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Fenris 12-05-2010 06:56 PM

The Trisphee 375k: Race to the Goal
Now that Trisphee seems to be fairly bug-free concerning the server transfer, we have decided to set up a event goal for our site-wide post count. We currently have a little over 303,000 posts. Our goal for the end of the event is 375,000 posts. When we do manage to reach that goal, we will be giving out very special items to everyone for helping us reach it. You will have some time after the event ends to buy the special posting goal items if you would like more than one.

Once we hit our goal, every single user will be getting one of each item for helping us reach this amazing milestone.
But just one, so if you want to be able to buy any more, you should have some feathers on hand.

There are 3 items that will be released, each at a certain posting goal. The special catch to this is the items are evolving* items. This is our official first try at implementing evolving items, so this first one it will only be a few poses that will slowly evolve into more. This is a test to see how easy these are to implement and how much users really like them. We have the code all ready, but if the users don't enjoy having them, we don't really want to give you something you wouldn't enjoy.
Evolving items will normally be tied to events and possibly yearlies at a later time. We will never be doing any Rune system where evolving items become solely available to donators.

*What Evolving Items Are:
Evolving Items, or EI's, are items that start off simply, with one or two poses, and slowly grow to have more and more poses. The fun of this is buying them, not knowing what surprises we have in store. All poses will most likely be related to past poses on that item and each item will have a specific theme that all poses will adhere to.

The Event Goals!!!

The Sentinel item will be given out at 325k Posts

The Divine item will be given out at 350k Posts

The Corrupt item will be given out at 375k Posts

Each item will evolve slowly over time, so don't be disappointed when the items come out with only one or two poses. We assure you, more is yet to be seen. ;D

We are still not quite sure when the event will end as this event is tied to other special things that will be happening! So you have plenty of time to reach these goals. (We will have the event shops open for a bit after the event and the ability to hit the post goal will continue until 2 days before we close the event shop. You will be warned before these times occur.)

Current Post Count: Just over 373,000 (updated once a day)

Good Luck! :)

For users you who checked not to receive Admin e-mails: I apologize for that mistake it was default marked to send to all including you guys and it will no longer be so.

The Scales of Balance
Grass Walker
Opposing the Sun

(I will give you a second free set if you can actually guess what they are!!! PM me guesses)

Updated 12/13/2010: Guessing for Lunae's Companion is now closed.

Phoenix 12-05-2010 07:02 PM

Sounds awesome. :D

Aiko 12-05-2010 07:02 PM

This sounds awesome, I hope we reach the goals, because I really can't wait to see your evolving items :O

I am such a sucker for evolving items you see ^_^; Always loved surprises

Ashley 12-05-2010 07:03 PM

Ooo, I'm excited -must post more to help with goals XD-

Stalker 12-05-2010 07:03 PM

Pretty nifty! I'm excited about this!

Rose Pearl 12-05-2010 07:04 PM

yeah me too..I just hope we don't need bunch of those feathers hehe

Nightmare 12-05-2010 07:05 PM

Guess I'm off to post more. o uo

Fenris 12-05-2010 07:07 PM

They will cost around 50 feathers each after they are released. Most of you will have had plenty of time to gain feathers by the time they are released.

Stalker 12-05-2010 07:09 PM

50 feathers, oh my. :c I've only been getting swords. x3 I'll do my best!

Ashurato 12-05-2010 07:10 PM

Phew... I was about to spend feathers too. *saves*

Espy 12-05-2010 07:11 PM

Aww crud. I've just gotten one of each bundle, haha...Now for another 150+ feathers.

Ginger 12-05-2010 07:11 PM

Yay! This is a great idea to encourage more activity. Can't wait to see what these special items are :3 I'll be saving my feathers as much as I can ^^

Blaine 12-05-2010 07:14 PM

Hey, yeah! This is neat!
At frist, I thought we had to have that many posts individually. I was like, " Q AQ/ inside die"

ACK! Feathers are hard. xD

Ginger 12-05-2010 07:21 PM

Individually? Holy crap, that would be a lot of posts O_O

Stalker 12-05-2010 07:24 PM

Fight lots of people to claim your feathers quicker. xD
Once I get the chance, I strike at people. ; n; <3
I just post while waiting. <3

Fenris 12-05-2010 07:24 PM

Its over all posts not individually xD

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