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-   -   [Disco Lemonade] New Charity on Da Block. U: (

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 10:48 PM

[Disco Lemonade] New Charity on Da Block. U:

M e w 12-13-2010 10:49 PM

Of course there's rules, so follow them.
- Follow Trisphee's ToS and RoC.
- NO PROCREATING, we don't want no babies in here.
- No begging, you have no chance of getting anything if you beg.
- Helpers are chosen by us, you aren't able to be a helper by asking or filling out some form. We only let friends we trust be helpers.
- Don't get mad if you don't get a donation right away, if you chat in here and treat everyone well you will most likely get a donation. Patience is key.
- Don't be jealous of others' donations. Most donations here will be by random chance, sometimes you get lucky other times you don't. DEAL WITH IT.
- Don't criticise our charity, we're doing this the way we want to and any charity should be praised. We're giving stuff away for free, we don't have to do this, we want to.
- Don't harrass us, our helpers, or anybody else in this charity. We're all here to help each other, love and peace please. ♥
- More rules may be added and we have the right to add these rules.

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 10:51 PM

These are the updates and stuff of the thread. <3
- Thread made on December 14, 2010

M e w 12-13-2010 10:52 PM

M e w
Hi there, I'm Mew.
I am co-creator of this fine charity and Lee is my partner in crime. ;U
Read no if you want to know more about me.

I am a 17 year old high school senior.
I am an artist and have a huge interest in the arts overall.
I am a very open minded person and I try not to judge people before I really know them.
I am a pretty shy person to strangers, but once I know you I am probably one of the most sarcastic, joking person you will ever meet. ;D
I can be quite the dramaqueen when I want to be, as well as being very immature, but I can also be a very serious person and hold an intellectual conversation.
I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends so don't be afraid to start up a conversation with me!

Need to know anything else? Just ask! :]

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 10:54 PM

Hello, hello everyone. I'm the ever fabled #FFFFFF, or... As most people call me... I am simply Lee.
I've had two charities before and they are much more fun when you have a charity WITH someone rather than by yourself. <3

Anywho... I'm a 19 year old college freshman.
I'm an avid writer and I enjoy things such as the fine arts as well as music... I really, really enjoy music for that matter.
I'm an EXTREMELY open minded person and I'm very opinionated. Unlike Mew, I'm quick to judge. Sometimes too quick, but you can change my judgment with your own actions. Be warned.
I'm not shy in the least bit. I'm not afraid to talk to someone I don't know about the most awkward topics that can be thought up... I'm random and you will love it.
Sure, I can be immature at times, but meh... Who isn't? I just like to joke and be silly honestly. It's a curse, but it's a mighty fun one.
I do enjoy to have serious and intellectual conversations, as long as it's not a debate or someone shoving their religion down my throat for some odd reasons that never make sense to me... I'm a PastafarianAgnostic and no one is going to change that.
I love talking to new people and making friends. It's my crack, so come on in and chat us up!

M e w 12-13-2010 10:57 PM

These people are helpers; basically they help moderate the charity and may even sometimes donate!

Hello, I am Taiki aka Taikimon. I am pretty shy, but I love making friends so don't be afraid to talk to me. I graduated from the college F.I.D.M. with a degree in Graphic Design. I like to draw and make webcomics.

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 10:58 PM

These are what people have donated to the thread. <3

Dr Hoenybun
Zypher Set, 4k, Armor of Decayed, Guise of Soulsx2, & Nocturnalis Harvestx2
What they donated.

M e w 12-13-2010 11:01 PM

The overall list of donations that have been given out.

Pocket - Phaunos Spirit, Frostbite, Ribbon Mage
- iSky3 - Blaqkin's, Trey's, Taiye's, and Lunae's Bundle + Ribbon Mage

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 11:02 PM

Page Prizes

Page 50 - 50au |
Page 100 - 100au |
Page 150 - 150au |
Page 200 - 200au |
Page 250 - 250au |
Page 300 - 300au |
Page 350 - 350au |
Page 400 - 400au |
Page 450 - 450au |
Page 500 - 500au |
Page 550 - 550au |
Page 600 - 600au |
Page 650 - 650au |
Page 700 - 700au |
Page 750 - 750au |
Page 800 - 800au |
Page 850 - 850au |
Page 900 - 900au |
Page 950 - 950au |
Page 1000 - 1000au |

M e w 12-13-2010 11:05 PM

Of course random donations and page contests aren't the only ways to get items!
We will have a variation of special events going on, such as holiday events, giveaways for Trisphee's sitewide events, quote games, and plenty more!

Monthly Items
I'm sure everyone knows that each month there are three new items available in Archaic Antiquities.
One set of each month's items will be given out to one person who stands out as a great contributer to the charity.
This doesn't mean you have to donate to the charity or kiss ass to us, it just means you need to be an active poster and a respectable person.
* Don't ask for these, they will be given out to the person WE CHOOSE. You ask for them you won't get them.

This months items are --- Winter Royalty, Xinnian, and Celestial Werewolf

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 11:08 PM

These are links to our thread and to other threads. ^^ PM me if you want to be added to the list and just take our button to your thread. <3

Our Buttons

Other Threads

M e w 12-13-2010 11:09 PM

"There she was, in platform double-suede...
Ya there she was, like Disco Lemonade."

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 11:12 PM

"There she was, in platform double-suede...
Ya there she was, like Disco Lemonade."

M e w 12-13-2010 11:13 PM

"There she was, in platform double-suede...
Ya there she was, like Disco Lemonade."

#FFFFFF 12-13-2010 11:14 PM

"There she was, in platform double-suede...
Ya there she was, like Disco Lemonade."

M e w 12-13-2010 11:16 PM

"There she was, in platform double-suede...
Ya there she was, like Disco Lemonade."

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