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sylvanSpider 03-05-2018 05:44 PM

Wangle Dangle 3: Gumming It Up In Technicolour//[m][Patchyspider]
Liam was not always a creature of the night. No, at one point he was solar-powered, a writer, a poet. The sun was once a friend, aiding in afternoon trips to the park, lighting his notebook as he scribbled his thoughts in iambic pentameter, Spenserian sonnets, free-verse. All was at the command of his fingertips. Once, his poetry was happy – calling upon the songbirds to be his muse, the breeze flitting through the trees to determine meter and rhyme. Poetry, at least, was still his friend; though his friend, like himself, had taken a very different form.

It wasn't like the sunlight was a complete enemy; it certainly wasn't like the tales. Vampires were supposed to melt or catch fire in the sunlight, but Liam upon his change found that not to be the case. The rays of the sun did have a different effect, however. His abilities that he'd gained would dissipate, weakness would take hold, drowsiness would cloud his vision in long bouts of exposure. Worst of all, it consumed his energy, to the point that it would increase his thirst. No, the sunlight was not an enemy, but it was no longer the intimate friend he had become so well acquainted with.

The sun was now setting, painting the sky with glorious brush strokes of reds and oranges only to fade to shades of blues and purples. In less urban spaces, the stars would have shown their faces. It was springtime; Liam would have been able to point to Bootes, Cancer, Crater, Hydra, Leo, Virgo. As it stood, the stars were as quiet as the street he stood on. The lamplights flickered on and Liam's shadow stretched before him like some creature in a scary children's tale and he was once again reminded of his solitude.

He marched on, hands buried in his pockets. As far as he could tell, he was not being followed. It was the first time in a while he could not detect another's presence, and it seemed that at least for the moment, he had lost them. The neighborhood he found himself in was of the swankier caliber, and he knew that if he were to find a place to occupy with a potential willing human tenant, it would be here. His services would be free as far as currency was concerned; his need was blood and a place to stay. Should he apply as a butler, room and board would be provided. He simply needed someone to dispel his secret to.

The largest house loomed at the end of the street, and that, he decided, would be his destination. He walked up to the door, straightened his tie and knocked.

Patcharhoo 03-05-2018 07:37 PM

Leona had a rather long day of standing in crowds and small talking to the most eligible bachelors the city had to offer, though this was a normal social party for the high class elites of Great Falls, it seemed her father was still attempting to sell her off after many failed attempts. She'd always play her role perfectly being the child anyone would be jealous of, but of course she was still a woman and seen as more of an accessory to the rich and famous. She knew one day she'd have to latch onto someone's arm to appease her family, but even then she did not enjoy the idea of using anyone for her own gain. She had seen the fallout from situations like that before and it did not seem like a good time for either party.

Luckily for her, the party ended early leaving the experienced adults to deal with some top secret issue and allowing her to be home alone for many hours. This of course was her prime time to work on her creations. The house after all was massive and full of hidden rooms and passages, which of course is where he own work space was. Tucked behind a movable bookcase that also lead outside with false paneling. No one would have ever known the better from the inside or out.

Leona had worked for hours in blissful silence, she was was somewhat happy to know that anther batch of help had been fired due to her mother's extreme need for perfection and it wasn't uncommon at all for them to be servant-less. She was used to be waited on for the most part so she of course did lack a few common skills that mostly revolved around taking care of the home, which is something she assumed she'd never have to do. Her family was disgustingly rich and so was she from betting on her fights. Even if she were to cut ties right now with her horrid family she'd be able to live the same lifestyle, but that would be far too simple for her own taste. No, no, she wanted to see the corruption around her suffer. Having been forced into silence most of her life left her to stew in her own hatred for far too long.

The sound of a clock chiming brought Leona back to reality now realizing how late it was. She'd curse to herself multiple times as she'd shimmy out her clothing and in her disguise. It wasn't anything amazing really, just normal street clothing, more less or wanting to replace her over the top display dresses with something far more comfortable [[ xx
]]. Dumping her dirty clothes on the floor and grabbing her bag, clanking around full of tools, she'd push open up her room's hidden doorway to the outside world. Before fully exiting she'd grab something in a decently large cube shape that was neatly wrapped in red cloth. It would be clear to any one that she would struggling with the weight of the cube, but she'd stubbornly hold onto it closely as she walked around the house only to stop at her front door, seeing some man knocking.

