bad?' Cause she does, and she's taking a page straight off her apparent inspiration's book; Madonna. It's not about looking 'good' or 'bad' it's about causing people to comment on what she's wearing. Love it or hate it, as long as they're talking about her she's won.

As to the originality, I can't speak, I think I've heard three of her songs, and two cause they were on a friends IPod on a long drive.

Ultima 05-08-2011 09:44 PM

... Is it bad that I'm not even entirely sure what a "Judas" is? ... Does it mean Jesus? x.x;;

And I would love the song if there were different lyrics or if it was in another language (one I can't understand). But the religious lyrics and themes in the song and video make me a bit uncomfortable as an atheist. ...

Edit: Just looked up what/who Judas is and the meaning of the song. .... Doesn't change my opinion much =/

Misericorde 05-12-2011 05:21 AM

Judas was one of the 12 apostles. He betrayed Jesus and delivered him to his death sentence basically. Mary Magdelen [the woman who Gaga is portraying/the woman who's side she is telling the story from] was once Jesus' "wife" for all intensive purposes. She ended up betraying Jesus by falling in love with and being with Judas. [This is what the entire song is actually about.]

Echo-chan713 05-12-2011 11:51 AM

Sounds like the way the song is structured reminds me of Bad Romance...but when it gets replayed that part "Judas" over and over again, it gets annoying. The video I didn't get in the beginning but now I do (a little bit) when watching it carefully. Her videos are so abstract that I don't know if anyone can get it but only herself.

Suzerain of Sheol 05-12-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ultima (Post 650303)
But the religious lyrics and themes in the song and video make me a bit uncomfortable as an atheist. ...

I find this statement kind of curious. If you don't mind me asking, could you elaborate? It's just, I share your atheism, but I've never once been made to feel "uncomfortable" by religion in any manifestation. I'm not sure if I'm unusual for that, or if you are.

Even discounting it as archaic mysticism better left to the bleakness of our species' less enlightened past, there's really no discounting the influence of religion, Christianity in particular, on the Western canon, especially in literature and philosophy. I'm personally in the camp of taking the themes and metaphors and symbolism and putting them to wholly secular use.

Though, maybe I'm in a minority with that. I don't know many fellow atheists. I just personally find philosophy of religion fascinating, more so for the fact that I don't believe in any of it. Like it or not, people *do* believe in it, and by doing so, they make it, at least in some ways, real as a force in the world, for better or worse. It's a very interesting phenomenon, I find.

Anyway, about the video, I've never actually seen anything of hers before, as... anything my sister listens to is automatically abominable to me, and seeing that hasn't changed my opinion in the slightest. I wouldn't like it anyways, though, not my sort of music at all. And the lyrics seem like a cheap attempt at shock, rather than offering anything remotely resembling insight or commentary on the human condition through the lens of religion. You can find any number of death metal bands who go further with blasphemy (not that I like those, either), it's the same sort of attention-seeking publicity stunt with no deeper appeal to meaning behind it.

johnny 05-17-2011 02:06 PM

I'm bleh.

My friend is a giant Lady Gaga fan, and knows that I really love religiously-themed stuff (One of my favorite albums of all time is Jesus Christ Superstar, and I take religion/theological classes for jollies in college) so he thought I would enjoy it... but really, Lady Gaga could have done so much better than that. With the theme she was exploring (being drawn to the "darkness" of Judas, Jesus's supposed betrayer, instead of the "light" of Jesus) and the religious undertones, a lyrically good song was more than possible. Instead, she pandered to the lowest common denominator and came up with a boring, lyrically insipid dance track.

I'm mostly disappointed in her. I mean, I know that she knows people are going to buy her album no matter what, but that should never be a reason for creatively "checking out".

If you want music that explores religion, seriously. Jesus Christ Superstar. A rock opera detailing the last days of Jesus Christ, from the perspectives of Judas, Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. It's absolutely beautiful.

If you just want dance-techno-pop... well, I guess you're okay with sticking with Lady Gaga.

Alexander Linden 05-19-2011 12:58 AM

I find both the song lyrics and the video to be incredibly odd... It's really hard to get in to. The song is kinda catchy, but I have to agree, as an atheist... it kind makes me uncomfortable, though the video doesn't seem to fit with the song lyrics.

Ashurato 05-19-2011 01:01 AM

Jesus Christ Superstar! Holy crap, I loved it!

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