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PurpleBox 04-19-2018 10:54 PM

PurpleBox's 1x1 rp search!
Hey there, I've been on this site a while and i can't remember if I've set up a search thread on it before... so I'm setting gone up again lol XD.

so i'm not to good at making these things.... I have a lot of likes when it comes to rps, best thing to do is hit me up with a pm if you have a idea or would like to hear some of mine.

some of the genres i like to do are -
sci fi
apocalyptic [mostly zombie but im willing to try other things lol]
some fandom's [ask for specifics.]
slice of life
will add more later


PurpleBox 04-29-2018 12:56 AM

I am still looking for rps to play lol

sylvanSpider 05-01-2018 07:04 PM

Actually, I was waiting to respond to you until after semester! I was thinking once I get more free time I'd love to pick up some more rps, but the rps I'm in presently are getting accidentally neglected in favor of school work. That said, if you're interested in an rp with me, I am down.

What level of literacy do you generally tend to stick with?

PurpleBox 05-03-2018 12:24 AM

I'm still very interested in rping ^^ I try to write a couple paragraphs... my opening posts tend to be very long... sometimes bookish long...I use google docs to type up my posts so i can catch any spelling mistakes and things like that. So i guess you could say i consider myself Semi-Lit?

sylvanSpider 05-05-2018 09:35 PM

That sounds just fine! So starting Friday, ideally, all of my final projects will be in. If you'd like, we can start planning and maybe throw up a couple of posts soon, but know that posts will not be as common until after this week. :3 Uhmmm if you want an example as to how I derp about in rps, I'm in a few on here (haven't been updated in a bit because of me...heh...heh...) but those, like ours, will see more activity when finals are done. xD

PurpleBox 05-06-2018 12:03 AM

Planning sounds like a good idea ^^ i'm between job hunting and looking at local collage classes... so i can understand being to busy to post XD I don't like to rush my rp partners XP if they haven't answered in a week i send a pm asking how they are, i know RL can be a big thing so i like to check in to see how they are doing XD

sylvanSpider 05-06-2018 04:46 AM

I'm glad you understand, lol! My posts will also probably arrive at varying times as well, as I am a proud member of the Midnight Crew as they say. So for planning, do you have any ideas as to what genre you'd like to explore?

PurpleBox 05-06-2018 04:11 PM

Ive noticed that your posts are at times that im asleep XD that's cool. hmmm I think I'd like to try something with Sci fi and Apocalyptic elements mixed together. Maybe a alien invasion of some kind or something like The Last of Us with Clickers and things like that?

sylvanSpider 05-06-2018 08:18 PM

OOOOH That would be tight! I dunno too much of the Last of Us lore, but we can operate on those lines. Would aliens and the like be possible? If we're doing sci-fi, how far in the future are we talking?

PurpleBox 05-06-2018 08:32 PM

the last of us is bascily zombies... but with the thing being spread by spores and bites form teh fungal infection XD hmmm maybe the aliens are the ones who made the 'zombies/clicker/dead come back in some form' thing form experimenting on humans during the first wave of the invasion? my key bord doesn't want to his teh Z key XD half the time i type it

sylvanSpider 05-06-2018 11:26 PM

Haha, by aliens I was thinking more Star Wars style, but I suppose that could work as well. ^^ I'm uh... not gonna be the best with this one. xD

PurpleBox 05-06-2018 11:49 PM

hmm that could work too XD i just haven't done much star wars as, ive only seen the movies and just barely understand the Jedi/Sith thing >C<ive been trying to watch Star Wars Rebels, the cg cartoon on tv XD

sylvanSpider 05-06-2018 11:55 PM

I wasn't really talking so much about the jedis/sith as much as the species variety of alien races xD. But that's cool that you're trying to get into it! We'll welcome you into our ranks if you do decide to get into it. But as for the lore for The Last of Us, I know hardly anything about it and tend to avoid writing in fandoms ._. Mostly because I don't belong to a lot of the ones most people are familiar with (Last of Us being a good example of that), haha.

PurpleBox 05-07-2018 12:10 AM

well the Last of us lore, i find the easiest way to explain it is, a fungus is the cause of the 'zombies' they call them clickers after a few years of infection because fungus grows over the face, making the infected blind.... the wolrd if run by martial law and only a few cities remain.. they are dumps, and there are peopel who are tryin gto make a living out of teh martial law run cities.

bascily zombies... but from a fungus that takes over teh brain... and its takes at least one day for symptoms of infection to start...

but yeah! we don't have to do the fandom itself, it was just the setting and 'monsters' i was wanting to borrow XD hmmmm if there where many species of aliens... maybe one is the aliens doing the experiment and another tries to stop them?

sylvanSpider 05-07-2018 12:14 AM

Aliens would feel a bit shoehorned in, so we can leave them out if this is what we're gonna do. xD Yeah, I like the idea of that, honestly. I'd be down! So, given the setting, some pretty bad ass characters are bound to emerge. How do you feel about swearing? I can leave it out if need be, but your comfort level pertaining to that will determine what kind of characters I play, haha. Also, are you the type to want romance, and if so what kind? Gay, straight,...other? Etc. I know it's weird questions, but you are a new rp buddy, so it's best to figure this stuff out right away. ^^

PurpleBox 05-07-2018 12:25 AM

Im fine with swearing XD and i like romance... not as the main thing...unless that's part of a pre made plot XD I mostly do straight girls or gay guys... i have one gay girl character so yeah XD

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