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Alpha 11-22-2011 11:44 AM

So, how about Bioshock?
So, I've played both Bioshock 1 & 2. I think they are good games, and cannot wait until Bioshock Infinite comes out.

My question is this, which game do you prefer? What group of characters (Splicers, Big Daddies, Little Sisters, etc.) was your favorite? Which Plasmid did you use the most?

Cyanide Lollipop 11-23-2011 10:51 AM

I love Bioshock, it's one of my favorite games! I actually even bought the special edition of 2 when it came out. I'm... usually the cheap kind of person who waits til games are like 20 bucks, so that should tell you something. XD;

I like the first one a bit better, but I really loved 2. I like the Little Sisters the best, they're adorable. The only time I ever killed any was to get the bad ending in the first game.. I don't think I can do that again, I hated myself for it. T__T

I use Incinerate, Electrobolt and Telekinesis the most.

Oh and I have the Bioshock Rapture book but I have like two other books to read before I get around to it. <w<

YoniPlumbum 11-23-2011 11:30 AM

i haven't played bioshock myself
but i've watched my brother play it
and it's an awesome game! lol
we have 1 and 2 as well lol, and i like them both xD

don't know much about the monsters and plasmids and stuff though
but i think my brother mainly used incinerate and electrbolts lol
he didn't use telekinesis very often lol

Alpha 11-28-2011 11:18 PM

Personally, I prefer Bioshock 2 to 1, especially since they introduced the dual-wield aspect where you don't have to sacrifice using your weapon in order to use a Plasmid.

My favorite group would have to be the Big Sisters. Kinda BA and protective of the Little Sisters.

As for favorite Plasmid, have to go with Electrobolt since it has so many different uses.

Lost_Ninja9213 12-02-2011 01:50 PM

I thought it was pretty cool, but i soon got bored of watching my brother take his time for everything, getting every single little item there was -_- i didnt want to play cuz i hate zombie-type games, but when i do i charge through everything. i liked the plasmids, but the levels just started looking the same, no new cool stuff happened. as for plasmids, i liked the fire one.

Rinni 01-31-2012 12:56 AM

I absolutely adore the little sisters; such adorable little dears~ <3

I need to reinstall my copy of the game and finally beat it. >.<

Arsis_von_Neaera 01-31-2012 04:49 AM

Bioshock was amazing. I only had the privilege of playing 2, but the story line was beautiful, the environment was captivating and creepy, the game play, considering you were a bid daddy throughout, was some of the toughest and exhilarating that I've played, but still felt to be indomitably powerful. And the game has some pretty wonderful weapons and items. The multiplayer was horrible, one of the worst ever. But the single player experience was fairly unparalleled. Really, it reminded me of Fallout 3 and Mech-assault combined and taking place underwater.

hyjin 02-02-2012 03:06 PM

i havent even finished the other two...

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