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Suzerain of Sheol 05-17-2011 03:14 PM

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
I can't imagine I'm the only person here looking forward to Skyrim. I've only played Morrowind and Oblivion, but they're two of the best games I've ever played and November can't get here quickly enough.

I haven't checked into it for a month or two, so if anyone has heard anything about it recently, feel free to share. I believe I read they were adding a talent system similar to Fallout 3, which should be interesting, though I'm not sure I prefer it over the improve-with-use system they had.

One thing about these games that I think needs improvement is the main quest line. I've literally never bothered with them; as soon as I get past the tutorial, I'm gone, off to explore Tamriel, without a care in the world for whatever I'm "supposed" to be doing. I don't want them to restrict free-roaming or anything, I just want the main quest to be more engaging and rewarding than it has been in the past.

Also, did I hear dual-wielding was in, or was that just a rumor? And dragons, too?

Oh, and any word on how level-scaling will work? I'm hoping they do some sort of mix of Morrowind and Oblivion, ideally without the shortcomings of either system.

Lunaryon 05-17-2011 03:36 PM

11/11/11 I know what I'm getting for my birthday! You're not alone in the want of Skyrim! I've heard about the Dragons, and the Teaser Trailer I saw had one, but I haven't heard about Dual-Weilding. I seriously hope your right about that. I'd also like to see other ranged weapons then staffs and bows. Like maybe throwing knives, or staight up shuriken. I haven't heard about the leveling, but I think that you get powers from the various dragons you kill in the main quest, and if so then that would be the only reason that I would even bother with the main quest. I didn't mind the leveling of Oblivion, but I haven't played morrowwind in so long I don't remember how the leveling worked. I would liek to see the ability to kill off important characters again. That was fun.

Suzerain of Sheol 05-17-2011 04:22 PM

Well, what I mean by level scaling is, you know how in Oblivion, you won't see a Daedric item until you're level 17(ish)? In Morrowind, certain NPCs had Daedric or Ebony or Glass or whathaveyou items, regardless of level; they didn't scale to the players' level. If you could kill them, the stuff was yours.

Same thing for dungeons. The game didn't care if you were level 3. If there was a Nether Lich in there, there was a Nether Lich in there, better luck next time. And if you could sneak past, or overcome the guardians, the treasure was yours, regardless of what level you were.

So, basically, what I'd like is a mix between the two, where low-level dungeons scale up a bit so you don't wind up getting bored with how easy they are, but keep the high-level dungeons around for some brave and daring exploration.

NPCs on the other hand, I think should be like Morrowind. I don't want to see every orc walking around decked out in full Daedric gear. That sort of equipment should only be worn and used by NPCs who would logically have it in-story.

Lunaryon 05-17-2011 04:33 PM

I would really like that. And I would also like to see M'aiq the Liar make another appearance to tell us what the creator's are thinking.

Suzerain of Sheol 05-17-2011 04:34 PM

Oh, I just checked, dual-wielding was apparently confirmed in GameInformer. My subscription ran out a year ago and I never bothered to renew it.

Lunaryon 05-17-2011 04:48 PM

Awesome! I can't wait! The only place I really look for info is

Taiki 05-17-2011 05:13 PM

I just recently got into Oblivion a month or 2 ago when I found it used at a game store for pretty cheap. I really like it since I absolutely love the Fallout games. xD So, I can't wait for Skyrim!!

Lunaryon 05-17-2011 05:14 PM

I haven't tried the Fallout games. But I've heard that their really good games. Like Oblivion in the future?

Suzerain of Sheol 05-17-2011 05:15 PM

Another thing I'm hoping for is better guild quests. The Dark Brotherhood line was fantastic, the Thieve's Guild was good, but the Fighter's Guild was boring and the Mage's Guild was outright irritating, with how hard it was just to join.

Edit-- Yes, Fallout is like Oblivion with guns. I've only played Fallout 3, but it was fantastic.

Lunaryon 05-17-2011 05:18 PM

If there is no mage guild then I would be just as happy. WHAT IS WRONG WITH NECROMANCY? I happen to like Necromancy. The ability to talk with the dead would be very interesting in Oblivion. If the Fighter's Guild lost to the Black Wood Company, then it was their own fault for not doing everyones missions.

Suzerain of Sheol 05-17-2011 05:20 PM

Maybe they'll let you join a necromancer's coven in this one. :p

Lunaryon 05-17-2011 05:23 PM

That would be cool.

Suzerain of Sheol 05-17-2011 05:26 PM

I'm also looking forward to seeing what they do with the NPCs this time around. Oblivion was just... disappointing, in that regard. Like, you could see how awesome it could have been, but it just wasn't.

I hope they at least hire a few more voice actors this time....

Taiki 05-17-2011 05:27 PM

Yeah Fallout is post-apocalyptic. Like, after a nuclear war.

I liked the game system in Fallout: New Vegas better than Fallout 3, but the game just had too many bugs and froze all the time. @o@ So hopefully they do some good testing on Skyrim so it doesn't end up like that.

Suzerain of Sheol 05-17-2011 05:28 PM

Oh, another point to raise.

Fast Travel, yea or nay?

I'll admit to abusing it myself, and that Morrowind felt more immersive for having to trek around more, but damned if FT isn't convenient.

Taiki 05-17-2011 05:30 PM

I love Fast Travel. xD I already have limited time to play games so having the trek everywhere would mean I would get less done. Though I do like exploring on my own anyways.

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