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KittyBeary 01-30-2019 05:02 AM

Final Fantasy Thread!
Sooo, I don't know if there's one already(I looked on the first two pages and no recent general FF threads) so I thought I'd make one!

Final Fantasy is one of my favorite game franchises, and while I haven't played all of them, I've played enough to find the franchise as a whole enjoyable!

What is everyone's favorite Final Fantasy game? Favorite character? Favorite villain? Favorite non-human character?

Linkle 01-30-2019 05:17 AM

i was wondering if there was one!

I grew up with Final Fantasy (actually a lot of JRPGs but I digress). I used to RP it, and even make OCs (I still make OCs but they're...better planned now tbh).

My favorites are IX, X/X-2, VII, VIII, and The MMO. I have touched on the older games and Dissidia though.

Favorite character from each are Vivi, Tidus, yuna, Tifa, Quistis and because im Garbage who likes to play Dragoons i love Foulques from the Lancer class quests in FFXIV.

As for Villians Sephiroth is a big fan fave and I like him, but my most favorite one is probably Kuja and Garland.

KittyBeary 02-01-2019 12:01 AM

Yeah, I finally thought why not just make one?? .__.

I first learned of Final Fantasy in 2004 when I saw a friend playing X-2. And I was all "Ooohh this looks interesting!" xD then finally learned more about the franchise some couple years later.

My favorites are VII, VIII, and III. I like XIII to an extent, also. XV is great, too!

My fave characters are Reno, Rinoa, Aerith, Tifa, Refia, and Vanille. There's others I love too, though, but yeah. XD

Fave villain.... is also Sephiroth LOL but Tonberries are interesting too if they count. xD

Coda 02-01-2019 01:04 AM

When you say III, do you mean the NES one (actual 3) or the SNES one (actually 6)?

My favorite is V. It's fun, it doesn't take itself too seriously, it's got game mechanics that are fun to play with (even if they're kinda unbalanced), it has good music... I think it's rather underrated. VI is my second-favorite.

I've always thought VII is overrated. It's not terrible, but it's not really that amazing.

KittyBeary 02-01-2019 07:43 AM

Actual 3, as in the one with Luneth and Refia. xD I have the DS version of it. :)

I also really want to play V eventually. I like checking out the not as popular ones. Even if VII is one of my favorites.

Coda 02-01-2019 11:17 AM

The best version of V is the GBA one. The postgame content is enjoyable even though by the time you get the postgame jobs they're not really useful anymore.

I agree that III is good. In terms of game mechanics, V is an evolved, cleaned-up, less-clunky version of III. I have the DS version as well but I got sidetracked away from finishing it. ^^() I need to dig it out and finish it some time.

Linkle 02-01-2019 12:12 PM

I have only played V on the GBA.

I got into FF because my dad bought VII on his Playstation and i was doomed from there.

KittyBeary 02-02-2019 06:12 AM

I have yet to finish III, myself, but I appreciate the game a lot but could be because it was one of the first few I actually played.

Linkle 02-02-2019 10:40 AM

I rage quitted FF6 for a year because of a Dragon in a Box
I'm apparently not the only one.

Espy 02-04-2019 08:07 PM

I can’t words well right now but IV was the best.

Coda 02-05-2019 10:20 AM

IV was best at making you care about the characters, for sure.

Linkle 02-05-2019 06:51 PM

When it comes to characters i just get attached regardless. It's...not hard to make me care about characters.

Coda 02-05-2019 11:09 PM

Oh, I almost forgot -- I also play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. I... um... I really need to get around to catching up with the storyline. ^^() I've been spending so much time playing the events that I've neglected the main game.

Espy 02-06-2019 12:01 AM

Kain is probably still my favorite FF character.

Linkle 02-06-2019 01:24 AM

Twitch has a version of XIV free, and my friend got it!

he loves playing short races (halflings in D&D etc) and he JUMPED on lalafel.
He's having so much fun and i'd totally join in if i could ;w;

KittyBeary 02-06-2019 10:41 PM

It's not hard for me to get attached, either. XD

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