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Fenris 07-16-2011 06:53 PM

Formal Announcement - Updated 7/21/11

Originally Posted by Coda (Post 787022)
I would like to add another point to this reminder.

Creating new accounts in response to punishment of any sort is punishable by permanent banning. This is a zero-tolerance policy.

I apologize that we have to bring these reminders up in public but in order to provide an enjoyable space for our users we must ensure that everyone understands what kinds of behaviors are not considered acceptable on Trisphee.

It had recently come to my attention that certain users have found ways to abuse the system to get more aurum and/or event currencies. Unfortunately this use is impossible to block and I apologize because in the end it is the user's who have to pay for actions taken on by other users. I am sending out a formal reminder that all users are limited to 2 mules only. And that using these mules for monetary gain in the form of spamming is strictly prohibited. You may not use your mules in addition to your main account to post more than twice in a row unless it falls under one of the few exceptions. We do encourage that you use all 3 allowed accounts to the best of your gaining ability but should that be the case, please remember that posting more than twice in a row even if your using two different accounts is still spamming. One of the things I hate to do most is to have to have admins act out like this. Unfortunately in some cases it must must be done and I must apologize for anything that may happen. At the current moment the admins are discussing exactly how this situation should be handled without causing to many problems. Having taken a look, we had first thought trade reversals would be the answer until realizing the abuse of this had gone on for quite some time now. The last thing I want to do is to punish users who had nothing to do with this occurrence, and it seems as though reversing all trades with said users would cause a huge problem. Therefore sometime over the next day or so we will have to seriously consider the correct solution and I must apologize should this affect any users in a negative way because that is not our intention at all. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and this announcement should stand as a firm reminder that breaking Trisphee's Rules will result in appropriate actions and any accounts found guilty of a fore mentioned activities will lose their mules and any currencies gained through the abuse of Trisphee rules.

Trisphee Administration

Ginger 07-16-2011 07:08 PM

This is pretty serious. I hope the staff can agree on a resolution soon ~

Fenris 07-16-2011 07:11 PM

It isn't that we can't agree on a resolution, its that we are trying to do it with the least affect on users. Which is the hard part, I didn't want to bring the issue out like this, unfortunately I had little choice. If I have to reverse anything with users they have a right to know why. It upsets me the amount of users this could affect, and how serious it is that this happened. I hope we can come up with a solution that is fair for everyone.

Zypher 07-16-2011 07:33 PM

People don't have anything better to do huh.. Tsk.

Ginger 07-16-2011 07:39 PM

Zypher! I have not seen you in forever O_O

Illusion 07-16-2011 07:44 PM

What I have to say is, I'm surprised that you guy's came up with that solution. Hopefully you guy's can think of a different approach that benefits all rather then make things awkward for everyone else.

And now, all that's left to say from me is...
Wow... I can't believe this just happened.

Fenris 07-16-2011 07:56 PM

Well Coda and Chi and I believe that its probably best, not to affect any users other than involved accounts. SO more than likely it will not affect anyone else, the main point of the announcement was to warn users in case, and to remind you all about these things.

Nightmare 07-16-2011 07:57 PM

I hope that whatever you guys come up with works out well. D:

Quiet Man Cometh 07-16-2011 08:00 PM

EDIT: oops. Fen beat me.

I don't see how a solution to this would be expected to bring a benefit. At best I suppose we can break even, with as little effect to the site as possible.

Reversing trades sucks but it is possible, as so long as users aren't out the money or items they traded than it wouldn't be too nasty. Doing something directly with the mules involved would be the best I can think of but it's up to the admins. It's a sucky situation but I'm not about to hold that against the admin for whatever they decide to do. Sh. Happens, we deal and move on.

Illusion 07-16-2011 08:01 PM

Well once all of this is out of the way, I hope you guys can find better ways to avoid this problem in the future.
Coda should make security enhancements, like sharks with freaking lasers on top of their heads baby~! That's the kind security we need!

Nightmare 07-16-2011 08:04 PM

I enjoy that idea. ~

Quiet Man Cometh 07-16-2011 08:06 PM

I think it would be worse if the admin had to do such a thing. People are allowed seperate accounts on Trisphee. It's part of the site. They the users abuse them you can't blame the admin for it.

Batty 07-16-2011 08:23 PM

Holy tacos, I leave for a few hours and this is what happens? I really, really hope I wasn't involved in the making of this situation. I only have my two mules, one I made awhile ago, and one I had just made today... and I don't think I've spammed on her, except to mess with Zane a little bit.

This really is a shame, and I hope you guys can come to a solution... I don't want to be punished for someone elses mistake.

Fenris 07-16-2011 08:30 PM

We are looking into security enhancements to help the prevention, the good news is that after going through the list of users we found no other attempts at anything like this. Rather than affecting everyone else we are talking to each other about how to prevent it from happening again and just looking to purge said accounts of all funds obtained this way. It would probably put their accounts severely in the negative. But at least it would not cause problems with anyone else. After talking with Coda I am pretty sure we have decided NOT to reverse trades. We don't want to make you guys feel punished for the actions of someone else.

Fenris 07-16-2011 08:31 PM

Batty if you were involved you would already know as all the warnings/infractions etc have been sent out. Anyone who doesn't have one now is definitely in the clear.

Batty 07-16-2011 08:36 PM

Oh, thank Goddess. xD; My heart pretty much dropped to the bottom of my stomach.

I have a feeling I know what happened, but... still. Its a damn shame. And it sucks bigtime that its come to something like this. -sighs-

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