She'd let out a deep frustrated sigh knowing how late she was going to be now. "" Aye! Did the agency really send someone out this late?" She'd say a little too loudly as she approached, referring to a job agency that normally sent maids and butlers to their family. "i'm sure you'll be more then happy to know that no one else has applied for a job here, so you just have it." She'd state a little too roughly as she'd drop the cube into his arms. "I'm your new employer and i'm running very fucking late so if you could just please follow me. i'll sign your papers when we get there, kay?" Without even giving him a chance to respond she'd quickly turn on her heels, going through the back yard and under a decently large hole in the fence that lined their property and would continue straight into the shadiest part of the city.

sylvanSpider 03-05-2018 10:44 PM

Liam raised his fist to knock again fearing that no one was home when he heard some rustling from the other side of the door. His hand lowered, and he adjusted his posture to ramrod straight, clearing his throat. Liam was ready for an introduction when the door burst open, the form of a woman appearing in the doorway. She was struggling with something cube-shaped. He stepped forward and as he offered his arms for the heavy object, it landed and he had to adjust himself to make up for the added weight. First impressions were paramount, and this woman was certainly leaving just that.

She was beautiful to say the very least, cerulean hair framing a narrow face, housing large blue eyes, a petite nose, and soft, lush lips. The woman's garb spoke at once of comfort and money, and she seemed to be a business-first woman. All the better, thought William, they are the easiest to serve. I simply need to understand her business now. As for his own first impression, his goal was also business. Service being seen but not heard, the perfect tool for convenience. If his service was good enough, a bit of blood weekly or bi-weekly would be but a small price to pay.

“, there was no agency; I'm freelance, you see--” Liam started, but was cut off when the woman continued speaking. His jaw snapped shut as he listened, nodding when he was supposed to, though the woman was no longer even looking at him, moving past him. He was indeed pleased to hear that they were, in fact, hiring. He couldn't have hoped for a better outcome, being hired on the spot, though he was not expecting his new master to be so...brash. “Yes, as you wish, there a title of some sort you would like me to call you?”

Patcharhoo 03-06-2018 12:11 AM

Leona would seemingly be ignoring everything he was saying as she'd lead him through the streets, walking extremely swiftly. It was only about a fifteen minute stroll through several back allies before she'd abruptly stop in a very unlit area near some run down buildings. The ground below them was vibrate rather widely from time to time. Taking a moment to turn to him and look around in a rather paranoid fashion she'd finally speak." Freelance you said? So you don't know who I am yet?" She'd ask while she'd start to shift through her bag. The sound of metals slapping together lightly filled the empty area around them. " Here's the deal, i'll let you stay around for the night and deiced if you want the job. Mother dearest likes to fire the help so having my own personal butler would be more then lovely, but I have an interesting hobby. If you want to leave after tonight i'll pay you a large sum to forget everything you saw." She'd hardly look at him as she'd finally fish out her mask and carefully align it with her face. " If you stay, great. I'll answer any question your heart desires, but right now I can't be seen in public with you, since your mask-less. she'd stat a little frustrated at how she'd forget about such an important thing.

After mauling it over the slender girl would lean up close to the man's ear, leaning on her toes to whisper. " Wait five minutes after I round this corner and speak to gentlemen standing there and say 'Belladonna sent me' and enjoy the show." She'd give him an encouraging smile while she took back her cube and did exactly the same thing she had just told him to do except she would of course be a part of the show. Unfortunately to make it to the stadium underground she'd have to lug her heavy bot down several winding tight stair cases.

By the time her possible butler would have made it to the central part of the hidden arena he'd be completely unnoticeable to her in the sea of people cheering for both her and her opponent. Leona would be standing on the left side of the battle field, placing her unclothed cube the ground. with a snap of her hand the cube unraveled it's self into a large hulking bot, steam bellowing out of it's eyes. She'd look calm and collected as anther bot entered the battle field from the opposite side of the arena where anther man stood.

