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Panda 07-18-2019 02:13 PM

Anka Egg
I think it would be nice,
if you guys add runes option for the egg.

The site is not active like it used to be, so earning Aurum is hard for some people like myself who rarely post anymore. A lot of us are grown up now, we can afford to donate and also help keep higher amount of items in circulation this way. The Aurum option can still be there, but just have another option of payment. <3

Kaderin Triste 07-18-2019 02:34 PM

Lol. Just sell me all your spare runes?
(Jk, I'm actually not quite active enough to buy very many on a regular basis.)

Coda 07-18-2019 05:22 PM

I mean no disrespect, but the entire point of selling items for aurum is to encourage activity on the site. We'd much rather see people participate in the Trisphee community than just take their money.

1000 aurum isn't even that much if you play the crane game.

Panda 07-18-2019 06:43 PM

Yes, I understand that's the point when you guys initiated this. Now a day, there's hardly many people online at the same time. The ones that do post, they still post here and there with or without the Rune option.

KittyBeary 07-18-2019 09:58 PM

Yeah, I have way more aurum than runes. ;u; I don't buy runes a lot and I try to post often so I have no problem saving up. D:

Coda 07-18-2019 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1898880)
Yes, I understand that's the point when you guys initiated this. Now a day, there's hardly many people online at the same time. The ones that do post, they still post here and there with or without the Rune option.

Yes, that's exactly the point. Why should we remove posting incentives when we're already sort of quiet on activity? That sounds like giving up.

Illusion 07-24-2019 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1898887)
Yes, that's exactly the point. Why should we remove posting incentives when we're already sort of quiet on activity? That sounds like giving up.

I agree, but also I'd argue we have an avalanche of items we can waste money on, just not enough incentives to post and earn aurum when the site is as active as an old folk home.

Some of the most fun I had was the early days of the game forum and earning aurum playing forum games getting immediate dopamine rushes to each easy purchase of the item to build and play with. We have such a huge aurum sink with the option of dozens of colors for each item, the time to post and earn to make some avatars is a long time sink for the dopamines we get back from them.

Hosting double aurum days, returning the games forum to regular aurum amounts, and slowly building activity is what the site needs to do. And the best part all of that is easy to do on your end. You have the database filled with content, the market isn't destroyed in any way, you just lack activity.

Having every weekend for a month give double aurum will help rise activity. Just a thought.

Also another note, the double posting rule we have to post after another post. Activity is dead because when one person is actively trying to post, they are waiting for ages for someone to post, maybe pass their free time, and it takes ages to post again.

Few suggestions:
Notifications when someone quotes you/@'s you, just like the private message system.

Being able to make our profiles more like status updates sharing images, thoughts, or sharing quotes like modern social media sites. Or having the profile and main page integrated more into one in that aspect.

And being able to only upvote comments or to not vote up comments for a Reddit-like karma system. Just no downvoting.


Also, Panda, buying RIGs "AKA lootboxes" for money would put it under laws blocking the exchange of loot boxes in Europe if certain laws are passed. (And I greatly support them if they do). So making Anka eggs for money would contribute to a larger problem when I think the solution to the problem is more means to make things active, and or ways to be active when other people are not on the site.

Coda 07-24-2019 09:17 PM

We don't have a double-posting rule. We have a triple-posting rule with exceptions. If the only thing blocking you from posting more often is the fact that you can't reply to your own thread, then there's something else wrong.

Mention notifications are on the "someday" list. It's harder than it sounds. Not impossible, but pretty significant.

Reactions like what they have on Spacebattles / Sufficient Velocity (or, i suppose, on Discord) are something I've been pondering over for a while. I definitely wouldn't restrict it to just a Like button; I'd want several different types of rating (informative, funny, etc.). But that means that you can respond to a thread just by clicking a button, and that doesn't contribute anything to the conversation. People who would have left a post about how much they like something might instead just leave a like.

Social media style profile feeds are even more counterproductive -- we already HAVE something just like that: hangout threads.

That said, the double-aurum events are a good idea and we have a mechanism to do that already. Worth thinking about.

Illusion 07-24-2019 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1899293)
We don't have a double-posting rule. We have a triple-posting rule with exceptions. If the only thing blocking you from posting more often is the fact that you can't reply to your thread, then there's something else wrong.

