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Merskelly Metalien 01-18-2019 05:40 AM

Sooo...*slaps hands on table* KINGDOM HEARTS III !
[WARNING...Some Kingdom Hearts ranting ahead...]


-_- For a very long time, since 1997, I've been playing video games...albeit in 1997 I was 3 and I didn't play video games very WELL, but Diddy Kong Racing still holds a place in my heart to this day. It was my first game, <u< like, ever, on the N64, and from that single little racing game, I became the casual gamer I am today.
I branched out to the strategy and colorful worlds of pokemon games, through countless themed and addictive puzzle games, then onto the world of dancing and rhythm with DDR and getting fit with the wii, and fell in love with the violent and awesome skill shown in fighting games...I have played Simulators, Classic Retros, Platformers, Indies, MMORPGs and FPS titles...yet, I have so much more to explore. So many genres and popular titles I have only barely touched the surface of. Games like Fallout, Legend of Zelda, Castlevania and Halo.
But no other game...can quite reflect the magic of an RPG for me...the same way Kingdom Hearts has.
Ever since I got the game for my birthday in the spring of 2002, and played it all summer vacation changed video games for me.Up until that point I had only really been playing Crash Bandicoot, Kiddie Racing games, Disney DDR and Mario Party mini games. I hadn't touched an RPG yet and my first Pokemon journey was with Leaf Green in 2007, which I really loved, but not as much as Kingdom Hearts. Mostly because I liked a lot of in-the-moment action, rather than turn based mechanics I think. 8c Don't get me wrong! I'm a huge pokemon fan and I've loved it ever since I watched the show and collected child merch in kindergarden, and it sticks with me today as one of the great video games in my life that personally resonates with me! <:] I adore Pokemon so so so so so much! <3
......<-<; Kingdom Hearts...ehhhh, it's got a weird special place in my heart and I have a sort of on/off relationship with it.
It's a complex series, and a tad confusing to put it lightly. 8/ It also has a reputation for sucking money right out of devoted fan's pockets with every new game in the series, that ties into the bigger story, >-> and seem tediously annoyingly confusing and messy as hell in terms of it's plot and what the actual hell is going on...weeee stiiill don't really know...100%...I think..

(and, yeaaah, people hated the flippin' card system in Re: Chain of Memories, >X[ But you know whut?! I love it mmkay? It's dumb, and pointless, but I love it! Unpopular opinion. Moving on.)

But Kingdom Hearts, as crazy as it is to follow, just-!
I-! <xO It's amazing to me! I don't even play it for the initial reason I wanted it in the first place anymore...(the Disney worlds and characters.) I play it for the characters and their growth and journeys, even though they aren't all fully developed, they are memorable to me. Frickin' Sora I have seen grow so much from the first game, not to mention Riku! <X0 I really loved Birth By Sleep and Dream Drop Distance, though RE: Coded I completely don't care about. <X']
AND Kingdom :s-cool: Hearts :s-cool: III :s-cool: is out in a week...I have followed every release trailer since it's announcement and even attended the World Tour Orchestrated Symphony where one was released before anywhere else online. ;-; I. Love. Kingdom. Hearts...probably not nearly as much or maybe- No!
>:{ AS MUCH as my little brother does!
I love interacting with my favorite Disney movies, and flying through space in a gummi ship, and collecting the keyblades, TT-TT and defeating creative looking heartless, and gaining awesome magical abilities, and being surprised by the next turn in the storyline, and flippin' ;n; just getting to play this amazing sequel of a game that was Kingdom Hearts II! III has a lot to live up to and it has been given very very high expectations, which I hope are met because this game has been in development for quite some time...
-_- ....the last of the game trailers were released today..

...we have a Ps4...Pre-Ordering for this game is available still...
you can bet your eyeballs in your face I'm going to own this game. I'm not Thinking Twice.
This year starts with the Sanctuary of playing it at last.
Such a choice is so Simple and Clean to make.