The sound of a bell rang out causing the two machines to start their brawl. With every psychical assault screws, bolts and pieces of metal showered over the crowd until finally Leona's creation broke through the other bot's putter shell ripping apart it's inner workings until it collapsed onto the ground. After the winner was declared a large sum of money would be delivered to her side of the field. Fights would continue on like this for six more rounds until finally her fed up competition seemed to crowd her. She'd look vastly uncomfortable as guns were being drawn in her direction, the rallying mob claiming she was cheating and demanding their money back. She'd stiffen up, stepping back, her arms raised slightly. Like an idiot she had manged to forget her own firearm while she rushed out of the house. She wanted to be here early in order to speak to one of her father's 'clients' but had already missed out on him. She knew better then to just skip out on fights she was scheduled in or else she'd never get slotted again without having to bribe her way back in.

sylvanSpider 03-06-2018 01:38 AM

Liam fell silent, his question seeming to fall on deaf ears. Initially, the only sounds he could pick up were those of their footsteps – the clicking of her quicker shorter footfalls, and the padding of his own rubbered soles. Their silence, while not the most comforting in the presence of a stranger, allowed him to get a bearing of his surroundings. He took in the streetsigns, the landmarks, making notes of any and every slight turn. The mystery as to where they were going had him on edge. For all he knew, the reason she was in ready need of servants was because she was a serial killer. The thought was absurd, of course, but he had to ready regardless.

The ground shook beneath his feet, and momentarily he jumped, expecting some explosion or other. But when none came and there was no surprise from his master, he took solace in that this was probably normal. “Yes, that's correct. I've yet to lay eyes on the likes of you; you are completely foreign to me, as is this area.” He cringed, hearing the sound of metals – if any of those were iron, he was going to be suffering for a while, but forced a more pleasant expression when he noticed she was now talking to him. Liam shook his head, “That won't do. Money does not interest me.” His voice was calm, collected. The voice of one who was at once obedient and completely in control. A servant's life was one of servitude, seemingly the opposite of dominant. But, there was more to that. In order for a servant to remain sturdy, they must always be in control of the self and the self's reactions. “I'll counter your proposition with a secret of mine own. One I expect you to keep, should we part ways. It will be secret for secret. My secret is necessary knowledge that you will need to have should I serve you long term. Do we have a deal?”

Liam watched with steady eyes as the woman donned her mask, his curiosity looming ever closer. Whatever was going to happen within the next few minutes would be the likes he'd never seen. The box no longer in his hand, he nodded to show understanding, “I will do as you say.” He lifted his sleeve and glanced at the well-worn watch on his wrist and nodded, watching. Once his master disappeared behind the corner and checked his watch once more, approaching the doorman exactly five minutes later. “Belladonna sent me,” he said, matter-of-factly. The man guarding the door stepped aside and ushered him in.

He took his place among the sea of faces, rising to his feet to get a better look throughout the course of the show. He recognized his master immediately, watching to see both what she did as well as her bot. Victory after victory was won, and he felt his heart welling with pride that he would be the one to serve her.

Always keeping a careful eye on his master, he recognized the glint of a gun's shiny surface and he immediately began to push his way through the crowd, until he stepped in front of her, separating her from the rest of the crowd, arms up to show he had no weapons, “Gentlemen, is there a reason you are behaving like savages? I hope that you realize that flashing guns around because you lost makes you look like a child and a sore loser. I sincerely doubt the owner of this arena would stand for the loss of his main attraction. Now, before you look more foolish, don't you think it best to stand down?”

Patcharhoo 03-06-2018 11:26 PM

Leona's eyes almost popped out of her head as she'd watch her butler step between her and the assailants. This man is insane She'd struggle not to blurt her thoughts aloud while shimming slowly backwards toward her bot, gently grabbing at the back of her butler's coat, taking him slowly with her. " Yes! as this extremely brave stranger says, it is against one of the very few rules of the Don's arena! He would be very unhappy to know some drunk goons were ruining his amazing shows, but don't worry you can keep the money. She'd tease them, finishing her sentence as she'd be standing bu the leg of her robot. She'd swiftly kick a bolt free from it's ankle causing an immense amount of steam to explode from the machine and then spew out into a huge thick cloud that covered most of the battle field.

Without heisting Leona would now fully grab at her butler's hands, only holding onto his middle three fingers in her small delicate hand, but her grip was tight as she'd forcefully pull him through the crowd towards an exit. Gun fire followed behind t causing the crowd to open up a large pathway for them to avoid any stray bullets. Leona would almost break the doors down as she'd ram her body onto the outside world, but she didn't stop moving. She had manged to drag both of them back to her backyard in under five minutes and then straight through the front door.

