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StellarShadow 06-08-2015 02:18 PM

Yet another new person here
Heyas. ^^; I'm Stellar. I'm normally a shy person and I really prefer not to talk a lot, but figured I might as well try to be at least somewhat social. Just joined this site and I'm hoping to have fun and make new friends here! So... Yea. ^^; Done talking now..

Demonskid 06-08-2015 05:00 PM

ouo hello and welcome!

I'm DK and I will be your flight attendant -someone hits dk over the head-

o3o yea hi! haven any questions feel free to ask me. or .. anyone who shows up as online i guess o3o

StellarShadow 06-08-2015 06:06 PM

O_O Oh my.. Are you okay?! Why did that person hit you?! *panics slightly* S-should I call 911?! *blinks a few times* Uhhh... Oh. Okay then. I... I'll be sure to do that??? O_O;;;;

Demonskid 06-08-2015 06:41 PM

Cause dk says silly things, dk gets a paper fan to the head on occasion ouo dk'll be fine -nurses a bump-

StellarShadow 06-08-2015 07:28 PM

Ohhh... o.o;;; That's.. Good, I think. I hope. Maybe. Anyway... YOU HAVE DRAGONS!!!! They're so cool-looking!!! ... I totally don't refresh this page just to see which one will show up, by the way. How are you, if I may ask? ^^; Aaand.. Uhh.. Why does your avatar remind me of Naruto?

Demonskid 06-09-2015 01:09 PM

DK is a pocket demon Ninja and Naruto is a ninja dude thing.. thats prolly why xD

Everyone see's the metal plate on the head piece and associates it with Naruto even though a lot of ninja use metal plates to protect their head from sword injuries and stuff =)

I'm good! happy to have 2 days away from the mission i work at.. x.x drama central. I get to sit here and play Puzzle and Dragons on my phone and watch anime or read that light novel i was reading. sad that i can't get a hold of the other volumes >x< I wanna see what happens with Welf! -flails about-

And yush! ouo my dragon babies from FR <3 happy someone is like me and cant stop refreshing to see who pops up next xD I also have some of my favorite Aywas critters cycle through next to my Flight Rising dergs <3

How are you? =)

StellarShadow 06-09-2015 02:02 PM

That probably is why. I didn't even notice the headpiece until you pointed it out though. It was mostly that top that was making me think "ninja" for some reason.. And then the hair made me think of Naruto. XD I dunno, I'm weird. But I don't see how practical the forehead protector is for defending one's head from being slashed. Maybe it does work, but I rather think a construction helmet might provide better protection from.. Most things. XD

That's good! Is that mission really stressful? Glad you're having a break, since it makes you happy.. What's "Puzzle and Dragons"? It sounds vaguely familiar, but I don't remember how I know of it.. Heh, my favorite things to play on my phone are Monster Galaxy and Inotia 4. The latter was the first game I got on my phone.. Pretty fun. Gaaah.. I'm too much of a horror fan though. My phone is full of "scary" games! XD What light novel are you reading? Is it really good? Who's that "Welf" person?

Yea, I recognized the dragons as from FR. I wish I had gotten an account there, but I never have... Q.Q I love dwagons!!!! They're so pretty~ I've always really loved dragons. When I was a kid, I thought a dragonologist was an actual job and wanted to be one.. XD Course, I'm not science-y enough for that. Aywas? o.o What sort of critters are from there?

I'm okie dokies.. o.o Geeeeez, I'm feeling really talkative. Just looked over this post. I'm having fun listening to creepypastas and scary "true" stories while generally roaming around the sites I'm on.. =w= And coloring~ Coloring is fun. I'm working on this one page that I haven't done yet.. Heh. I just remembered a dragon coloring book I had a while ago. I had used coloring pencils for it and I figured out how to make it look more scale-like.. The dragon's bodies, anyway. I kinda experimented with textures to see how it would look. Haven't seen that book in forever... I wonder where it is... AH, I HOPE I'M NOT TALKING TOO MUCH!!! Just... Feeling talky for some reason... o.o;;;; Sorry.

