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Merskelly Metalien 07-19-2020 01:34 AM

What do you like to listen to/watch to fall aleep?
Personally, I can fall asleep to silence, or to most relaxing music, but most of my favorites include;

calming space fantasy ambiance,
a gentle choir,
relaxing ancient Japanese music,
the waterfall music from Undertale,
slow moody blues music,
quiet jazz,
forest/swamp ambience,
ocean waves,
and some calming movie soundtracks from either Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.

Maybe you're like me or my mom and can fall asleep listening to the TV? But for me it depends what's on the TV.
:c I can't fall asleep to a fun movie like The Road to El Dorado, or to an episode of Invader Zim.
But I typically (and oddly enough) tend to put on The Twilight Zone to help me relax. ^-^

Particularly the episodes;
The Changing of the Guard,
Night of the Meek,
A Stop at Willoughby,
A Passage for Trumpet,
The Silence,
Five Characters in Search of an Exit,
Nothing in the Dark.

Is there anything anybody else likes to listen to just help go to sleep? Or put on for background noise? Maybe like calming music, ambience or a favorite playlist? :]

Biomecha 07-19-2020 01:49 AM

I don't fall asleep easily with silence, so I typically will have a podcast on and set it to a sleep timer. But it needs to be one that doesn't require too much focus. I can't even explain the appeal of the main podcast I listen to because it basically is a radio show that has been around for many years and was one my parents would listen to. I keep trying to find better ones, but most of them seem to focus on history or true crime.

Dalhanahue 08-23-2022 02:33 PM

I can honestly fall asleep either way. Most of the time I prefer it to be cool, dark, and silent. However, I can fall asleep with whatever going on in the background. And on occasion in certain moods I can enjoy falling asleep to ambient music or just generally chill stuff like Enya, Celtic, Classical, stuff with flutes or nature sounds. Also the t.v. left on because I was too lazy to turn it off.

8Nephila8 09-05-2022 04:51 PM

It depends how tired I am.

Sometimes nothing, sometimes I like to listen to rain and thunder storms.

Espy 09-06-2022 02:21 AM

I have really bad insomnia, but recently I've realized that if I can get myself into a... sort of... trance state, for lack of better words, with music that I'm familiar with that's also conducive to meditating, I can climb into bed and pass out in less than half an hour. But it's getting to that point that takes an hour or so.

KittyBeary 09-06-2022 05:28 AM

I usually listen to the Sorcerer Radio app(it's a Disney radio app) before going to bed. :D

inkspot 01-22-2023 06:00 PM

Elvis Presley sends me to sleep like no other. His voice and songs are so soothing, especially "Treat Me Nice" "Love Me" "Love Me Tender" and "Any Way You Want Me". I like to fall asleep dreaming that men like that still exist.

salt 06-26-2023 04:51 AM

my bedroom is next to my parents' room and the walls are thin and they are sensitive sleepers. so i tried sleeping with my airpods but more often than not i ended up losing at least one of them in the morning. now i can no longer find the left one. sigh, i guess jerma will have to wait.

Kaderin Triste 06-27-2023 10:47 AM

Lately I've been listening to a lot of ambient fantasy stuff.
"Magical forest at night", "tavern harp" type stuff.
I try to avoid stuff with bird sounds though as it makes the cats think it's morning and they keep me up longer.

KittyBeary 06-30-2023 11:48 PM

I listen to the Disney radio app(Sorcerer Radio) before bed. XD Though I also listen to the DW:60 podcast when a new one is out. :3

EDIT: I just noticed I already posted to this thread the same response almost, LOL oops.

Ginger 04-01-2024 04:35 PM

I've experimented with my own sleep studies while streaming the process live on Twitch. I wanted to find out why I hadn't dreamed in years, and really I needed to focus on getting quality sleep over the amount of hours total spent sleeping each day.

I work nights so I need to sleep during daytime hours, and there's a lot of outside noise and disruption during the day. Playing storms and lucid dreaming sound videos on Youtube actually put me into a deeper sleep by training my brain to tune out everything else and focus on that noise. The lucid dreaming videos actually worked and triggered dreams for me. Many of them were beyond weird, so I switched to storm videos.

My goal was to get better quality of sleep through a series of experiments for deeper sleep, and in doing so I found out I sleep the best with a fan on, storm sounds, or ocean waves. Sound machines are actually the best idea.

Jaybird 04-01-2024 06:48 PM

I'm currently very much into listening to DnD live plays to fall asleep, but technically I don't fall asleep while they are playing. It's more like I'm just listening to relax to a point where I am ready to fall asleep, and then I usually pause them, because if they make sudden loud noises I'll just wake up again. So yeah, not sure if that counts as falling asleep to them.
Something else I listen to, that I can very much fall asleep to are some OSTs from games. In particular Oblivion, Skyrim and Guild Wars.

Kaderin Triste 04-01-2024 08:41 PM

I've been putting on lofi or calm music with ambient sounds. I just wish there were more that didn't have fire crackling or bird sounds.

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