The sounds of her panting heavily echoed through the large home as she'd slowly lean herself against the front door, slinking onto the ground. As she caught her breath she'd soon start to giggle, the adrenaline from the her near death experience was fully kicking in and she couldn't help herself. In fact, she didn't even notice the small wound on her putter arm from a bullet just having barely grazed her. Instead, she'd look up at her companion and grin widely at him. " You surely are just as crazy as I am. My name is Leona Bell Nix and I am the wonderful daughter to a very corrupt and powerful man and I have a passion for very dangerous robot fights." By the time she was done talking she would have finally caught her breath. Sloppily she'd take of her mask, lightly tossing it onto the ground next to her. " Now what kind of big secret do you not need money for in return for job? If your in trouble with the law i'm sure I could keep you safe." She'd ask, more or less convinced he'd be staying after he willingly became a human meat shield. she figured he was in some sort of trouble and required a new identity or something to hide away from.. Whatever.

sylvanSpider 03-07-2018 01:49 AM

Liam, his back turned to his master, did not see her flabbergasted face. He was under the assumption that this was simply what a butler was expected to do – serve, and when need be, protect. Now was an instance of the latter, and his master's assailants did not scare him in the slightest. “Brave? Only as brave as the coin makes me, because I was intelligent enough to place my bets on the person with the obvious best bot. I have a lot going for her survival...And you lot would too, if you had any sense to you.” Of course, he never placed any bets, but any distance he could put on their relationship in the other machinist's eyes would be welcome. Particularly as he was planning on accompanying her to these events in the future.

He felt his hand being tugged and he moved with it, through the steam and with his master. She was a mastermind, it seemed, and he was more than happy to already claim her as his master. When they were safely situated through the front door, Liam straightened his tie, returning his master's smile. “It appears to me, Miss Leona, that we make an excellent team. My name is Liam Anthony Farrier, the son of two deceased low-born souls whose names are as unimportant as their lives are.” He took a deep breath. The easy part was out of the way. How should he begin? Well, the truth, for one. “If I was running from something as mundane as the law, I would have no need to reach out to you. What I am running from is far more sinister than that. You see, I am a vampire. Last I knew, there was a Hellsing on my trail, but I seem to have lost him after giving him a false trail...”

Liam inhaled through his nostrils, the second hardest part behind him. The first was yet to come, “As far as a price for my services, I need blood. Not...not enough to kill you or anything, of course. Just enough to keep me satiated, enough to keep me from going feral. Starvation for a vampire is worse than anything you can imagine, Miss. I would...prefer it if there were not to be another mishap.”

Patcharhoo 03-07-2018 11:09 PM

"Liam She'd instantly repeat to herself so she could hopefully remember it. Leona had always struggled with being able to remember the smallest of details. She hardly remembered when her own birthday was or anyone else's for that matter, let alone names. She would have to speak to so many people so often that her brain just shut out people and started to replace their names with objects or animals to make it easier on her. It seems as time went on she just stopped caring at all about storing anything too personal about people in her brain.

Though when he spoke lowly of his parents a part of her wanted to tell him not to be so rude to his parents but that would have been extremely hypocritical of her. She was going to ask him about it, but instead he mentioned he was a vampire being chased by Hellsing. She'd tilt her head back and forth twice like a small confused puppy, her expression was extremely puzzled. Liam was so serous, clearly he wasn't joking.. Or was he... She really couldn't tell, but the man was acting as though this was truly an important person and he was so much so a vampire that he did not need money, but her blood.

Mishap..? She'd mutter back at him, clearly struggling to fully understand the vampire bit. It was like Liam could see the cogs turning inside of her head as she'd just stare at him. Leona would finally stand up, now feeling the slight pain of the wound of her arm as she leaned out it. She'd just slightly whence at the pain before pulling her arm up to look at it. " Vampires are real? Are they stronger then normal people? Are there a lot of vampires? How much blood does a vampire need and how often? Did someone else turn you or were you just born like this? Why would Hellsign want you? Does he just hunt vampires? Are vampire hunters a real thing too? How common are they?" The questions would escape her mouth in an uncontrollably quick fashion. She couldn't help herself at all, but she finally did realize how many questions she asked and would close her jaw tightly, blushing slightly at how embarrassing it was for her to be acting so childish.. was she wrong to be so confused?

