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johnny 07-25-2010 06:28 PM

Doctor Who [Thread-wide Spoiler Warning!]
Yeah, I'm just going to jump the gun here and make the OFFICIAL DOCTOR WHO page. I'll be in here, alone, talking to myself about my favorite Doctor.

(It's number Nine, by the way. Though Eleven is a close second place.)

Doctor Who fans?

Anyone? Anyone?... Bueller?

Faye 07-28-2010 06:08 PM

I like Doctor Who. :) It's weird, but in a really good way. Unfortunately, I usually can only watch it when I'm over at my friend's house. My sister gets really mad at me when I watch it at home.

My favorite doctor is a toss-up between the Tenth or the Ninth.

johnny 07-28-2010 06:29 PM

Why does your sister get upset when you watch it at home?

Do you have to share a TV or something?

Faye 07-28-2010 09:19 PM

She thinks it's stupid. XD And yes, we do. There's a tv downstairs in the basement, but that pretty much belongs to my brother.

johnny 07-29-2010 09:07 AM

Doctor Who is never stupid!

It's made me appreciate history and want to time travel through it, way more than school ever did. And it's funny, and creative, and exciting. And one episode, "Blink", scared the BUHJEEZUS out of me. D:

#FFFFFF 08-01-2010 11:59 AM

I love Doctor Who with a burning passion. D:
I've been watching it since it was in black and white... xD Granted, I probably wasn't alive when it was produced... But still.
My parents used to watch it, but then they stopped before the 7th doctor or so... When David Tennant came in I yelled at them to start watching it again. Mom wasn't impressed, but Dad was hooked and I watch it with him often. ^^

johnny 08-01-2010 12:07 PM

I love Doctor Who with a burning passion tooooo. :'D

I've been working my way through the old series. It's super difficult when the site I'm using glitches out and stuff, though. D<

I've only gotten about halfway through the First Doctor's run. The site works for maybe an hour or two worth of video, and then locks on an advertisement and won't let me return to the video. So I get sick of it and leave it alone for a while.

I've actually seen more and know more about Doctor Who than my parents. My mom hadn't even heard of Doctor Who before I got her to watch the 2005 series, and my dad just remembered seeing a few episodes of the Tom Baker years. But I've read like, all the wikipedia pages and fan sites so I know more about the show than I've actually seen. :3

#FFFFFF 08-01-2010 12:12 PM

Haha. I know more about it than my parents as well because they don't watch it nearly as religiously as I do. >u> They're losers.

I remember watching it on SciFi when it was still spelled like that... I don't even know why they changed. D:
But this was a long time ago when I was really young. xD;; I'd sit there and watch it with Dad.

johnny 08-01-2010 12:16 PM

They played the old episodes on SciFi?


Man, I missed all the good SciFi years, apparently. Mystery Science Theater 3000. Doctor Who. Now, of course I'm aware of SciFi but all they have is MEGASHARK VS. GIANT OCTOPUS. D<

Also, they changed SciFi to SyFy because they couldn't trademark the word "SciFi". But I don't feel like calling is SyFy so they can just get over it. xD

#FFFFFF 08-01-2010 12:21 PM

Yes you did. xDD
I remember the good years... And they still have good DAYS every now and then. It's awesome. xD One of my favorite channels besides Chiller and BBCA.

Lmao. Alright then. Thanks. I didn't know why they changed it. </3 It makes me sad.

Muff Muff 08-01-2010 12:25 PM

Who is Dr. Who?

johnny 08-01-2010 12:32 PM

The Gallifreyan Time Lord who "borrowed" a Type 40 TARDIS with a broken Chameleon Circuit so it's stuck looking like an old English police public call box, a-duh. xD

#FFFFFF 08-01-2010 12:35 PM

At least that makes it not look too strange... xD

Electric Roses 08-10-2010 05:48 AM

I looooove Doctor Who xD I have for years... the David Tennant years were a little... hit and miss for me, but I absolutely LOVE matt smith as the doctor, I'd say he's my favorite :3

johnny 08-16-2010 05:00 PM


Another person who didn't completely think that David Tennant was the best thing to happen to Doctor Who since forevereverever.

And an Eleven fan, too!

I got really worried, you know. My brother found a news article that said the ratings for Matt Smith's Doctor were really low so they might replace him. I sure hope not. :C

Cyanide Lollipop 08-24-2010 11:54 AM

I love Doctor Who, even though I haven't seen any of the old series. D:

I FINALLY got my mom hooked on it though. BDD She got stuck watching the newest season with me because I don't get BBCA in my room. Now I just gotta get her to watch the DVDs I have. XD

Johnny - Oh god, Blink. I used to like angel statues. Then I saw Blink.

Aww, really? I hope he doesn't get replaced. T__T I really like him!

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