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Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:06 PM

june is much hotter, and does not have daffodils.

Claptrap 11-18-2018 06:09 PM

Though with global warming all the seasons are kind of blending into one, so soon the two might be interchangeable

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:11 PM

we might get winter this year. the yearly snow, except it just fucking melts and causes an entire goddamn drain to flood at least once.
and the ice. god, the ice.

Claptrap 11-18-2018 06:16 PM

We had a really long winter and a ridiculously hot summer so to be honest I'm kind of hoping it just evens out now. Though snow on Christmas is always welcome. I hate ice though, I'm clumsy enough normally I don't need these elements thrown in

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:17 PM

Oh, mood.

Also, a bit worried about my cats, considering they keep bringing in shrews. One of them brought a live one in at two points.

Claptrap 11-18-2018 06:21 PM

I don't think I could own cats for that very reason. My dad's cat brings in mice and bunnies all the time and I'm not a fan of their little gifts

Gallagher 11-18-2018 06:28 PM

global warming's been doing the opposite of evening out. it's destroying spring and fall for hotter summers and colder winters.

there was only 2 weeks of fall here this year.

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:30 PM

honestly, i'm more worried about the shrews being potentially rabid.

i like autumn. there's a bit of a chill, but it's perfect for huddling up in bed.

Claptrap 11-18-2018 06:39 PM

I absolutely love autumn, though we had a pretty rubbish one here too. The leaves changed, but most of the time it's been really warm. Even the other day I went out and I looked out my hat and scarf because surely mid-November is cold, right? Wrong, I was absolutely sweltering the whole day haha

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:40 PM

Aww, rip in shit.

Still, Winter's coming.

Claptrap 11-18-2018 06:42 PM

The dark nights are enough to keep me happy for the time being. It makes it more acceptable to get in my jammies at 6pm

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:43 PM

Oh, mood.

Makes it good for stargazing.

Unfortunately, it tends to get dark at around 3-4 pm now.

Claptrap 11-18-2018 06:51 PM

My mum's an aurora chaser so she's in her element now that it's dark earlier.

Yeah it's pretty depressing because most of the time I go to work in the dark and by the time I get to leave it's dark again.

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 07:00 PM

I only work on Saturdays and Sundays, part time job because I'm still a minor, but at the age where I can get a job or go on to further education.

Can't go on to get further education because of transport issues (I'd effectively be paying a bus fare, because they don't do fuck all to help college students now), can't get a proper job (other than one for about 2 hours on Sunday and 2 hours on Saturday) because they all want to hire 18 year olds with qualifications.

Claptrap 11-18-2018 07:05 PM

Aw I graduated university last year with a degree I don't like and didn't really put much effort into attaining. So now I have like 30K of debt and I'm still working in the same job I had throughout university because that's what I find fun. I am planning on doing another degree though via a distance learning thing, because I know for a fact I could do a lot better if it was something that I enjoyed. Whether or not I'll actually end up doing it is another matter though~

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 07:08 PM

I mean, I could get a couple degrees in coding for a couple different languages from a site's academy thing, but the only one I've been interested in is a fork of C, and it's only known in the ukagaka community. Thing is, most programming jobs want MySQL stuff.

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