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Cazzidy 07-29-2010 04:37 AM

-=Must Kill The Bugs Report=- (Status: OPEN)
Thread Design & Art by: Cazzidy


*This will be my bug report thread as stated on the title...

*I will be posting here the POSSIBLE bugs I've found all over the site as well as the date it was encountered and its status, meaning if it's already fixed or not along with its fixed date... So if admins and staff came by the thread, they would know...

*Yes, it is still up to the admins and staff to correct me if I'm wrong... I'm just trying to help out...

*Every time I've added a bug to my list, I'll change the "Status: OPEN" in the title into "Status: OPEN; New Bug-Date Found"... And it will remain that way for 3 days or until it is solved... I think that's enough time for admins to see if there's a new bug added...

*You can see the list in the 3rd post... You do not have to look at all the posts to find a bug you want to read about... As you can see in the list of bugs (3rd post), the title of the bug is linked to the post where the solution (if there is already) and details regarding the bug is explained as well as the date when it was added... All you have to do is click the title of the bug you want to read about and you will be redirected to the post where I explained or described the details of the bug... The quoted answer or solution given by any staff and admin along with the name of the staff or admin will also be there as well...

*All latest bug titles will be posted on the top of the list (3rd post)...

*Please check often to be updated!

The Bulletin Board & Information | The Torture Chamber | The Bugs | Affiliates & Link Us

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 04:43 AM

*These general rules are to be observed within the whole thread!

*Follow Trisphee rules, TOS and Bugs and Error Report Rules! Make sure you are aware of Trisphee Privacy Policy!

*I'm the Captain here... So what I say goes... If ever any of my crew came here, better respect them or it'll be the cat-o-nine-tails for you...

*I own everything (formats, texts, images, siggy, etc.) on the front page until the opening message and so are the replies I'm posting... So please do not just copy it... If you want to use any of it, please ask my permission first... Much thanks...

*No flamming, begging, spamming, trolling or harassing other users! Don't fight here! Take it to the PMs if needed...

*No page stretching! Do not quote posts...

*Please make your post readable and understandable...

*Advertising is allowed, just keep it tasteful and to a minimum...

*Please chat! Have some sort of conversation with other people in the thread... It's always good to get to know other people, right?

*You CAN be kicked out of the thread if you violated any rule too many times... Repeated violation of any rule will automatically ban you from here... Much more, you'll be reported if the violation is too much...

*Have fun! Everyone gets free rum! Easy on the rum you scallywags!

The Bulletin Board & Information | The Torture Chamber | The Bugs | Affiliates & Link Us

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 04:54 AM

=[Clickable Title] ([Date Bug Was Found])---[Status] ([Date of Status])

=Trade Error (Oct. 13, 2010)---Solved (Oct. 14, 2010)

=Links in Posts Do Not Work (Sept. 8, 2010)---Solved (Sept. 9, 2010)

=Imagemap Tags (August 30, 2010)---Solved (August 31, 2010)

="Change Direction" Button does not show Avatar (July 29, 2010)---Solved (July 30, 2010)

=Wrong Spelling of the word "Luxuries" (July 29, 2010)---Solved (August 2, 2010)

=Order of "Slick Hair" Item (July 29, 2010)---Solved (July 30, 2010)

The Bulletin Board & Information | The Torture Chamber | The Bugs | Affiliates & Link Us

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:00 AM

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:05 AM

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:07 AM

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:08 AM

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:08 AM

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:09 AM

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:12 AM

::cuts ribbon:: Welcome mateys! The thread is now officially Open!!! ::Opens rum bottle::

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:40 AM

Bug: "Change Direction" Button does not show Avatar>

Details: I don't know if the "Change Direction" button is not implemented yet but here you can see that when I tried to change the direction of my avatar (you cannot see my cursor I don't know why, but it is highlighted to show that my cursor is really pointing there), it did not do anything and it even failed to show the image if my avatar... Even when you hit the "Save" button, nothing has changed...

Solution / Answer: "And the change direction does not work because we have no alternate direction and may not even have additional poses in the future. Which means that button may very well end up being removed. If we decide to do alternate poses that means we have to more or less re-pixel all of our items, so that won't be until way down the line." (Post #28)---Zypher

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:52 AM

Bug: Wrong Spelling of the word "Luxuries"

Details: As you can see the word "luxuries" is mispelled... No further explanations I think...

Solution / Answer: "I will see if I can fix the 'luxuries' shop today, if not, we'll try to fix it asap" (Post #28)---Zypher

"Spelling for luxuries has been fixed now." (Post #33)---Zypher

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 05:59 AM

Bug: Order of "Slick Hair" Item

Details: The "Slick Hair" from "Trinkets and Tresses" Shop is not in the right order... The usual arrangement of every hair in the shop is that the black one (basic color) will be the first on the list... Though this may change due to the shop being new and improvements when it comes to sorting will be imposed later...

Solution / Answer: "The order of the items is not a bug and was done on purpose by the person who uploaded the hair. Also, some items are out of order due to the system and when users can order the shops according to their taste, be it alphabetical, color, price, what have you, that will not be an issue." (Post #28)---Zypher

Sadrain 07-29-2010 06:16 AM

Oh, i think there are many ordering issues in the shops right now, like flame lace top is somewhere between boots, but I am sure they are either working on it, or it doesn't really matter. XD I heard there was slightly issues with uploading atm.

Flaria 07-29-2010 06:25 AM

So far, I know they are still working on everything they get their hands on. Just that right now they are mostly uploading the hair styles. So, don't mind them having in that way.

So for the misspelled word is possibly on purpose. xD It doesn't always have to be perfect spelling. Possibly, made up name instead of using "Luxuries".

Cazzidy 07-29-2010 06:40 AM

-=What you're allergic to cats?...=-

I guess this is just my way of listing some of the things I found at the site that I think has a bug... Though I guess admins who visit here could correct me if I'm wrong... ^^

-=It's alright, I'm allergic to you...=-

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