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Clementine 07-09-2011 04:06 PM

Clementine's Lemon Time! [Quest] Open!

Hello all!

This is my quest thread to keep track of what I'm questing, my accomplishments, updates, and so on. If you're wonder what's up with the title..Well. Clementine sounds like Lemon Time..So..yeah! ^^
I'm a new user here on Trisphee, and decided to start this Quest thread to help myself be more organized and help myself start off in a new site. This is proof that I will do my best to complete these goals while having fun with you fine people ;]
I love to chat. So, Don't feel shy. Come on in and talk as much as you like ^^
Now, off you go, take a look around my thread and say Hello to the little Lemons who talk to you!~


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:10 PM

I'm Clementine, as you can see* But that is not my real name. I wish it was though...
Now to tell you about myself. Oh yeah! I'm a female- for those who wonder~ I "doodle" a lot. But I don't have a scanner.
I'm Central American, so...Yeah. :] Accept me? ^^
The basics are :I love polar bears, Yu Yu Hakusho, especially Yusuke Urameshi.<3 I'M Obsessed with Alexander Skarsgård! My favorite show is True Blood! If You want to talk about True Blood with me, please do not hesitate! I LOVE TALKING ABOUT IT!
I watch a TON of movies. Yeah. I play video games, console games too: [PS2,PS1, Gamecube, xbox, xbox360, Nintendo 64, and so forth] and computer games. I've played World of Warcraft, Maplestory, Ragnarok, and others.
I also love any type of sweets. They are the only foods I can finish Fo'sho! I just love snacking, but I don't seem to gain weight, in fact. I just stay scrawny and weak...
I can and will eat anything that is chocolate.
Oh yes, and I love tacos--from Taco Bell, King Taco, and other delicious Taco places!
I'm pretty weird at times, but that is just ME.
I'm used to people just looking at me and judging me...I WON'T and will NOT judge anyone , because that is NOT what I'm about...If you accept me, I'll be a true friend.~<3


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:12 PM

Please Read the Rules.
Disobeying of the Rules will result in Punishment and blacklisting.
I have the right to add more rules into my thread if necessary.
Do not make me angry. It's not pretty. ^^

•Please follow all Rules and TOS of Trisphee.
•No spamming.
•Please do not beg me or my donators. I list them so that I can remember who is generous and give them acknowledgement.
•No excessive advertisements of your own threads.
•If you want me to add your thread to my Links-Out section, ask through PM, please. We can work out some exchangement of Links.
•Good Lucks are welcome, but I don't need all of my thread posts to just say "Good luck on your quest." I would like someone to chat with as well.
•Leave the drama lama for your mama, please. I don't need that in here.
•Be nice to everyone, no meanness. Have fun. Obey the Rules.


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:14 PM

This is where I will keep track of my dates of when I accomplished tasks, completed quests, or just important updates or announcements for the thread.

>January 21,2012:Obtained Azure Flight, Kaimid's Robotic Eye, Full Lips and Kaimid's Jacket and many other shop items!
>January 5,2012:Obtained Elven Cloak Special with 1,750 from Lavish Luxuries!
>August 12,2011:Received 5k Au from Mizeria! Thank you!<3
>August 9,2011:Received 2 Signet Pearls from Quiet Man Cometh! Thank you! <3. Purchased Night Queen Bundle with 50 Signet Pearls.
>August 4,2011:Received 1,000.00 Aurum from littl3chocobo! Thank you! <3
>July 31,2011:Obtained the Iseiah's Jacket from the Event shop with 30 crystals!
>July 27,2011:Obtained the Corrupted Bundle from the Event Shop with 30 crystals!
>July 13,2011:Purchased Ursei from Mizeria for 5k <3 Thank you!
>July 12,2011:Bought Blonde Ankle Socks from Threads.
>July 11,2011:Bought the Black Stripe Socks and the Blonde Pleated Skirt from the shops Threads ^^.
>July 10,2011:Received very Generous donation from Mizeria! Thank you!
>July 9,2011: Quest thread officially Opens!I've also obtained the Angel's Tilted Halo from the Token Shop!


