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SakuraMinamino 11-21-2010 02:31 PM

Giving out Tetanus Shots
For all the people who are apparently rolling around in piles of broken swords :,: Not the smartest plan ever, but hey, Sakura has come along to save the day. *grin*

*gets out big needle* So, who's first?

If you want stitches for the giant cuts and bleeding....Divine crew, head into the Nurse's Tent in our forum. Espy and Poggio have been doing a good job of keeping everybody in tip-top shape. Corrupt...sorry, the shot's all I got for you. Unless you WANT me giving you stitches, which....yeah, I don't think you do. xD

Fulkth 11-21-2010 02:33 PM

But...I just got my tetanus shot recently.

I don't need another one! D8

SakuraMinamino 11-21-2010 02:36 PM

Hmmm....are you sure? *loos suspiciously at Fulkuth* Some of those cuts look pretty serious... Is that pus I see oozing out of one??? Nope, no nonsense from you! You're getting your shot. *nod*

*gets needle ready* All right, brace yourself!!

Letum-Adveho 11-21-2010 04:28 PM

"Youve already pretty well taken care of me previously in the tent." She smiles from behind her mask. "that was an event!" She laughs at the thought.

Asura 11-21-2010 04:33 PM

Give me ten.

Letum-Adveho 11-21-2010 04:35 PM

She looks at her rival, "Ten?" She finds her statement amusing and laughs to herself.

SakuraMinamino 11-21-2010 04:36 PM

Nuuu. Silly errors eating my post. T.T

Sigh. Anyway, yes, Letum, we saved you with potions back in the tent! No shots for lucky you. <3 Potions are expensive...shots are cheap. So shots for everyone else. *grin*

*gives Asura lots of shots* All better! <3

Asura 11-21-2010 04:37 PM

Yes, I spend days swimming on seas and oceans of swords, drowning in blood and reveling in the violence.

But even I need my boosters.

@ Sakura - Thank you. May I have my "GOOD JOB!" stickers now? Please give them to me or I might have to burn this place down.

Letum-Adveho 11-21-2010 04:38 PM

"Thank goodness, That liquid is so thick." She shivers at the thought of it being injected. "Ugh."
She looks to Asura. "Someone so evil wants...happy stickers?"

xia 11-21-2010 04:42 PM

D8 -hides-

Asura 11-21-2010 04:44 PM

Asura smiled gently at Letum and nodded her head. "Yes, I have use for them."

Letum-Adveho 11-21-2010 04:58 PM

She looked back at Asura. "I guess everyone must have a quirk, I just didnt see "The Heir to Darkness"... having stickers with little happy faces on them. She laughed while speaking. Clears her throat, "Oh! Excuse me, they are "GOOD JOB" stickers now."

Demagische 11-21-2010 05:01 PM

*sniffles* I haven't been rolling in swords but I keep stabing myself with the broken ones on accident. ; 3;

Asura 11-21-2010 05:04 PM

"I would be happy with either type," Asura said merrily. "Some of my minions have advised me that they are too scared to make a mistake during training lest they face my wrath."

She shook her head mournfully, but with the smile still on her face. "A poor fool had slept in during his first training mission, which forced me to lop off the smallest finger in his right hand."

Her eyes opened a tad to show crimson slivers. "He now gets up three hours early every morning to begin his training. I believe he deserves a reward."

Demagische 11-21-2010 05:13 PM

...Shit. Trisphee looks weird now. .___. Who fucked up what? *shifty glances*

*edit* Oh nevermind, it's all good now. XD

Letum-Adveho 11-21-2010 05:17 PM

She shook her head finding her measures a bit large. "I guess he does now doesn't he?" She looked the beast up and down before laughing again at her reasons. "The exact reason I left scum like you behind."

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