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Kaguya 10-18-2012 02:32 PM

divided by fate. ~M~ Toshi/Yokuutsu
Disclaimer: This roleplay will potentially have gore, violence, language, and sexual as well as other mature themes. IF you are not of the mature age or are squeamish we would like to take this opportunity to ask you to leave. That was your one and only warning... have a nice day

Two twins boys born only minutes apart, they where both shown equal amounts of love by their parents but slowly things changed and the youngest seemed to be left behind by the once dotting parents, starved for attention he turns to the one who always acknowledged his existence even if it was in small moderation's.

Years have past and things have changed, the boys have just turned sixteen, the youngest gets looked upon by his parents as nothing more than an unwelcome guest unless their is company around, and even his brother has started turning colder towards him as his parent praise him and treat him like a prince, answering to his every desire...

Kaguya 10-18-2012 03:11 PM

It had been a difficult evening, the heating in his room had been turned off in the middle of the night, to make it worse it had been hailing and his window didn't close properly. It had taken him most of the evening and early morning but James finally had managed to get himself warm enough that he could finally fall asleep. After only a few hours sleep he was forced to get up, washing and getting dressed in his ratty old clothing before trying to sneak down to the basement before his brother woke up to torment him for yet another day. His hands went over his mouth and he moved to his toes as he passed his brother's slightly opened door scared that he would wake him.

Yokuutsu 10-18-2012 03:44 PM

Victor slept perfectly fine, but his surroundings are quite a bit different. For one thing he had heat along with other things that his brother doesn't have. He's noticed some of it, but the rest of it he hasn't. Whether that is due to being oblivious or because he doesn't care, no one knows but him.

Today is their birthday and he hasn't forgotten to say the least. He does have a present for his brother, and partially due to their birthday that he is awake. "You know, when it's silent, I can hear you breathe James...why don't you come in here?" He's sitting in his computer chair at the moment, in front of his laptop, but it isn't on at the moment.

Kaguya 10-18-2012 04:02 PM

James's eyes went wide as he heard his brother speak to him his breathing becoming shallow. 'how did he hear me I breathed silently, and I even tip toed.' he thought to himself, he feared this day every year because he had no idea what his brother of family had in store for him "I-I didn't expect you to be awake Victor." he stuttered moving to the door opening it a little more as he sheepishly moved his head in a little not really wanting to move fully into the room.

Yokuutsu 10-18-2012 04:19 PM

Victor was waiting for him pretty much, so either way, he would've caught James eventually. It was his goal. He just watches his door/brother. "This is a special day to say the least. I though I could at least wake up early this day." He sighs a bit annoyed. "I said come in here." He's frowning a bit. "I can't exactly give you your present when you're like that and all."

Kaguya 10-18-2012 04:34 PM

James bit his lip walking in hearing that his brother was pissed off because he wasn't doing as he was told 'Why couldn't I have been aborted or even given up for adoption?' he moved his eyes to look at the vibrant and warm crimson carpet. "I don't need a present honestly, it's not like I was able to get you anything I'm not allowed out and I'm not allowed anything." sighing he fidgeted a clear sign he just wanted out of his brothers room where he knew nothing was as it seemed at least not for him.

Yokuutsu 10-18-2012 04:49 PM

"I wouldn't say that. From where I'm need this." Victor says, getting up and heading to his closet. "Do you think I don't know that? Belive me, I do know well." Which us why he never wants to be in James's position. He brings out a bag and holds it out to James. "Happy birthday." He says simply. In the bag are clothes, somewhat girly, but it isn't in pure malice, he does think they would look good on James even if it isn't exactly normal.

