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Coda 03-05-2018 07:42 PM

The Daily Awful
Regrettably, my employer has decided not to move forward with the project I was assigned to and they've let go of the engineers from that team. This came as a big surprise to everyone, as my immediate manager had just finished discussing plans with us for the week.

So here I am, unemployed through no fault of my own, sifting through job search websites and trying to find someone that will accept a telecommuting employee because no place local can pay me enough and I can't relocate.

... at least I'll have more time to work on Trisphee?

Den 03-05-2018 08:36 PM

Also look into unemployment, Coda.

Claire Bear 03-05-2018 08:43 PM

i hate this so much for you.

Coda 03-05-2018 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Den (Post 1845707)
Also look into unemployment, Coda.

I've already put in the application and I have to go into the office tomorrow morning to follow up on it.

Den 03-05-2018 09:54 PM

Good. The sooner you get on that sorta thing, the better.

Coda 03-22-2018 12:11 PM

I'm feeling overwhelmed. I've put in 50-something job applications and I've only heard back from four of them, and one of those was a point-blank rejection.

I'm trying very hard not to despair, but it's hard to keep my spirits up when most of the jobs I'm finding aren't going to pay enough to cover my bills.

Kaderin Triste 03-22-2018 07:34 PM

Job hunting can be rough. Fingers crossed that something good comes along and you get it!

Also, unfortunately, sometimes it can be necessary to work 2 or even 3 jobs these days. Mainly because it's cheaper for companies to hire many part-time than it is to hire full-time employees because they don't have to offer them insurance and benefits.

Sorry, I'm bad at being all optimistic and cheering up people.... but seriously, I relly hope everything works out and you are able to find a great job!

Coda 03-22-2018 08:48 PM

Well, fingers crossed, I got a couple nibbles today... maybe one of them will pan out.

KittyBeary 03-22-2018 09:06 PM

Job hunting is indeed rough. uwu I hate it with a passion.

Pirouetting Nightmare 03-24-2018 12:21 AM

Any good news on your job hunt yet Coda?

KittyBeary 03-24-2018 06:50 AM

I can't find the pieces for my Merida bow that I need to re-attach and it's driving me insane. x(

(This is like the Daily Awesome thread but opposite right? ;u; )

Coda 03-24-2018 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pirouetting Nightmare (Post 1848632)
Any good news on your job hunt yet Coda?

Eh... It's... well, better than it was before? I've had a couple callbacks from jobs that MIGHT work out, but the one that's farther along in the process is one that isn't able to offer the salary I'm asking for. It still offers enough that I'll take it if I can't get better, but it's going to be a long-term state of semi-suck instead of following my plan to get out of debt within three years.


Originally Posted by KittyBeary (Post 1848687)
(This is like the Daily Awesome thread but opposite right? ;u; )

Yes, exactly.

KittyBeary 03-24-2018 10:50 PM

Ok. XD I wanted to make sure, since no one else has really posted a daily awful.

Quiet Man Cometh 03-29-2018 07:05 PM

I am sick. Blah. This cost me a day of work and my second to last class. I'm going to have quite a scramble to get all my work done by the end of the year.

EverAshwood 03-30-2018 01:32 PM

Daily Awful: still dealing with FLEAs (Frightening Lingering Effects of Abuse), so a lot of things I say come out super c*nt-y, since that's just how everyone always talked to me (since I didn't have friends till high school, I never realized how toxic the behavior was). So my dumb ass had no idea my bf was pissed at me for leaving my charger plug on the bed (I fucking shook everything out on the bed looking for it, so idk how it was still there, but apparently it speared his butthole), and he was jostling about a lot trying to get comfortable. I don't tend to fall asleep again after being woken up, regardless of what point of the night it is (so basically I've been up since 1 am, then), so I made an off-handed comment about how I hope I could fall asleep after this (again, didn't), but it ended up starting a huge fight.

I'm super fucked up (in that I have Borderline Personality Disorder), so I take shit super personal. I spent the night being talked down from the edge by an old friend. Woke up this morning to le bf yelling at me about the kettle (he slept on the couch last night, so I'd just grabbed the electric kettle real quick so I could make tea without pissing him off again sometime around 2 or 3 am), find out he only slept 2 hours because it took him hours to calm down and sleep, and that I'm a fucking asshole. Get talked down from the ledge by another old friend, who took me out for breakfast to get my mind off of shit so I could legitimately work so I don't lose my home (because, did I mention? we got summons to go to court tuesday [3 days ago] and we have till the 7th to pay off our debts or else get the fuck out; bf and I both have abusive family and would rather die/be homeless than go back)\

Got some daily awesome this morning from that second old friend, so I'll post in the awesome thread in a bit

Kaderin Triste 03-30-2018 07:00 PM

UGH. My dad just got hold of me and is ginna want to drag me to easter dinner at my grandma's house probably. XP
But it's the first time I've had a day off in over a month and I desperately need a day to relax and sleep in and do laundry (seriously, the laundry situation is dire). So I pretty much either can lie and say I work or be stuck with a horrifically boring day mostly spent in a car, leaving me more drained than before. (Because introvert, need solo time to recharge.)

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