After a very short moment she'd fully lift her arm up to him, allowing him to.. to... Drink? Eat? Nourish on her blood, It was somewhat more or less her wanting to know if someone could actually crave blood or what it would be like to have him drain her of blood

sylvanSpider 03-08-2018 06:08 PM

Liam waited patiently while she repeated his name in an attempt to engrave it in her memory. The struggle to remember the most minuscule of details was one that he associated with his human life, some fifty years prior. Since becoming a vampire, he'd had a need to remember the names of places he'd been, names of hunters (or, Hellsings, as the Church liked to call them), the faces of said hunters, the names of bars and pubs that made for easy and violence free feeding due to an increased likelihood of finding one passed out in the alley. It'd started out with a notebook he used to carry, but soon it got full, and he'd found that he retained the information regardless.

Still, he wished he could go back to that time of blissful ignorance.

Liam's discussion of his parents was not intended to speak lowly of them, merely to inform her that they came from a lower class – their names lost to the annals of time. When their names stopped appearing on the census, that was the end of them. Their names would be remembered by none save himself. He waved off her repetition of the word “mishap,” not wanting to recall those unfortunate events that were led to by none other than his own starvation. His actions led to that innocent woman's death, yes, but it was the Church's imposed starvation that drove him to madness. He knew not what he did as he did it. By the time he came to his senses, she was gone.

The butler could only smile as the questions tumbled out of his master's mouth and again, he waited for her to finish so he could answer them one at a time, “They are, and I am one. When not under the light of the sun, yes. There are not many anymore, and this is probably for the better. The amount of blood I require is based on two things: the passage of time and how much energy I use up – the more energy I consume, the more blood I must in turn consume. I was turned. He wants me dead, as do his employers – though, I've heard mention of one Hellsing that takes my kind alive for experimental purposes. He hunts any supernatural being, though many of them will have their specialties. Vampire hunters are hellsings. I do not know for certain. In the entire time I've been a vampire, I've ran into three.” He answered each question coolly, calmly, and with as much ease as he could muster to try to convince his young master that she should remain his master and be willing to part with his price.

He blinked, not expecting her to give so freely, without ever signing or even glancing at the contract he bore in his inner-breast pocket. He reached for her hand, taking it in his own and glanced at her uncertain. “So you agree to the price, then? There are...methods...that will ensure that a mark will not be left on your skin. That is, if you are not afraid of needles. You're, ehm, certain about my feeding in this...method?”

Patcharhoo 03-09-2018 05:29 PM

Leona stood patently as Liam started to answer all of her questions in an easy succession. She'd nod automatically every once and awhile as she'd absorb the information though it only brought on more questions,she thought it would be best not to over run him with anymore. Though there was still one very important question that she thought she must know. " What happens if a Hellsing does find you? Would I able to protect you or would I not matter in that situation?" She'd say a little more seriously, not really thinking of herself. She didn't think she could pose a threat to some skilled enough to handle killing something that was stronger then a human. Yet Leona knew well enough that she possessive of her things, even now she was stewing about losing her bot in the arena, though this was something she was good at hiding, but not good at controlling. She'd more then likely sneak around until she found her creation again, no matter how dangerous it may be. The thought of protecting her butler would probably seem silly, but technically if she agreed to have him as her own employee he was her responsibility. A responsibility that may need protecting.

She'd stare at him blankly, not even thinking about agreeing to the price, she just wanted to know more then anything. Even if Liam was a random person on the street she'd still want to experiment herself. The uses for vampires could be extremely interesting.. In fact having a super human body guard would be something worth paying top dollar for, yet here this man was, just looking for a meal. She could only wonder how often this symbiotic relationship accours. Yet if Liam was like a vampire from the fables she could only wonder how old her was and how often he had posed as a butler for plain old humans.

" Oh.. so there is an actual contract for something like this? Is there a fine print I should read? Leona would pull out her free hand, wiggling her fingers slightly as she waited for the contract. "I'm not very worried about marks, i'd rather you just take what you need when you need it from me. My body is not un-scared. I may look dainty, but I'v been roughed up before in similar situations as earlier. It's not like i'll know when your hungry. so just bite as you wish." She'd speak extremely causally on the manner fully meaning what she was saying. She honestly thought this would be the easier way for him to take care of his needs. She would never understand what it would be like to thirst so much for something so much. Plus she wasn't a mind reader and wasn't going to go out of her to do something that would just be a part of her everyday life now.