>W< And I just can't beat KIIIINNG-domhearts III!~ (Sorry. Lion King was my 2nd favorite Disney Movie.. >->)
...*clears throat* ah-aehm! -u- Well,
are there any other KH fans here?? :D
Who's with me?!~

Glitch 01-18-2019 11:21 AM

I’ve preordered it! I don’t know when I’ll have time to play it but it’ll be here at my house ouo

I loved kingdom hearts as well but I got lost in all the games that came out in between since I couldn’t play them originally and I watched a chunk of them played on YouTube so I could try and catch up tot

Merskelly Metalien 01-18-2019 05:55 PM

x} I'm in kinda the same boat hahaha! I only ever played 3/5 of BBS, never bothered with the Remixes except for DDD+Fragmentary Passage+Back Cover, and I don't play Union X because my phone doesn't support it, so...yep!
I'm gonna pre-order soon, because I really really want some cool stuff coming with the game! :}

I know it's gonna be pretty much the same with all the other kingdom hearts games I play, and I'll get stuck trying to beat a tough boss, =~=; and I'll be handing it over to my brother to beat for me, and then he'll totally take over and flippin' beat the game for me. x'D
But we've both been waiting years for the third installment...he's not forwarding the story an inch without me there! >:} 's gonna be so kool! <x'}
And confusing...and ridiculous but KOOL!

I haven't even seen Frozen or Big Hero 6 yet. x'D I'd better get to watching those both before I play. I don't need to, but there hasn't been a Kingdom Hearts Disney world I'm not already familiar with, so I wanna continue the tradition. x] heh.

Glitch 01-18-2019 08:36 PM

Ah yes.... I never beat eternal sonata because tough boss but husband beat the boss and then the game :|

We can do it together!

RedRum 01-18-2019 08:45 PM

Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite franchises.
My folks bought me a KH3 pre-order on Amazon for Christmas. I'm so stoked!

Merskelly Metalien 01-18-2019 08:48 PM

Eyy! I have Eternal Sonata too! x'D Hahaha! Relatable. My bro helped me finish the game...or did I help finish the game for him? o-o

Aaaaaa doesn't the amazon pre-order-!? is that the one that comes with the special DLC keyblade??? :D

Coda 01-19-2019 11:13 PM

I am pissed off at Square-Enix.

I'd been asking my local GameStop for MONTHS to let me know when the KH3 PS4 Pro bundle was available to order.

It turns out that SQEX didn't make enough of them.

They never took preorders. They gave our local store TWO of them. They did not allow them to be reserved. They did not allow them to be preordered. They had to be paid for up-front, in full, first-come-first-serve.

They did not announce the date of availability in advance.

So two lucky people walked into the store, found out they were available, bought them, and that was it. The store manager showed up two hours after opening and discovered they were gone and there would never be any more coming in, despite the people who had expressed prior interest (not just me, there was one other regular that had been asking about it) not even having a CHANCE at them.

I am not happy about this at all, and SQEX is completely going to get away with it, because nobody's going to just not buy the game just because they didn't get the PS4 Pro, and even if they did, that's just a drop in the bucket. The game is still going to sell a zillion copies. They made money on every single PS4 Pro sold. And that's all there is to it. The fans get screwed, the company gets rich, and everything just moves along.

Merskelly Metalien 01-20-2019 02:49 AM

Ohhh dude. <:{ I had a similar issue when I tried pre-ordering a Batman game at a GameStop a few years ago, and they told me that they were unavailable for Pre-Order at the time but they'd let me know when I could if I gave them my email, so I did. But they just pretty much spam my email with their special offers and deals for prices off consoles and stuff I didn't want. I just wanted that Batman game! When I came back, another guy working there told me that all the Pre-Orders slots were all full and I'd have to buy it when it came out..>:{ And then about a few days later, I saw one guy walk out with his pre-order after the game came out and they had no more in stock, and the customer said he said he pre-ordered it a week ago...when I was told the same week that pre-orders weren't happening.
tbh, :[ Game Stop fucking sucks. My friend used to work at GameStop, and he knows what goes on from behind the counter. They like to fuck with their customers just to make their numbers, so yeah, it's the company getting rich off of only the cheap stuff they recycle and distributing the lowest of the low quality consoles, including used, so they hardly ever stock any brand new ps4 pros or limited edition stuff or new games as the company's warehouse only gives out so much to their outlet stores. They don't want to buy enough from Nintendo or Microsoft to stock their stores and instead they just buy the bare minimum to sell, because they focus more on selling cheaper items for their own gain. >:[ It's dirty and corrupt how they advertise and label quality gaming controllers, devices, games and consoles, but the truth is, they really don't care about what the customer gets, only what they think they're paying for. They lie to their customers because they're told to by their supervisors and their supervisors' supervisors.
I'd honestly recommend buying a bundle at Best Buy or online, just ANYwhere but Game Stop. :[
I'm not sure if it may also be SqEx too, <:c I don't know how good their integrity holds up with their other titles. But I don't want to think it's their fault, as I'm pretty sure the "Pre-Order Now" was announced once the Jan 25 release date was.
I saw on Amazon preorders were available given the limited supply, but that's bs because it's such a titanic title that is GOING to sell no matter what, you'd think they'd know that right? <:c I just hope you get to purchase the KH3 Ps4 bundle Coda. <:[ I think a lot of pre-orders and everyone trying to get their hands on the game in some way shape or form is going to get crazy hectic but, I do hope you find a means to get it..
;n; even if it'll likely come in really late for the both of us..

