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Coda 03-09-2017 10:51 PM

Inventing New Recipes
Today I didn't know what to make for dinner so I looked around in my kitchen for stuff I needed to use up, and came up with the following recipe:

1 lb. ground beef/turkey
About the same amount by volume of diced potatoes (I used 6-7 fingerlings)
About half that amount of diced onion

Put all of this in a skillet with some oil and sautee it until the meat is starting to brown, then add some beef stew sauce (I just had a packet of premade sauce) -- not too much, just enough to coat everything -- and simmer it until the potatoes are cooked, the meat is browned all the way, and some of the liquid has boiled off so the sauce is very thick.

Serve this onto slices of crusty bread or sliced croissants, sprinkle some shredded cheese on top, and bake it at 350F just long enough to melt the cheese.

It has a distinctly British feel to it, sort of like haggis or Welsh rarebit, both of which I quite enjoy.

Has anyone else invented a recipe?

EDIT: I'm looking for a name for this! Technically it's some sort of hash or skillet.

Lawtan 03-09-2017 11:09 PM

Hash Bytes?

I use a modified brownie recipe with no eggs and chocolate milk. And there's the family fudge...

Potironette 03-10-2017 12:54 AM

Scotch woodcock is modeled after Welsh rarebit so..
<insert monosyllable here> <insert bird here>? xD
Mince rockwren?

I don't use recipes, and basically don't cook. But since I don't like other people cooking my food, I mix palatable stuff for myself

Jester 03-10-2017 04:33 AM

I do things like that all the time. I usually throw things in with chicken, usually fruits. In fact I did something like that recently.
I put salt and pepper over chicken and cooked it over medium heat. Then I mixed blueberries, raspberries, and mustard together and served it over chicken.

My fav would have to be what I called tropical burgers.
I had frozen burger patties and cooked them under mandarin, juice and all. Then I put them on burgers and added raspberries and cheese. May try it with lettuce or pineapples next time.

SparX 03-10-2017 11:11 AM

I often make recipes. My most recent one has been called "We haven't gone shopping and having nothing but crap in here so this is whats for dinner"
Last night was a fried rice, since I had cabbage and carrots and chicken.
Usually it's some kind of pasta skillet with cheese, whatever veggie I can find in the fridge and whatever meat is on hand.

Coda 03-10-2017 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by SparX
some kind of pasta skillet with cheese

Oh, hi, Auntie Fee!

SparX 03-10-2017 12:31 PM

I almost cried laughing coda omg XD
I put about a cup of cheese every meal
omg XD
She's right it is pretty inexpensive.
I deep fried ramen with some chicken, and covered it in tomato sauce as a fancy meal once XD

Edit: I showed my husband the convo and your link. . . He asked if I somehow offended you XD
(jokingly, I think XD)

Coda 03-10-2017 12:41 PM

I actually made that particular dish in the video according to the directions once. The dominant flavor ends up being "salty" if you're not careful, but it's good.

Coda 03-10-2017 12:47 PM

I invented this recipe back in college (it's dated 5/13/2004) when I was cooking for my tabletop RPG group:

Four chicken breasts, frozen
Two cans of cream of chicken soup
Taco seasoning, chili powder, oregano, Tabasco sauce, minced onion
Sour cream
Shredded cheese, Mexican blend

Mix one can of cream of chicken soup with the seasonings. (Consider your tastes for how much, but you'll probably use quite a bit of taco seasoning.) Make sure all seasonings are well-blended. Put chicken breasts in a crock pot and add soup mixture. Spread the mixture around some and cook on high heat for three hours. Shred apart chicken with forks and reduce heat to low, cooking for another two hours.

Mix the other can of soup with an equal amount of sour cream. Spread the sour cream mixture in the bottom of a baking pan. Roll the shredded chicken in the tortillas and place in pan over sauce, then sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 375 degrees until cheese is melted. Serve hot.

I dug it out last week to make it for my family and it was even better than I remembered. :9 That said, don't shortchange the slow cooker too much -- I rushed it by starting with thawed chicken and cooking it on High for two hours instead of a total of five hours, and the texture was tougher and the middle of the chicken wasn't as flavorful. You can probably get away with one hour on high and two hours on low if you start with thawed chicken breasts.

Fulkth 03-18-2017 01:55 PM

I suppose I do make my own recipes. I like to combine or edit recipes depending on reviews and what I have (or do not have) in my kitchen.

SparX 03-18-2017 01:59 PM

I just remembered this old recipe I made a few years back that I posted on pintrest XD

Super Easy Pumpkin Spice Cake
1 box spice cake mix
1 can pumpkin(dollar tree)
Ground. Clove.
Mix Spice cake as directed Stir in pumpkin. Add cinnamon and ground cloves Sprinkle nutmeg to your tastes
Bake at 350° for 30-35 minutes.
Then, check every 3-5 minutes until completely firm.

That's apparently what I had written there XD The cake is super moist because of the pumpkin.

Quiet Man Cometh 03-20-2017 05:23 AM

I'm a fan of general shovel food, so I'll stick anything into a pan that seems like it will go together (meat thing, potatoes, veg thing) and stir it around. Add something for flavour, throw in a bowl, get spoon, done. Last time it was some left over duck bacon I had, with leftover mashed potatoes, and a can of green beans. Add chicken broth, seasoning, and such, cook. Came out as a sort of hash thing. Put on some manner of vehicle like bread if desired.

My most common basic snack I made a lot as a kid was basically pizza toast. I figured anything that worked on a pizza could go on bread and into the toaster oven. Thus, sauce, cheese, stuff, toast. Done.

The only meal I thought up myself that wasn't on the fly was duck breasts cooked with a pan sauce and roasted grapes, and served with a pilaf that was lemon, garlic, and parsley. Gremolata, but much easier on the parsley. I need to work on my pilaf.

Jester 03-20-2017 07:11 AM

That actually sounds pretty good. Wonder how it'll taste with chicken. I'd be interesting for next because I don't really eat duck. First time I had it was a soup but it was too boney for me.

Stabbsworth 12-15-2019 06:24 PM

interesting. perhaps my father could make use of some of these.

Mekatra 12-16-2019 01:24 PM

I cooked garlic pork stuff for my tabletop group not too long ago.

It was just:
A bechemel heavy on the garlic
pork shoulder I had roasted then cut into cube-like bits
sauteed onions and bell peppers sliced thin

I served it over homemade noodles because I didn't feel like making the trek all the way back to town for something better. The kids in my group wouldn't eat it, but man the adults loved it.

Kitalpha Hart 12-16-2019 02:12 PM

Me, every time I'm making something: yup, imma throw this in and this in and this and this and this
Sometimes it's good sometimes not so much

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