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:16 PM

[Items Crossed off = Already Obtained.] Items wanted from shops, monthlies, etc.


*Guise of Demise
*Hallow of Innocence
*Horns of the Corrupt
*Horns of the Divine
*Marauder's Flight
*Shawl of Sorrow
*Taskal's Halo
*Veil of Hope
*Whisper Wings

-2010 MDI's-

*Dragon Lord

*Ribbon Mage [f]

-2011 MDI's-

*Winter Royalty
*Celestial Wolf


-Event Items-

*Ascellus's Jacket [f]
*Braen's Jacket
*Silvary's Bundle
*Anonimar's Bundle
*Azeil's Bundle

*Zephyr's Bundle
*Corrupted Bundle
*Iseiah's Jacket
*Night Queen Bundle

-Shop Items-

~Archaic Antiquities~

~Eclectic Trends~

~Lavish Luxuries~


~Token Shop~

~Trinkets and Tresses~


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:17 PM

Thank you to those who have Donated! You have helped me get closer to completing my quests! <3

Perfectly Wicked: Celestial Werewolf, Ribbon Mage, Winter Royalty, Zephyr's Bundle
Quiet Man Cometh: 2 Signet Pearls
littl3chocobo: 1,000 Aurum
Mizeria:Silvary's Bundle, Anonimar's Bundle, Azeil's Bundle + 5,000 Au


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet & Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:23 PM

This Will be the List of Items I have :
Exchange = Purchased from another User.
Received = Given to me as a Donation.
Bought = I got from the shops.
Won = I won it in some kind of contest.

Blonde Riley Hair - 475 Au
Angel's Tilted Halo - 100 tokens
Silvary's Bundle - by Mizeria
Anonimar's Bundle - by Mizeria
Azeil's Bundle - by Mizeria
Black Stripe Socks - 350 Au
Blonde Pleated Skirt [f] - 150 Au
Blonde Ankle Socks - 15 Au
Ursei - Mizeria - 5k Au
Corrupted Bundle - 30 crystals
Iseiah's Jacket - 30 crystals
Night Queen Bundle - 50 Signet Peals
Celestial Werewolf-by Perfectly Wicked
Ribbon Mage-by Perfectly Wicked
Winter Royalty-by Perfectly Wicked
Zephyr's Bundle-by Perfectly Wicked
Elven Cloak Special - 1,750 Au
Azure Flight - 2,500 Au
Kaimid's Jacket - 100 Tokens
Kaimid's Robotic Eye - 50 Tokens
Full Lips - 750 Au
Gold Mage Boots - 250 Au
Underbust Corset - 625 Au


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:24 PM

[None yet.]


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:28 PM
This is where you can find the codes for my Links/banners. And where you can visit other people's threads. ~ If you want to be here, ask through PM.

My Banners[Links-In]:
PHP Code:


Affiliates/Other People's Threads[Links-Out]:

[None yet.]


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:30 PM
This is where the Sweet Lemons [Known as the Awesome people] are listed. And below them are the Sour Lemons [Known as the Rule breakers/ Bad ones].

Sweet Lemons

Perfectly Wicked

Sour Lemons

[None yet.]


:: /Intro/ :: /About Me/ :: /Rules/ :: /News-Updates/:: /Quests/ :: /Donators/ :: /Obtained-Completed/ :: /Art/ :: /Links/ :: /Sweet&Sour/ ::

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:33 PM

Reserved!To Express my love/Obsession for
Eric Northman/ Alexander Skarsgård
Here will be pictures of him as well as "funnies" about him. And please, don't hate. If me loving this man is "wrong", I don't want to be "right". ;] Click the Link below for access to my Alexander Album of Pictures. Warning: Sexy-ness may overload!

Alexander Skarsgård Picture Album

Enjoy ;)

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:42 PM


[My love for Yusuke]

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:45 PM

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:46 PM

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:47 PM

Clementine 07-09-2011 04:51 PM

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