Avoid spoilers online at all costs! <x{ I wanna have a fully spoiler-free playthrough experience!
Guys! ;0; Something crazy is gonna happen to make Sora THAT heart wrenchingly pissed off! I don't even wanna theorize bc I want a surprise!

Coda 01-20-2019 01:01 PM

I acknowledge that GameStop has some questionable business practices, but this isn't GameStop's fault at all. This is entirely on Square-Enix's shoulders. This sales scheme is completely different than anything else GameStop has ever done to my knowledge. GS knows how to do business and how to make money, and this isn't it. GS got as screwed by this as fans did. I wouldn't be surprised if GS didn't even get much in the way of margins on it, and this burns even more goodwill in the face of the market-wide disdain for preorders.

It was also SQEX's fault that the release was a GameStop exclusive in the US. They could have sold on Amazon. They could have sold at Best Buy. Nope. GameStop only, and I assume that was because they knew they weren't going to produce enough stock to actually have enough to sell at the bigger retailers.

The "Pre-order now" date was NOT announced when the 1/25 release date was, because the release date isn't January 25th. It's January 29th. The 1/25 release date is the date in Japan, and the PS4 Pro bundle in Japan had already come and gone months ago. The US sales announcement was made on Twitter on the morning that sales were made available. Unless you were watching the Playstation Twitter account that morning, you were screwed.

Merskelly Metalien 01-20-2019 02:17 PM

Gosh, well..that explains more, <xc I don't follow anyone on twitter bc I don't have one. <~<;
I thought it was the 25th..I guess I still have time, but I may want to wait after all...
I had no idea. :{ Had to respond or I would be thinking about it all day long and I'd be completely distracted...I really wish they worked with Amazon. It's where I buy most of my stuff from.

Merskelly Metalien 01-21-2019 12:56 AM

Does anybody have a favorite character from the series? :} Or heartless or Boss battle??

KittyBeary 01-21-2019 02:18 AM

I've been a fan for a long time. But I had to watch cutscene movies/playthroughs due to not being able to play some of them. I'm excited for KH3 though, even if I have to watch that one as well.

Merskelly Metalien 01-21-2019 02:29 AM

Same here. <x] It's a lot to watch. X/ and a lot of it kinda makes no sense.
I'm so super excited too! What was your favorite game to watch through?

RedRum 01-21-2019 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by KittyBeary (Post 1890880)
I've been a fan for a long time. But I had to watch cutscene movies/playthroughs due to not being able to play some of them. I'm excited for KH3 though, even if I have to watch that one as well.

I did this for Riku's part of CoM because I can't get past the final Replica!Riku battle as Sora and Re:Coded because I've never been interested in playing.

Merskelly Metalien 01-22-2019 01:36 AM

Yeahhh, playing Re: Coded I was kind of confused and not interested in the beginning so I just opted to watching the cutscenes..but only the important ones.
<x} Haha, on the flipside I couldn't get past Ansem-possessed Riku in Kingdom Hearts I and never even got to play End of the World and so I couldn't watch any of the cutscenes after Sora's "Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!" <X'D so I never continued the game out of discouragement.

Kaderin Triste 01-22-2019 03:59 AM

I'll be honest, I've never actually gotten to play the original KH games, although they look AMAZING! (And because of that, the hype about KH3 really isn't affecting me as much as some people...)
I have played Chain of Memories (it was the first KH game I've played) and I actually don't mind the card based gameplay that much although I am stuck in one area because I can't figure out where the damn card is that I need to unlock the next area. XD
I have also played Re:Coded and 358/2 Days. I haven't actually touched either one in forever, but I recall Re:Coded just being....not as interesting I guess? I should dig them out and play again.
Would KILL to play the original games, but I can't afford them or the game system to play them.

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