sylvanSpider 03-09-2018 07:07 PM

Liam's face turned grim and his eyes moved from hers to a spot on the floor, “No, you would not be able to protect me. They are specifically trained to take the wretched creatures like myself off the planet and an innocent civilian would only get caught in the cross-fire should I linger. If a Hellsing appears, I must either flee or kill him.” Liam's eyes found hers again and he sighed, simultaneously amazed at her ready loyalty to a servant and aware of the fact that she had not yet seen the terrors they were capable of. “This is why I sought a position as a servant. In finding one willing human candidate to serve, we could form a sort of symbiotic relationship. I can lay low, and you can have your every want and need taken care of by your ardent and eager butler. Ideally, a Hellsing would never know I was here, or, if they did, that I was a vampire. They can only tell us apart if they catch a glimpse of our teeth, or bear witness to a feeding or use of one of our inhuman abilities.”

Liam was silent for a moment, briefly forgetting that Leona's hand still rest within his own. “I...have drafted a contract, yes. Similar to any contract you would sign for any of your in-house staff. The drafted contract can, of course, be altered should you find fault with it, but it also places restrictions on myself. I cannot take more blood than is safe for my master, and my master cannot disclose my status as a vampire to any.” He chuckled softly, “No, there is no fine print; I have no need to lead you astray. All conditions are printed and clear, and I will disclose answers to any question that you might have pertaining to myself; I will not lie.”

It seemed to Liam that his first employer was more perfect for him than he could have ever conceived. She was willing. Naive, perhaps, but one eager to begin a life with a vampire as a servant. He would do the best he could to ensure that it would be worth her while. Lifting Leona's wrist to his lips, he glanced up at her as if to be doubly sure, before pricking her flesh with the edge of one of his canines. Razor-sharp, it pierced through her flesh easily, but he was careful to not go deep. He just needed enough for a flow of blood.

Leona's blood was as the best and sweetest of aged wines, rich and teeming with flavor. Ah, had she an infinite amount of blood he could have gorged for hours. But he knew when to stop and before she could get faint headed, he pulled away, taking out a handkerchief, pressing it to the small opening and applied pressure. Her blood would coagulate there, later creating a scab, and eventually would heal completely. Licking his lips after his meal, Liam stepped back and tried to assess her condition before he asked, “Was that alright? How do you feel?”

Patcharhoo 03-11-2018 12:00 AM

Leona would instantly want to protest to not being able to protect him. She was too stubborn to think that she personally couldn't handle an issue that was flung at her. Normally all she needed was time to think things over. She was a slow mover, but a hard hitter when she had a decent plan to follow. Regardless there must have been something they could do in case of an emergence. After all she was technically in danger having this vampire around, sure some kind of precautions would better then nothing at the very least. Even if the safest thing for both of them would be for him to run away she'd at least like for him to go somewhere she knew would be safe."I'm sure I can do something to assist." She'd state extremely stubbornly. She knew nothing of Hellsing, but she can surely learn. Liam seemed pretty confidant that he could hide well among her and although her mother has a close connection to churches and their charities Leona herself rarely had to be around things that would deem vampires a no-no. Perhaps she was over thinking this as always, but she knew well enough that keeping something dangerous close to you always meant that mishaps were bound to happen. The scar on her left upper leg vibrated slightly as she remembered the first time her bot had malfunctioned and went rogue. Not that she felt as though Liam would do the same to her, but not matter how safe she could feel anything could crumble after some time.

" I think those are fine rules to abide by for both of us. It's easy enough to follow." She'd nod in agreement, her eyes laying on tier hands. Finally he bit into her wrist causing her fingers to stiffen at the initial pain of the prick. It wasn't anything bad, though having her blood taken from her made her entire body feel tingly. Maybe it was her own doing at how surreal this experience was. It only dawned on her now that she had never had her own personal butler to take care of her needs. She always had maids to clean up after her and cook her meals, but never someone who would, by contract take souly care of her. Leona wasn't too sure that she wanted something like that out of anyone. In the back of her mind she found this to be more of way to share a decently hidden secret she had kept to herself for so long and now she had a secret of someone else's to hold onto. A secret that was far too outlandish for most people to believe if she even wanted to share.