Demonskid 06-09-2015 02:37 PM

The hair i have on is based off of my real hair style x'D When I was staff here I made a chalenge to the pixelists as a joke and they actually made it. It's in the shop some where.. its called 'Kids Hair' or something like that.. as in DemonsKID x'D

Puzzle and Dragon just recently got a 3DS game which is where I originally heard of it. It's a puzzle like game where you collect,evolve and fight with monsters (there are dragons ;D and smexy guy eye candies) It's free to play, if you want you can pay for the gems with real money but you don't really need to. If you decide to play it let me know =) We can add each other. There is a thread on it in the Games forum Coda and Illusion post a lot of good things for ML and I. We're still newbies so those two are our sempai <3

I'm reading 'Is it Okay to Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon?' (Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka) or Danmachi for short. x3 Welf was just introduced in the anime and so i tried to see if the light novel or the manga were farther cause i love welf so far. I love Eye Candies x3 We talk about the anime of this in the Crunchyroll hangout thread. If you have a CR account stop on by and chat with us there. ouo

Next time Flight Rising opens its registration I'll let you know! =) We have a Hangout thread for FR fans, feel free to stop by. ML and I are almost the only ones who post in there at the moment. Slow site is slow ;-; need more friends in there.

Aywas is where you can collect a CRAP load of pets -no joke they have A LOT!- and use them to battle and catch more pets.. they have human avatars as well. I don't use their forums much though. I just go there for the pets and occasionally the avi stuff xD once you get so far, its easy to get BP (the main currency there) you can even make your own pets and sell them off.

StellarShadow 06-09-2015 03:12 PM

XD Omg, that's pretty funny. Must've been a good joke at the time. I guess they liked the changes you made... XD So, your hair is that orange that.. I'm not sure if it's pastel or neon.. o.o;; Your avi confuses meeee!!!! But that's awesome.

Ohhh.. I think I've seen similar games in the Playstore on my phone, which is why it sounded familiar. Must've reminded me of those. Is it a fun game? I might take a look soon, if it is. Always looking for something interesting to do. I get bored too easily by stuff, so it's hard to keep occupied. I keep starting things and then losing interest for a while. =.=; So annoying...

That title make me laugh! So what, a hero tries to pick up girls in dungeons? XD Sorry, sorry, just.. Sometimes the most obvious thing is highly amusing to me. Maybe I'm too easily entertained.. Blah, now there's a contraction. I get bored easily, but I'm also easily amused. XD So, is the Welf person an "eye candy"???? o.o I don't have a Cruncyroll account. Think I've heard of it, but I'm not sure..

Thank you very much!!!! Umm.. Where is that thread? I think I will stop by there sometime. Need to start posting in other places, so might as well try to be social there... Making new friends is always fun!~

o.o Ohhhh... Wait a minute, I think I know about that site! I went through a phase where I was really interested in joining virtual pet sites, trying to find some really fun ones. I eventually settled for Sylestia, since I couldn't join FR. The pets I've seen in your signature look really cool. I might try out Aywas sometime and see if it really is fun. ^^

Demonskid 06-09-2015 03:22 PM

Puzzle and Dragons is fun and addictive. =) even if you don't feel like playing, log on once a day just to get the daily things. It's best to start the game on a God Fest so you can re-roll and re-roll until you get a good starting monster. It's not needed to do that, i didn't re-roll and I do just fine. Here's our thread for it if you wanna check it out: PAD

Crunchyroll is nice, they just updated everything to where Free users can view anime on all devices and premium members get Anime, Manga AND Drama where Premium + members get to have chances for a trip to japan *-* I want that but I am only Premium. Once we get more people in the CR thread I will be doing contests to hand out my Guest Passes which give free users 2 days of Premium + =) (link to the hangout is provided above)

Flight Rising Hangout Link

its one of the shades of blond. I have dark blond hair but i like my avi's to have a lighter shade xD the Sinopa on my head seems to make it look more orange in the shaded places then it normally does

StellarShadow 06-09-2015 03:37 PM

Ohhh.. That's good. ^^ Maybe it'll be something that will hold my interest then. I don't know when "God Fests" are though.. o.o;;; Wait, so starting monsters aren't good? Sounds kinda like a challenge to make them be good. Of course, I'd see it like that. ^^; Thank you for the link! Though.. For some reason, the site says I'm logged out on that page even though other pages are saying I'm logged in. Kinda odd. I even refreshed it a few times and it still is asking me to log in.

Ohhh.. Now I understand! It's a thingy for watching anime!! ^^ I actually already am happy with the ways I go for watching anime. Don't like the idea of having to sign up for stuff, so I just watch on free sites. Works well enough for me. A trip to Japan sounds like it would be fun. I'd love to go visit that country, but only if I could learn the language and proper manners. I really love how Japanese sounds when spoken.