Mention notifications are on the "someday" list. It's harder than it sounds. Not impossible, but pretty significant.

Reactions like what they have on Spacebattles / Sufficient Velocity (or, I suppose, on Discord) are something I've been pondering over for a while. I definitely wouldn't restrict it to just a Like button; I'd want several different types of rating (informative, funny, etc.). But that means that you can respond to a thread just by clicking a button, and that doesn't contribute anything to the conversation. People who would have left a post about how much they like something might instead just leave alike.

Social media style profile feeds are even more counterproductive -- we already HAVE something just like that: hangout threads.

That said, the double-aurum events are a good idea and we have a mechanism to do that already. Worth thinking about.

1. I didn't mean to say anything bad about the double posting rule, I meant to say, we can't talk to ourselves, there need to be methods to create engagement from individual users, that don't require other members to engage with them within the limited timespan they are online in order to earn aurum. We need a method in the nature of starting threads, like Facebook status updates, where we can leave thoughts and images on a page that can spark discussion or allows engagement within people's own schedule's that is timeless and not limited to another users engagement, hangout or otherwise. If the engagements are solely community-based and there is no community available, you just lost that engagement for the day. Social media profile structure probably isn't the best idea. But it's structure of how it creates individual engagements with the user are what needs to be looked and evaluated on how they can be implemented organically with Trisphee.

Which is why I brought up the games forum, we need things people can throw a comment out there and put themselves on a pedestal for someone to engage with them. When the site first started, we removed the aurum amount to help curve tail them to other forums and threads. But now I think doing so removed an active engagement, and means to obtaining satisfaction of getting aurum for ___ item.

2. I'd imagine notifications or anything on that "someday" list is an undertaking. The idea is still a convenience factor that would help with inactivity with less engaged site vistors. Not sure what would be involved in the coding side of things. I feel similar code exists already on the site's current notifications systems.

3. I agree, for a forum, things such as giving someone a smiley face, frowny face, crying, love, and so on don't contribute to a discussion. But imaginary internet points like Reddit Karma (but without the option to downvote into the negatives), give someone more attention to what someone is saying, or resonation to a thread or post, and gives people a small obsession to obtain more. There doesn't have to be a value to it, just positive vibes.

4. Double aurum mechanic would require planning. Dropping one alongside an Anka egg release to generate excitement and rewarding to active people who are online during its release, or the day or week before it's removed from the shops to create urgency. Or "gifted' to certain threads or forums by Admins could also create a fun factor. The idea needs to be utilized where it's versatile but introduced as a concept in a larger way early on with a clear and strong message this will be events to look forward and plan to participate in.

Coda 07-25-2019 11:16 AM

1. Oh, I see, you were talking about going the OTHER way. Well, I don't really see a good way to do anything about it. The rule is written the way it is for a good reason, and that reason is still valid.

2. The notification system in and of itself is the easy part. There are two parts that are actually difficult: (1) Detecting a mention in the first place (though quotes are easy), and (2) Tracking the notification data, including whether or not it's been acknowledged. The engineering isn't terribly difficult, but there's a lot of grunt work and a lot of unknowns about integrating with vBulletin.

3. Having gone from Sufficient Velocity (which has like/insightful/informative/funny/hugs reaction buttons) to Questionable Questing (which only has like) I really don't ever want to go back to only having a single reaction. If we're going to have it at all, we should have options. (We don't need to go as far as Discord where arbitrary emoji can be used as reactions.) I'm not arguing with your rationale; I agree with it, which is why I'm conflicted about it.

4. Well yes, of course. I've got some thoughts already.

Gogandantes 09-15-2019 02:37 PM

what are the eggs?

Espy 09-15-2019 03:51 PM

Anka Eggs can be found in the Archaic Antiquities shop. They’re RIGs that have an equal chance of giving you one item out of a selection of five. The items found in the current RIG can be check from the News thread.

Stabbsworth 09-16-2019 11:20 AM

i think a double aurum week would be pretty good for activity. i've also heard that there's planned to be daily rewards for logging in, could extend that system to say, if you make five posts a day, you could get a bit of aurum out of it.

then again, the events give plenty of aurum, provided there's some activity.

note: i'm not an on-site developer, so take what i say with a grain of salt if you wish.

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