Leona would watch Liam mend to the small wound on wrist, the look on her face was one of slight awe and disbelief, but when she realized his eyes where competently on her, she'd grow a blank expression, nodding by default. Leona felt strange, but she still wasn't fully of aware of it was her or the slight blood lose. " I'm fine, but I think I should still get some sleep soon. She'd say reassuringly trying not to show how odd this new experience was. Leona wanted to ask what it tasted like, but found it would be to morbid for her to even know the answer to that. " A quick tour of the house and then bed.. Do you sleep? She'd pause waiting for answer, hoping it wasn't rude or a completely out of place question. Regardless of the answer, she'd start moving out of the short hallway that was rather empty, but considered their front entrance. They walked straight into a rather large room with two spiraling staircases as the center point, to the left and right of them were large archways that lead to very extravagantly furnished rooms.

" The down stairs is mostly used for parties. To the left of us are just sitting rooms and the right is the dinning room and kitchen. Upstairs our normal sleeping quarters are on the left and extra rooms and the maid's quarters are on the right. Your free to explore and if my parents return home, please feel free to show them a contract i'll doctor up when we get to my room for a normal butler contract and i'll sign your papers then too." she'd speak quickly and point in the directions she'd say before finally walking up the stairs. It's then that she felt a little weak, moving slower then she'd normally would. Eventually she'd make her way to her own room, it was decently large, but pretty empty. In the furthest right corner was a simple canopy bed with many blankets and pillows. The other corner adjacent to the bed was a desk with several stacks of paper and quills scattered about. The only other thing in the room was a heavily stacked bookcase, that looked a little strangely placed near a closet.

Leona would plop herself down in front of her desk and immediately start making up the fake butler contract. It would only take a few minutes before she'd hand it over to him, keeping her hand out for his actual contract, to sign it.

sylvanSpider 03-11-2018 05:29 AM

Liam could see Miss Leona's frustration and bit back a smile, raising his eyebrows. “Already worried about me?” he asked. A smile did eventually find its way to his face, though it was restrained, close-lipped. His eyes were glinting as he shook his head, “Perhaps if you have one of your bots on hand should we encounter one, you can sick that on him. I ah, I use the pronoun 'him' lightly here. There are lady Hellsings but they are not as common. They are also more likely to show mercy on the lower profile vampires.” He himself would have been considered one of these lower profile vampires, had it not been for that mishap. But it wouldn't happen again. He wouldn't let it happen again. Not now, not with a human willing to keep him fed. He would die before he reached a starving point again. “But, it's important to remember that they technically belong to the mortal realm, just like you or any other human. They are just simply...better trained than your average human.”

With Leona's wrist attended to, Liam wiped his mouth off, looking away briefly so as not to make the situation awkward, and cleared his throat. “That should satisfy me for a while. I hope I didn't take enough to make you lightheaded. I can be more cautious next time--” he stammered, his expression changing from self-satisfaction to one of worry. “It's...probably best, that is, if we carry on with our agreement, that you stay hydrated. It makes the process easier for both parties involved.” He swallowed, attempting to assess the situation. Of course, he didn't take enough to kill her. She wouldn't be standing if that was the case, but the last thing he wanted was to cause his master even the least amount of discomfort.

“That is all very well,” he said when his master reminded him that she must sleep, and he nodded. “A tour of the house it is then. Will you be showing me to my chambers as well? I do not require much. As for my sleeping...I do not sleep. I will be available to serve whenever you should need it.” He followed her obediently, not envying the staff charged with keeping the massive halls clean. This was the second largest house he'd ever been in, and he realized that it must have cost a fortune. He was working for no one but the wealthiest it seemed. The memories of the first largest house, however, did not bear with it good memories. He hoped that it would be different here.

Liam's eyes followed Leona's hands wherever she pointed, keeping a mental note of all she repeated. It would be valuable information in the time to come and he fully intended to make use of it. Should she ask that he fetch something, he preferred to ask for as little help as possible. Following her to her room, he soaked in the atmosphere, getting a further taste as to what kind of person his master was. Booky, by the looks of it, only making her that much more likable. Liam had had to leave his own collection of books behind upon his turning and he sorely missed it. Each book was procured through a painstaking process of saving and expeditions into second hand stores, but he'd managed to make for himself a decent little library by the time he, for all intents and purposes, died. Taking his place beside her as she drafted the makeshift contract, he pulled out his own from his breast pocket. He'd made two copies, one for his own keeping, and one for his master. The latter he handed to her. “Miss Leona,” he said at length taking into account his master's seeming lack of caution, “I would feel more comfortable if you would read over the terms and conditions before you sign. If only to be certain that this is what you want to do. I understand it is quite a large decision to make.”

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