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Patcharhoo 03-03-2018 06:33 PM

Patch's Playpen
So after lurking around some threads within this topic and attempting to say hi to some people, but failing because I'm a wuss, I just thought.. Well.. Fuck it, i'll make my own thread and not worry so much about possibly being rejected by other people and be paranoid about people wanting to speak to me instead. Which honestly is the same thing.. Regardless there is no general theme to this, I just want to pretend like I know how to socialize like a normal person.

ANYWAYS, my name is Elaina, but Patch works just as fine, I'm 22 from New York/ New Jersey. I work from home answering emails for a friend's company. I play the vid'ja games here's my steam : xxxx Feel free to add me, but ignore everything on my profile as it all inside jokes with my friends. I draw a little, maybe i'll draw my avie and share it if I think it looks okay.. I enjoy Roleplaying and watching scary movies or documentaries on conspiracy theories. Maybe we could Rabbit a movie or cartoons sometime. c: I have a pretty dark and sarcastic sense of humor, so don't take anything I say too surriesly I enjoy music a lot so I think i'll post a song of the day for you all judge me harshly about. Mmm.. Other then that i'm very introverted.. And uh.. I can be really affectionate and uh.. That's honestly about it. So Hi.

mdom 03-03-2018 06:50 PM

Yaaay I love playpens!!!

where are the toys

sylvanSpider 03-03-2018 07:08 PM

Helloooo~! I'm too much of a chickenshit to make one of these, so kudos to you!

Patcharhoo 03-03-2018 08:45 PM

Well I have all my actions figures, plushies and many sided dice in that corner *points* Buuuut you can always check my basement. *WInk wonk*

That's okay, you can hide in my arms and we can both be chickenshits.

sylvanSpider 03-03-2018 10:31 PM

*nod, nod* I am okay with this. You showed up right when I was about to nudge my rp search thread too. xD Great timing if I do say so myself.

And I do say so. So.

Glitch 03-03-2018 11:08 PM

hello there ouo

your signature is vur pretty

KittyBeary 03-04-2018 01:59 AM

If you like chatting about animu, feel free to post in my hangout thread here! :3 You won't be rejected. xD

*tosses some plushies into the playpen* =u=

Patcharhoo 03-04-2018 09:09 AM

Yes, yes this could only mean we were meant to be together of course.

Hallo. c:
Thank you, I didn't do the art or anything, Gumi is just one of the characters I fangirl over anymore.

Thank you for the trade! I don't watch too much anime, but I may stop by as I was very much a weeb in my young teen years.
Mmm.. Yes more cute things in my pen. ouo

KittyBeary 03-04-2018 11:07 AM

You're welcome! :D And ah, ok. XD No worries!

mdom 03-04-2018 11:53 AM

*drowns in plushies*

Patcharhoo 03-04-2018 08:46 PM

I really adore your avie, it looks like something i'd just wanna squeeze to death because it's so cute.

Careful, they may bite.

Anyways, my day has been kinda poppy and nothing makes me happier than ice cream and bubble baths. What small things cheer you guys up? c:

mdom 03-04-2018 08:48 PM

I like biting tho
I mean *coughs*
I dig ice cream, too. And sleeping.

Patcharhoo 03-05-2018 02:32 PM

Well everyone does...

Long naps are nice and helps the time pass.

mdom 03-06-2018 11:18 AM

My bff says I nap too much. But my body requires sleep... what can I do T^T

Patcharhoo 03-06-2018 09:35 PM

Sleep on your bff so they will sleep as much as you do.

mdom 03-06-2018 10:18 PM

I sleep a lot because I take pills for that |D

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