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daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:37 AM

Jabberwocky Junction [M]

♛ ♕ ♚ ♔ ♜ ♖ ♝ ♗ ♞ ♘ ♟ ♙
Come on, come all, to a place of wonder, where it's always tea time!♫
Whether you'd like to or not, for you're invited, or the Queen will have your head!。_。
You're mad- or you wouldn't be here- but let me tell you, the best people are ❤
Here, you can keep your sense of wonder at the world intact, and sing out your craziness, and not be judged 'mad'- because we're all mad here \(^o^)/

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:39 AM
For all we know I'm dreaming, or someone's dreaming me
So it doesn't matter even if I live a fantasy
I just want to feel that overwhelming wonder again
Even if it's just me, and not reality

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:41 AM
The original fairytales were bittersweet, like life.
The original fairytales were shunned by adults who called them evil.
'Happily ever after' came from adults who abridged the fairytales to make them , in their opinion, suitable for children.
The original Alice in Wonderland was crazy, like life.
This hangout is for discussing everything bittersweet, crazy, or otherwise- anything life, which is anything and everything, which includes death.

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:44 AM
:f-tattoo: Have fun
:f-tattoo: Be polite and respectful, everyone's entitled to their opinion
:f-tattoo: Don't ask riddles you don't know the answers to
:f-tattoo: Don't chew with your mouth open or burp or slurp
:f-tattoo: If someone falls asleep while talking, go ahead and elbow them awake
:f-tattoo: You can pop in and out, it's not necessary for you to be regular. It's understood that people around here keep shrinking and getting lost and falling down rabbit holes and into mirrors.
:f-tattoo: Light casual roleplay is fine

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:50 AM
about daikokunyo
Called kunyo
Socially awkward
Panromantic demigirl
Writes stuff and daydreams and likes internet and sleep and kawaii things <3
Dislikes germs, working out, over-studying, social constructs and immature behavior

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:54 AM
It's ok for them to paint the white roses red if the white roses don't mind being painted red.

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:56 AM
I know I said it was a tea party but this is all we have to eat and drink. Well, we do have other stuff including tea but this stuff wants to be eaten and drunk so badly so you're supposed to start with this stuff.

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 03:59 AM
This tea party is never-ending. Fun forever. Just a heads-up, if you leave and come back we'll still be partying. And if you leave forever we'll party forever without you.:p-cute:

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 04:00 AM
From morning to night, we shining bright. From friendship and love and stars and stuff.

daikokunyo 12-25-2015 04:01 AM

Lawtan 12-25-2015 11:19 AM

*With a blargibbious roar and an uffish heave, a Jubjub bird doth leave it's drellish cavern for a hierlical perch above yon party of quite remarkable tea.*

"This party of tea, shall be observed by me," decreed the manxom Thee.

daikokunyo 12-26-2015 05:06 AM

Law! 'Tis certain, thee have a way with words <3

Lawtan 12-26-2015 11:26 PM

Calhoo! The frabjous hostess doth sing the praise for this one's unrefined writing. It is daresay quite pleasing and grants me quite the merriness, to be so promoted and praised.

This mayhaps be quite the place for rhyming nonsense folk like me. XD

Reiyumi 12-27-2015 07:28 PM

I heard I was welcome here! AND CREPES.

daikokunyo 12-28-2015 04:12 AM

Law- I only wish I had the gift. But I'm content to admire it in others, for the most part :p-cute:

Reiyumi- Indeed, and here's my specialty *places plate in front of you* it's like French toast but it's a crepe so it's tender and crisp at the same time as only a crepe can be. Just wish I knew what to call it...
Matter of fact, you'd be welcome to jump in to any hangout around here. None of them's private except the one for Elitists o3o and there's probably an invisible, secret one for the Trisphee Illuminati (yeah, apparently they're REAL.) Tris needs more chatters and all the hangouts need the activity. MOAR. xD

Wrote the first prelim chemistry exam today. I hope I pass. :p-frown:

CycloneKira 01-04-2016 12:51 PM

Well, well. My favorite frabjous hostess. Expanding into new territory, I see. Fabulous, I must say, quite fabulous. And marvelous too. Have you any cranberry cactus tea for me? *grins like a Cheshire Cat*

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