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Bathory Erzsebet 09-18-2013 11:20 PM

Type the username of the Avatar above you with your eyes closed!
See if you can do it without any errors!

Toriki 09-19-2013 08:42 AM

Bathory Erzsebet

(the typing part isn't hard, remembering the username is. lol )

Bathory Erzsebet 09-19-2013 12:29 PM


(Haha, yeah you're right. :P)

Espy 09-19-2013 12:48 PM

bathory erxebet

...Damn, well, I was close. (I never really memorized the keyboard, so even though I can type fast, it requires a lot of staring down...)

EDIT: Oops. Missed an s.

Coda 09-19-2013 01:11 PM

Espy, Bathory Erzsebet, and Toriki. I can touch-type, so this entire post was made with my eyes closed.

littl3chocobo 09-19-2013 01:24 PM


i had to stare at my keyboard to try and remember where the c is before trying that XD i tend to stare at my 'tyghbn' keys with my left middle finger poised on the 'l' so i can keep track of where my hands are while occasionally looking at the keys, i have not done touch-typing in a very long time since i use laptops XD though i can manage better on my tower because it has an angled keyboard and notable gaps between keys(a packard bell from the mid nineties XD)

Bathory Erzsebet 09-19-2013 01:25 PM


Arghhh so close! Stupid n got in the way.

Coda 09-19-2013 01:42 PM

See, here's the funny thing. I touch-type so much as a matter of my job that I can even correct my mistakes before I open my ees.

... eyes. Bah. I didn't press the y key hard enough to trigger it.

Bathory Erzsebet 09-19-2013 01:57 PM


Anf npw O', trying to tupe wyh my eyes closed.
(And now I'm trying to type with my eyes closed.)
xD I only got half of it right.

Tiva 09-19-2013 02:09 PM

bathor erxsebent

well that wasn't too horrible

Coda 09-19-2013 02:19 PM

Tiva. Hey, Hey, Hey, Listen! I even typed your title. :P

*opens eyes* Though apparently I misremembered the positioning of the commas.

Tiva 09-19-2013 02:24 PM


Yay! I gots it, and now I realize how bad i am at memorizing the keyboard.

Bathory Erzsebet 09-19-2013 02:27 PM


Haha, whoops.

Gallagher 09-19-2013 03:41 PM

Oh my god this is like the best game I;ce ever seen.

Bathory Erzsebet!

... Hoyly crap did I get that right? what the omg.


So as I was trying this (still am, but that's besides the point), my mother walked into the room, stopped, and went, "what are you doing?"

So, ever so slowly, I turned my head, still typing, and said, "letting the spirits guide my fingers."

Man. This is a great new way to get left alone.

Coda 09-19-2013 03:58 PM

Should I keep playing? Is it cheating for me, since I'm basically a professional typist?


Eyes still closed. Goingto send the message without opening them. (Also, I typoed on "send" but corrected it blind.)

Edit: Pretty good, just missed a space in "Goingto".

Ashy 09-19-2013 06:24 PM


I am so winning at this game :D

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