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AlchemicQuail 02-02-2011 04:12 PM

Old Pokemon series
I really do miss how Pokemon on TV use to be,
it was SO good and then they had to go ahead and ruin it. >:1

>Fave Pokemon
>Old episodes
>Why Professor Oak is creepy
>Or any other interesting discussions

BritishMuffin 02-02-2011 04:17 PM

Best time of my life right there.

> Raichuuuu. 8D

> Pikachu's Goodbye episode foreverplz HGN. *sob*


I wish the original series was still airing. The current generation of kids needs to see its awesomeness. x'D

AlchemicQuail 02-02-2011 04:27 PM

Still enjoy watching old times don't we? cB

>Charizaaard baby

>PUDGY PIDGEY ISLE so chubbs..



Arachnocampa 02-02-2011 04:41 PM

It's not a Kanto breed, but my favorite is Spinarak. Though, I do love Dragonair a lot. c:

My sister is actually re-watching all the old episodes. I kind of want to too, but I'm too lazy to look 'em up~ Ah, man. I can't remember which one was my favorite. Probably the one where the pokemon got separated from their trainers after the whole shipwreck ordeal. Where they start talking to each other on the island~

And as for professor Oak, well... I think this says it all.

BritishMuffin 02-02-2011 04:43 PM

Ahh nostalgia. :'D <33

> fufufu, you mean that girl Charizard in the latter episodes with the eyelashes? cB

> YES.

> ... D: *cry*

BritishMuffin 02-02-2011 04:48 PM

Amber! *squish* <3

Me and Quaily watched all the first series' again too actually, up to about episode 250. Totally amazing. ;u;

Haha the titanic parody episodes? Yusss~
They had to work together with Team Rocket to get out. c:

And that picture... LOL. YES. Why Oak whyyyy..

Arachnocampa 02-02-2011 04:54 PM

[is squished] Muffin~! Cx

Blaah, now I'm gonna watch 'em even more! I should totally do it in any free time I get. >:1

Yesss~! Aw, man. I love Team Rocket. They've turned into such... wusses now. I mean, they've kind of always been wusses, but even more so. (And James always sounds like he's got a cold now nuhhh! Dx )


AlchemicQuail 02-02-2011 05:01 PM

I hated that girl charizard, so unnecessary..

Heyy...James does sound like he's got a cold all the time! so nasally.
Team rocket became tiring after appearing in every single episode hurhur;;

I swear, all these parodies of professor oak floating around the internet
only makes him seem worse then he really is! X'D

BritishMuffin 02-02-2011 05:04 PM

Just do it bit by bit. The first episodes are the best anyway!
Uwaaah Pikachu looks so adorable and kinda like how it did on the original Pokémon cards instead of all skinny and stylised like it is in the recent series.
Being pulled along on a washing line.. Ash wearing rubber gloves.. ahhh. Good tiemz! :'D

Oh James was totally my favourite. His VOICE was just sublime. *3*
And now they killed him..
You know in the recent 5th gen episodes Team Rocket are really dead serious? It's like wtf.. :C


Arachnocampa 02-02-2011 05:06 PM

@Muffin: Will do! I need something to fill my time when Homestuck doesn't have an update. Especially when I'm down and have no access to my WoW. u__u Nothing beats classic pokemon, after all~

I know, right~?

waitwhoa, they got serious? WHAT IS THIS!?

@Quail: Really? I kinda liked her. I didn't like how Charizard left Ash, though. Nuhh, why his pokemon gotta leaves him? ;A;

I meant that he does in the newer episodes, but I have a bad quirk where I'll accidentally leave out words as I type. ;u;
True, true. My sis actually made a comment where she heard the whole "To protect the world from devastation etcetera etcetera" in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. I was like, "Wait, really?? O:"

Haha, they really do. x]

Ginger 02-02-2011 05:12 PM

I miss this series a lot. Back in the day, I remember a person being badass if they got a single booster pack of Pokemon Cards, back when they first came out. Some guy on Youtube opened a Jungle booster box of cards pack by pack and got a 1st edition Charizard holo. I was like "O_O Holy crap... *grabbyhands*"

Hermes 02-02-2011 05:15 PM

Proffessor Oak always wanted my ASL and kept tellin me to touch his balls in his lab and wouldn't let me leave without grabbing one of his balls first D=

And...Favorite pokemon is Arcanine~

Favorite episode? James. As. A. woman. NUFF SAID.

AlchemicQuail 02-02-2011 05:30 PM

@amber He even lets them leave... just like with butterfree & Pidgeot. WHY ASH WHY?
you're never going to be a pokemon master if you keep that up. D'B
Ohh right, right! I do that sometimes too no worries huhu~ Yeahh it gets annoying
when they cram it in every single episode, TRYING TO BRAINWASH KIDS tuttut.

@Ginger HELL YES, I loved booster packs.
I never had any luck finding a Charizard holo, always wanted one though. XD

@Hermes It's just not right... there's a dark twisted side to pokemon! owo;;
Arcaniiiine! so big and floofy, I never understood why it was classed as a legendary.
WomanJames = WINZORS. (the beach episode was banned lololol)

Hermes 02-02-2011 05:36 PM

Well, no, it was a pokemon of legend, not a legendary pokemon. It's more like...there are pokemon found in legends, and MYTHICAL pokemon~

Illusion 02-02-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by amber-dreams (Post 446412)

It's not a Kanto breed, but my favorite is Spinarak. Though, I do love Dragonair a lot. c:

My sister is actually re-watching all the old episodes. I kind of want to too, but I'm too lazy to look 'em up~ Ah, man. I can't remember which one was my favorite. Probably the one where the pokemon got separated from their trainers after the whole shipwreck ordeal. Where they start talking to each other on the island~

And as for professor Oak, well... I think this says it all.

And they met team rockets pokemon and all of that.
.. What was that episode called.. The island of giant Pokemon?
It's been soo long! I used to have the episode on VHS.. I dunno what happened too it.

AlchemicQuail 02-02-2011 05:42 PM

But it's always said in Ash's Pokédex;

'Arcanine, a Legendary Pokémon. The evolved form of Growlithe.
Arcanine is known for its bravery and fierce loyalty.
Growlithe evolves into Arcanine from use of a Fire Stone.'

It's just always confused me the way they worded it. XD;

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