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krankhaus 02-23-2011 11:13 AM

Reccommendations for a gaming laptop?
Lol, I saw there was another thread for a college laptop, but no real suggestions.

But my old laptop's charger fried and I figured I would get a new laptop anyway because that one is old as fuck and has a massive amount of problems (such as the internet disconnects randomly, no matter where I am connected, I have VistAIDs on there and I'm petrified of fucking around with the laptop's OS, I need more memory and I don't want to carry around an external harddrive, etc).

So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for an excellent gaming laptop? I've heard that Alienware is the best when it comes to gaming, but I don't really want to go too far into my savings when it comes to getting a nice piece of equipment. Hell, I might just end up sticking with my current pile of poop and get a new charger.

But I would like to spend $1000 or less, preferably closer to $500 if you guys have any recommendations.

And if you've had any good or bad experiences with what you're recommending, tell me? I would love to know the ins-and-outs of what I may be buying. @ u @;;

Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys can help. <3

Matt the Merciless 02-26-2011 03:50 AM

I can't see you getting a good one for gaming for $500. I grabbed a Sony Vaio for around $600 and it can play a lot of games on lowest settings, but that's about it. I wish I waited and went with the Alienware, so I'll suggest go with the Alienware. Its just a lot easier if you're going for a laptop.

krankhaus 02-28-2011 11:06 AM

Haha, true. I looked at the prices for the really good Alienware laptops (the one starting at $1600, fffff) and they are holyshitamazing, but ohsoexpensive.

So no for the Sony? I'll keep that in mind, then. I think Alienware is the way to go as well, but I guess I'll just have to save up for it. I have plenty in savings right now, but I just don't know if I can bear to part with massive chunk of my savings for a laptop. u_u

The other thing I was looking into was buying a new desktop, but the one I have now is still fairly new (from August, '09).

I think I might just wait, period, for a new computer. Until my laptop dies, I'll probably stick with it. :L I will continue to oggle at the Alienwares, though. Amazing graphic cards, a shitload of RAM... unnnnnnnn do want. *grabbyhands*

OtoChan 03-05-2011 06:01 PM

I don't recommend laptops for gaming really xD i suppose alienware would be the best bet but it's seriously overpriced.

Desktop computers are the best for online gaming xD it would cost less and run like a dream with the right equipment :)

Oh and never ever go for a MAC for gaming xD they are just not built for that xD

krankhaus 03-08-2011 06:57 PM

Haha, thank you! Yeah, I don't like Apple, anyway. Everyone bought an iPod, I bought a Zune; everyone bought an iMac, I bought a PC; everyone bought an iPhone, I bought a Samsung Intercept with Droid.

The list goes on. P:

But I guess you're right... ;o; I was just hoping that maybe there was some nice laptop manufacturer out there aside from Alienware. I don't always have the luxury of being home, and I might be leaving to live at university next semester, but it's okay. I'm sure there are laptops that are good even if they aren't quite meant for gaming.

OtoChan 03-14-2011 05:02 PM

> krankhaus

I'm sure there is xD really most laptops can handle most games if its around 2GB ram. So really it would be find if you brought any laptop :P OH and have fun in university! 8D

Coda 03-14-2011 10:55 PM

Who said Macs aren't built for gaming? Until it finally died a few months back I was still playing World of Warcraft on a three-year-old MacBook. The fact that the ol' thing was still keeping up despite being THREE YEARS OLD should say something about how good Macs are at gaming. The only thing that would make a Mac "not built for gaming" is simply the fact that a lot of games are still being released Windows-only but that's changing -- especially since Steam is on Mac now. (Not to mention that Macs tend to run Windows better than your average Windows PC!)

That said, I can't recommend Sony for the same reason I can't recommend Alienware -- moreso, actually. With Alienware (and with Mac) you actually ARE getting a better computer for the extra money you're paying. With Sony, you're getting a computer that's no better than the competition but you're STILL paying more than you would for a comparable HP, Acer, or Toshiba laptop. My best experiences with a Windows laptop has been with Toshiba, actually; despite the somewhat off-brand name they're built quite ruggedly and they tend to be less expensive than the competition for their specs.

Ae86 03-24-2011 08:40 PM

Alien ware would be amazing to get. But kind of hard to just go pick up.. Sony or Samsung laptops are great for gaming. And they cost almost half as an alien ware :)

zombiefluff 05-18-2011 02:25 AM

I personally would stay away from Alienware. Ever since they sold out to Dell the standard and quality has dropped. I last invested in an Asus gamers republic and found that it waaaay outshown my alienware. Asus's overclocking abilities make my multi tasking so much easier and I have never had a crash.... while my alienware loves to freeze and force restart on occasion.

Illusion 05-18-2011 11:59 PM

Try building your own labtop, a lot cheaper and faster. Plus you can fill in all the game chips you want into it <3

8bit 05-19-2011 12:22 AM

Alienware is prob the most efficient laptop to play games on xD in my opinion anyways aha

Illusion 05-19-2011 12:43 AM

I wanna try alienware so bad! <3

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