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Merr 11-11-2010 10:30 PM

What song describes the AAY?
Tell us the song that describes, seems to be about, or goes well with the avatar above you! Link us if you can. ;)

If you can't think of something, make up a short song and tell us what it's to the tune of!

Fizzyology 11-12-2010 05:18 PM

Sounds like a more challenge of a game :O

herm...this is odd but, the avi reminds me of "For the People" from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie. Simply because of the pimp look XD

The song kind of sucks but meh it's ygo what do you want? XD

Jurinjo 11-12-2010 07:47 PM

Your look so doesn't seem to be happy enough for this song but I think of the line "I'm walking on sunshine whoaoooooh!" (I don't have to link for this song right? It's well known)

Merr 11-12-2010 11:47 PM

That song is interesting! XD rap .. and ygo?
Also, yes. :3 I'm tired of just games that allow people to spit out a number without elaboration (even if some people are good and do put effort in). I want people to think.. which is why I assume this thread won't become popular, just like Rem's awesome thread *pokes the 'write a story' thread*.

Hmm... Juri, your avatar reminds me of En Vie by Apocolyptica because it's mysterious and kind-of sad looking.
It's fine to not link it if everyone knows it. XD It reminds me of that, too.

Jurinjo 11-12-2010 11:56 PM

@Merr: I love the story thread though ;w; Oh and your name seems familiar. You're not from Crysandrea too are ya? (or maybe I talked to you on here before and it's slipped my mind xD; )

And this song by apocalyptica is very good -nods- I'm not sure if I've heard of it since i've only ever heard them on pandora but so far I don't think I have.

And sorry but your avatar reminds me the song Hellfire from Disney's the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I think it is the hat...

Merr 11-13-2010 12:10 AM

Yesyes! I'm Merr on crysandrea. I think we played on DOMO a couple times together (I would have been Mitya).. or maybe that was another person. ._.'

I do, too ouo *wishes I could come up with better stories, though*
Some people, not everyone xP I don't know if it's like this on tris or not.

Also, that song is so creepy coming from a g-rated movie! It's awesome, though.
... This hat inspires. I'll keep it. xP I don't like it so much, purely because the jewel is blue...

Hmmm... Your avatar also reminds me of Edvard Grieg's Arabian Dance.
I think I've played this before, but I can't remember. o.o
It reminds me of adventures in a desert-y place.. and sneaking around. Like hopping from shop to shop after stealing something important kind of like aladdin. xD *pokes at the light parts leading into more moody, low parts*

Jurinjo 11-13-2010 12:17 AM

YES! that's why you're familiar. I remembered instantly when you said DOMO xD Thanks for remembering me I am sorry I failed here x-x;

Well that story about me getting dropped into a frigid climate was good! Big Ears = more heat dissipating from my head. And Sandals + Snow = Frostbite D:

Yea I know. I can't recall that scene when watching this movie in my childhood but when I rewatched the movie online I was like "what the hell? ;o.o" It gets worse when he's killing all these people just to get that one gypsy girl.

I'm such a terrible Disney junkie xD With the old cartoon songs and stuff anyways. I know exactly what song you're talking about from aladdin. I actually sang "A whole New World" in my dream before. The characters from the movie got jealous of my beautiful voice though and tried to drown me xD Anyways this is a neat song, you like classic?

ps I am failing to come up with another song for your avatar =X

Merr 11-13-2010 12:31 AM

X3 I haven't been on domo forever, and I'm a stupid lurker on crys. Lul.
No prob. <: I remember usernames that are original most of the time, because I'm bound to meet that person again under the same username.

I feel bad for your avatar, now. >: I hope he finds his desert again...

xD Now I want to watch that movie again. I know we had it on VHS at one point in time, but I just went through the last box of our tapes.. and I didn't see it. >:
I like the disney music (because it's fun to perform), but I'm not a fanatic about the movies. P:
Yup.. I'm a music person, and I do classical as well. |D'

That's alright. If I said any more of them, I'd just be pulling them from my ass. |:

Jurinjo 11-13-2010 01:00 AM

Merr I haven't been on in forever either. Last time I logged it I was like "crap I dont' remember how to play D: -logs off-"

Yes so far Jurinjo seems to be restricted to me on avatar sites C:
Except Gaia someone apparently took that one lol (but not from me because I didn't take up the username Jurinjo at the time I think..)

haha I know we had it on VHS too! Now all we got is Jackie Chan movies (not a bad thing), Rock-a-doodle-doo, and the sound of Music. There are other adult movies I don't feel like mentioning. LIke contact, ugh that movie's ending made me so mad! It's like watchng Steven Spielberg's AI Dx /rant

It is fun to perform and topsy-turvy-day from notre dame is fun to dance too cause i can flail and it's okay xD

Merr 11-13-2010 01:34 AM

xD I'll probably do that, too.. but not before trying! I can't remember where I am, but if I'm in the ... underground places.. I think I'll stick around. Or log on to my hot female character and get free shit... /shot

I've only seen you here and on crys, though. O:

Also, I just realized that your stockings are on the top layer still.. ouo

xD I can't remember which VHSes I saved from the flood... *can't find the box I put them in* But I'm pretty sure they'll be really stupid, sentimental choices. I don't remember AI... Or do I? Is that the one with the little boy robot? *loves that movie*

Jurinjo 11-13-2010 01:53 AM

xD It's sad that the hot female character works on folks online xD Unless it's that one Spanish MMO I saw man the bases for them are smoke'n! But it asked me for my Driver License number during registration. -__-

I have this name on Kinsaki (where I first used this name), and I also used it on Lilifactory (where I got the avi art in my siggy). But i haven't been on lilifactory for awhile now =X

Stockings don't look any better below the shoes but I like how it looks when it overlaps the sash :3

Yeah I'm sentimental too. Obviously I had no pick on the VHSs to keep cause we have NO disney cartoons saved at all u_u

AI is a movie where they give this robot boy the capacity to love. A couple adopt him because they lost their son who the doctor said wouldn't wake up. But not long after adopting roboboy their real son awakes to see his parents have effectively replaced him and he's jealous. The kid is devious and managed to get rid of the roboboy who embarks on a quest. It was touching and all but the way they ended the movie pisses me off. His creator gives him false hope and a submarine where he goes into a stasis or something as he sat in the sub for years. Waking up when alien excavated him, telling him humans are long extinct. They do give him a last chance to be with his "mommy" though. The catch to it is the process allows her to exist for only one day and then she vanishes from the history of the universe forever. THE END >=|

Poggio 11-13-2010 03:47 AM

AI made me cry especially at the end. Though I have no idea what happened to the actors from that movie. They were some of the biggest child stars during that time.

I would have to say that avatar reminds me of Water Curses by Animal Collective.

Cronislee 11-13-2010 05:01 AM

"Stay Wide Awake"- Eminem.

Cazzidy 11-14-2010 08:54 AM

-=What you're allergic to cats?...=-

-=It's alright, I'm allergic to you...=-

Sugar 11-14-2010 09:15 AM

"what I've done" by Linkin Park

Ashley 11-14-2010 01:13 PM

when I'm gone by 3 doors down

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