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Fenris 07-10-2011 02:50 PM

August Monthly Clues
So I decided to release them early this month. I mean after all you guys will be distracted from the 15th on with an event. So why not have a little distraction before then?

Your August monthly clues are:

1. Neon
2. Metal
3. Hellooooo

And just special for this month I will release a 4th clue, ALLLLL of the items have been in the suggestion thread.

Samuel 07-10-2011 02:58 PM

Wonderful :3
I will think about these clues (& go search the item suggestion thread) before I guess.

Thanks for all your hard work and pixeling you have been doing for the site Fenris! :)

Sadrain 07-10-2011 03:01 PM

1. Nightclub. rave party. o3o City, at night. Something sci-fi, futuristic.
2. More sci fi, futuristic. o: Robo-armor, lol? xD Spaceship?
3. Hello Kitty? 8D Stalker? Surprise? Clown in a Box?

Fenris 07-10-2011 03:06 PM

Thanks for appreciating ^^

@Sadrain: those guesses had me giggling.

Samuel 07-10-2011 03:07 PM

Ah, no problem at all. :p

Echo-chan713 07-10-2011 03:10 PM

1: Raves
2: Shiny
3: Telephones

I suck at riddles so these are what I could come up with

Fenris 07-10-2011 03:12 PM

Yes yes....monthlies are shiny so that guess would be right? xD

Sadrain 07-10-2011 03:16 PM

I will look trough the suggestion thread, then ponder more. xD

Nanka 07-10-2011 03:26 PM

1. Raves
2. Steampunk
3. Lady Gaga ;D <3

Reyoki 07-10-2011 03:42 PM

1. Jazz, coffee shops, nightlife
2. Concerts, laser lights, KISS
3. [Yacko Warner]Hello~ nurse![/Yacko Warner], cell phones, ice cream trucks

Echo-chan713 07-10-2011 03:47 PM

@ Fenris: so was that right or wishful thinking?

Sadrain 07-10-2011 03:52 PM

2. Jewelry, Fantasy items/helmets, armor, miner/pilot items? o3o Techical items like headphones, aformentioned ships, cars, etc., lol

Will guess more later. xD

Batty 07-10-2011 06:48 PM

1. Neon ;; GLOWSTICKS! And and and super de duper ravey thingies.
2. Metal ;; Gear Solid? =O
3. Hellooooo ;; I'm with Nanka on this one. GAGA. Oh, the Gaga.. xDD;

Taiki 07-10-2011 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Batty (Post 748432)
2. Metal ;; Gear Solid? =O

I approve of this answer. B3 I love me some Metal Gear Solid.

Batty 07-10-2011 06:52 PM

It would be awesome if thats what it was.

But... that would be far too easy a clue. xD;

Serra Britt 07-10-2011 06:57 PM

I think #3 has something to do with nurses, not sure about the rest yet XP

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