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-   -   [inkspot] - free art! Come chat ~ PICKUP: DK (

Rem 08-09-2010 11:08 AM

[inkspot] - free art! Come chat ~ PICKUP: DK

Hello and welcome to my freebie art thread and hangout. This was initially a shop, but I decided to turn it into a freebie thread b/c I miss having a home thread to hang out in and I'd like one again. Makes it easier to have a place to post. So come on in and hang out and maybe get some free art along the way!

  • I don't guarantee I'll draw everyone, the way I do freebies is very much a mood-thing; when the desire strikes. But I CAN promise if you are here a lot and hang out and I get to know you as a friend you'll be more likely to receive art than if you just post once and vamoose.
  • Don't insult my art; constructive criticism is always appreciated
  • Don't be an asshat
  • Follow Trisphee TOS

If you'd like an easy way to request then fill this out and post:

Image to draw: must have image/reference linked here
Post request: if you would like a certain pose
Expression: if you would like a certain expression
Anything else:

Rem 08-10-2010 01:00 AM
A r t • G i v e n

Athilea Majiri

W a i t • L i s t

Pink Pantzer
chobo (OCs - PM)
Twigg avatar
Batty OC (2nd)
Natsu (avi?)
Espy (avi)
pg 69 special (event thread)
pg 100 special (event thread)
Kaguya (OC event thread)
Dawn OC *special art*

Rem 08-10-2010 05:19 PM

I have a lot of OCs that I love recieving art of. If you'd like to submit your art for consideration, just fill out one of the forms below and post it. Please note that if I decline you it's nothing personal at all, all art is subjective and it just might not be what I want at the time. :3
This is my fantroll Reyser -- more info with him coming soon

More OCs coming soon

Rem 08-10-2010 05:28 PM

Here is art I've bought, traded for, or recieved out of the kindness of people's hearts!

by Twigg

by littl3chocobo

Rem 08-11-2010 01:33 AM

A r t • T r a d e s
Status: Closed
If you wish to do an art trade me with, please let me know what kind of art you're wanting, if you want something I'm not selling at the time (a certain style) then let me know and we'll make a deal. For me to art trade it must be equal offers and your art must be of my ability or above (or you must be willing to offer more than one piece.)

Art sample:
Gallery (optional):
Interested in doing:
Anything else:

C o m m i s s i o n s
Status: Open
Just fill out this form and post it in the thread. You must be willing to discuss through PMs and you must be willing to offer WIPs of your work during the process.


Art sample:
Gallery (optional):
Interested in doing:
Anything else:

Rem 08-11-2010 01:36 AM

L a t e s t • W o r k

This is where I'll put up some of my most recent art that's not shop-related.
Just sort of showing off, haha.

Rem 08-11-2010 01:39 AM

Duchess 08-11-2010 02:04 AM

-pokes- ... is it ok to posty posty?

Rem 08-11-2010 02:16 AM

Yes! 8D C'mon innn
I don't think I'll need more extra spots

How are you doing tonight?

Demonskid 08-11-2010 02:22 AM

Yay posting time! ^-^ *huggles Rem*

Duchess 08-11-2010 02:26 AM

YAAAYY! *flails* I'm fine. Working on teh dress up game =B

I'm -almost- finished with the character graphics.. Then i need to work on the layout =B

Rem 08-11-2010 02:26 AM

*hugs back!* YES IT IS POSTY TIME
that reminds me of something else
ffff what was it

_____ time

>3< oh wellll it'll come to me

omg I am just drenched in sweat xD it's like 88 degrees in here i swear

Duchess - Ohh you mean in flash?
I want to learn to make one of those so baaad
well not just that
learn flash, period

Demonskid 08-11-2010 02:29 AM

=o I use the commission me one for the pen sketch right? x3

Duchess 08-11-2010 02:31 AM

It's really easy imo... but then again. I learnt programming in IT for my O' Levels. LOL.

It's peanut buttah jelly tiiimmmeee *boogies*

Rem 08-11-2010 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Demonskid (Post 43418)
=o I use the commission me one for the pen sketch right? x3

! omgsh I forgot to put up an order form xD

You can copy that one for now, yes, and just adjust it properly for an order. I need to go add an order form, lmao xDD
thank you!

Duchess- !! YES!
That was it!
o__o whyyy did i think of that ..

O Levels? OHh you're in the UK?

Duchess 08-11-2010 02:38 AM

Dont be too harsh XDD I thought of it too c: Who doesnt love that ridiculous song...rhyme...rap..thing?

Oh and I'm not in the UK. I'm in a commonwealth country.. so we use a similar system =]

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