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Stabbsworth 06-21-2019 10:06 AM

feral scientist appreciation corner (officially dubbed: The Procrastination Station)
gestures vaguely. welcome to barker's second hangout thread because the old one died and i'm not sure if i want to romance it back to life via chucking things at it until it sticks.

anyways, anyone like feral scientists

DreadedMartian 08-12-2019 05:19 PM

Your Hangout name is fuckin solid gold mate

Espy 08-12-2019 06:46 PM

-curls up in a corner-

Don't mind me.

DreadedMartian 08-12-2019 10:27 PM

....Sh..Should I curl up in the corner too?

Espy 08-13-2019 12:40 AM

...what if we built a pillow fort

DreadedMartian 08-13-2019 01:18 AM

....Pillow forts are fuckin awesome let's do it

Espy 08-13-2019 01:35 AM

I've got some of those really nice (but heavy) memory foam pillows; we can use those as walls.

DreadedMartian 08-13-2019 04:02 AM

I have chairs and blankets. How big are we gonna go with this?

Stabbsworth 08-13-2019 12:09 PM


Espy 08-13-2019 01:34 PM

Oh good, we still need snacks, a TV, a router/ethernet cables...

We could span the entire hangout, really.

gosh i haven't done pillow forts in so long

DreadedMartian 08-13-2019 05:54 PM

Yeeessss this will be the greatest Pillow for that ever was.

*starts setting up the internet*

Espy 08-14-2019 02:46 AM

could use the TV as part of a wall or something.

Actually, I still have those little kiddie mats? They're shoved into a corner of my room. They make for decent if somewhat flimsy walls.

DreadedMartian 08-14-2019 03:45 AM

no no let's use the chairs I brought as the walls, and the blankets as the ceiling. Then we can use the pillows along the floor and gaps in the chairs. How does that sound?

Stabbsworth 08-14-2019 12:00 PM

skeleton time.

Espy 08-14-2019 01:39 PM

Hm, good idea.

...Skeleton time...?

Stabbsworth 08-15-2019 11:15 AM

endless skeletons.
doot doot!!

i had a roleplay muse that was a skeleton once.

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