XD Nice timing with that link. I just found the hangout thread... =w= Yay for exploration!!! But thank you anyway! ... I don't know if saying hi would be okay to do there though..

Ohhh... Ah, the endless shades of various blondness.. Yea, that might be why it looks so orange to me. It's funny how different colors can look just by having a different color next to them.

Demonskid 06-09-2015 03:44 PM

Yea.. and just are like 2 different things of the same site. so you can be logged in on an alt AND your main on the same browser. =) makes it fun <3 i use it with out the www xD

the starters for PAD (what its shortened down to) are alright but once you get so far in they aren't that good of a leader. Maybe once you evolve them to the max and choose a good Ultimate evolution they can be good but they're better sub team members. Coda could explain things better, I'm still a newbie at the game and i bug him for answers. Illu is also good at answering though sometime their opinions differ xD

I don't think you need to sign up to watch for free, its just so you can watch for free on your devices that you need to sign up. I like to watch it off my TV. bigger screen = better x3 that and i pay for mine cause i hate ads and want to help keep anime coming to america. but yea you can watch with out signing up. =)

xD come in and chat in the FR thread. you're welcome to do so since you're interested in signing up for the site, it will also make it easier to tell you when the site opens for registration =)

StellarShadow 06-09-2015 04:03 PM

Dang it, I accidentally deleted my entire post when trying to correct a misspelled word. =.=; I hate it when that happens.. So annoying.. Anyway, thanks for explaining! That helps me understand some stuff now. Kind weird, but cool to know.

As I was saying, I felt kinda stupid when you mentioned PAD this time. XD I completely failed to realize what you were meaning with it until you said it was short for the name of that dragon game. I've found that starters for games like that do tend to lose their greatness as you get further along in a game.. Like to keep mine though. Ever heard of a game called MyDinos? It's a game where you can catch prehistoric and extinct animals and use them to battle others whiel exploring various areas. The site seems to have disappeared, but while it was still there, I had this one really nice little dino.. Literally the first one that I caught. For some reason, I didn't like my starter dino, so I didn't use it as much after I caught that other one. I forget what I named her or what species she was, but I really liked her. I actually played MyDinos for a long time until the site just vanished.. Could never find out what happened to it, though I did hear one thing about it maybe being moved.. Don't now where. Wish I did, cause I really miss playing it. And I've gone and started talking a lot again.. XD Sorry.

Ahhh.. I sees.. Well, I don't use Cruncyroll at all. There are sites I used to watch anime on my laptop, as well as my phone sometimes. I dunno why, but I prefer watching on them instead of my tv. I did watch some on Netflix when my family got it recently, but I found it a little difficult to read the subs and watch what was happening at the same time.

Okay... Dunno what to say though. Hey, are you talking about kitties??? I was just reading the conversation while trying to work up the courage to post something and I think it was about some kitties and a meanie lady mistreating one of the cats you have??? Er.. Sorry if I'm not supposed to be saying this here..

Demonskid 06-09-2015 04:15 PM

Ahh I hate it when posts delete like that D8

never heard of the mydino's thing. most of the time when sites vanish like that, its because they shut down. if they moved there should be at least a re-direct message letting users know where to go.

All the anime i watched on netflix (when i had it) were english dubs. i could never get subs to work ;-; i prefer subs

and yes, we were talking about my kitties. =) I have 2 and its fine to talk about it here. ^-^ best to slowly make yourself feel comfortable.

StellarShadow 06-09-2015 04:26 PM

Yea, it's soooo annnoooooyyyyiiiiiinnnnngggggg....

Yea, that's what I'm worried about.. I found out that there's an app now. Went looking for it again and found the facebook page. I wish I could play again... Q.Q I miss my dinos...

I see.. Well, I've only found English subs. I prefer the subs too.

So I understood correctly. Good to know.. Feel badly for the younger kitty though.. Q.Q Having to deal with the meanie lady.. Glad it's okay to talk about it here.. ^^; Yea, that generally is the best thing to do.. I hope.

Demonskid 06-09-2015 04:33 PM

xD technically the topic it was originally posted in, the kitties shouldn't have been mentioned but everyone gets off topic in specific topic threads so its all good. just need someone to kick us to get back on topic. just hope they aren't ever rude about it. rude people are scary some times.

but yea, kitty is happy with us.. stealing our sandwiches and pouncing on the older cat just to see him run away screaming. x'D

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