Kaguya 10-18-2012 05:06 PM

James sighed knowing that it wasn't exactly going to be out of the kindness of he brother's heart it never was. "I don't honestly..." he whispered almost afraid that he was going to be heard by his twin "Then you shouldn't give me anything because I have nothing to give in return and it'll just be taken from me" he said knowing it to be the truth. Sighing deeply his hands went out to receive the bag with both hands slowly opening it he closed his eyes dreading to open them "Thank you Victor." he never even bother looking inside just clothing it before opening his eyes hoping the other wouldn't notice

Yokuutsu 10-18-2012 05:13 PM

"What did you say?" Victor asks, hearing some kind of noise, though he isn't sure what, if anything specifically was said at this point. So he's not getting angry about it at the moment. "I won't let them take it. And it's a gift. A gift is different from trading." Though Victor might get some enjoyment out of it as well. One never knows. "You shouldn't thank me until you actually open it, James. You don't even know what it is yet." He isn't annoyed by the fact that James doesn't just open it. No one is as excited about parents as they were as little kids. And he knows he's given some horrible gifts before, but this is something James could actually use...and he couldn't think of anything else. Maybe he's going soft, or maybe he's getting tired, but the present isn't meant to hurt anyone at least. Though it might not be the best choice.

Kaguya 10-18-2012 05:20 PM

Jamse looked up though dropped the bag "It doesn't matter." he said gently turning to head for the door, he didn't want to be there, he didn't want the present he just wanted to be in the basement where it was warm. "Parents are parents, if they want to take something how am I going to stop them, and gifts are meant to be exchanged according to our parents." he said his hand going to the door knob "keep it for yourself..." with that he walked out and never looked back heading for the basement.

Yokuutsu 10-18-2012 05:29 PM

And that's when Victor's mood goes into bad say the least. Once James is gone, he picks up the bag, and...actually...part of him is sad that James won't just take the gift. He doesn't fully understand why it makes him sad, though he definitely can understand the anger that comes with it too. He grabs the bag and follows James into the basement. "You are so rude! Take the gift and be happy about! I actually spent time picking this out!" Which is what bothers him more than the money spent. The garments can be returned, but he can't get the time back. "So try it on." He is not amused to say the least.

Kaguya 10-18-2012 06:22 PM

James had just sat down a sight coming from his lips as he just started to relax until he heard his brothers voice. It was almost as if he felt an icy chill run up his spine. "I-I'm not rude I-I just don't feel right taking it when I can give nothing in return" he was hoping the other understood but something told him it wasn't going to be that easy. He stood walking taking the bag opening it he took a deep breath he looks inside the bag "I-it's a girls outfit in puff blue... A-are you serious? I-I can't wear that." he put the bag down heading back to where he was previously sitting.

Yokuutsu 10-18-2012 06:35 PM

Victor can't help but be very annoyed at his brother. "That's not the point of a gift! I give. You take. That's it. Nothing else involved." Sometimes he can be a bit childish. He doesn't care about his parents' little idea that gifts are exchanged. That idea is nice and all, but the gift is a gift. "Well....I could have gotten it in pink, but I thought blue would look better on you..." He really did think about the color at least. The color can save or ruin a garment. He knows that much. "You could wear would look good on you." He states simply. He doesn't think about clothing really having a gender to tell the truth. He was just thinking about would it look better that what James normally wears and all.

Kaguya 10-18-2012 07:33 PM

James closed his eyes and shook his head "I won't wear it... it's puff blue cargo trousers and a baby ping girly top."he stated laying back on the floor. "If you want to give me a birthday present... leave me alone." he said quietly. He didn't understand why he cared now when there was nothing special about this day as far as he was concerned. "I-I'm fine with what I have Victor." he stated closing his eyes.

Yokuutsu 10-18-2012 07:43 PM

Victor just frowns as he talks. "You could at least try it on." He's a bit stubborn. Mainly because it's actually hurting him that James is rejecting his gift, and by association, him. It's painful. Then James keeps talking. "Fine then. I'm not going to try next year then." He's not happy to say the least. Then he grabs the bag and just leaves for now, emotional pain sucks so he wants to be away from the other causing it. "I won't be trying period." And then he just heads back to his room, locking his door.

Kaguya 10-18-2012 09:23 PM

James looked up to his brother from the floor "Those are girls clothing, I'm a boy last I checked." he was starting to forget since his last birthday present was a baby pink Gothic lolita dress. "I-I never asked for anything..." In truth he never dared to ask for anything even if he needed it. It was the main reason he only hat ragged and tattered clothing. "I never ask you to try." he said as the other walked out it would be a little while till he realized that his fate was in his brother's hand.

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