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MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:20 PM

Quitting,Want art! (200k+ Some Items, Few Runes)
I'm making a new one because the other one is unorganized and just doesn't appeal to me anymore..The way I think I'm going to do this one is that

EDIT- I will officially be leaving Trisphee. Like for good. :C It's been fun here but with my life starting and events picking up I can only limit myself to a few avi sites..and this one isn't active enough for me unfortunately. Just know that I won't be leaving, though, until ALL of my funds have been spent. Help me out? c:

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:21 PM

The Rules:

1.Please do not start on any art without my say so. If it is started without my consent, you will not be paid and it will be considered a freebie.

2. Your payment will be received once the product is finished and sent to me. I understand art takes time and some artists like giving watermarked versions, feel free to do so, but the final product must be sent via PM.

3. When the art is paid for, you are agreeing that I am allowed to use the piece wherever I wish and whenever and that it, the art itself, is mine. Credit will be given where it is due, and you, the artist, will still be the true owner in terms of creating said art, of course. C:


Thread Rules

1. Of course, no drama, harassment, spamming of any kind. I am here to collect art and converse with future/possible sellers and those who wish to help me collect art. We do not care for your drama, we do not want to hear it. Spam is not welcomed.

2. I am the owner of this thread, so what I say must be followed. No if's and's or but's about this. If someone is seen breaking the rules, they will be asked to leave the thread. If they do not comply, moderators will be brought into the mix to handle the situation. Never should a user in this thread take the situation into their own hands. It complicates things to an unneeded level.

3.Do not use/post/sell art that is not yours. Pixel bases should give credit to the original owner, regardless of what website you have found the base(s) on.

4. Chat Speak and l337 speak are absolutely forbidden in this thread. You have a keyboard, spell out your words. This is not only a serious pet peeve to me, but others as well, I am sure of it.

5. I reserve all rights to edit/add/change the rules at any time.

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:26 PM

My Preferences:

.I love all types, digital is preferred but at this point as long as it's super nice, I'll take it! At a reasonable price, of course. x3

.Color is top priority! I don't mind paying extra for it. :3

.A Guarantee. I don't want to be promised art and have nothing. So this means no auctions, no art shops, no long waiting lists. Sorry. :c

.If I do not like your art style, don't take offense! I will probably keep your username in consideration for later uses anyway.

.I don't know what prices are on here. Really, I don't. So tell me your prices, damnit. ; A;

220k + some items. They will vary, I am selling items in this thread.

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:28 PM

Tнε Mαιη яεqυεsT

Now that I'm getting more videos up on Youtube, I find I need a lot of art done. I want to get it of my OC/Utau Yuumei. Everything you need on her will be found over HERE

A few things to note:
.Her outfits aren't limited to what's there. Do what you want! As long as she's recognizable.

.I'd really love to get art done with a big enough background, (something big enough to fill a Youtube Video) too, if possible. I'll gladly pay extra.

.I'd also VERY much appreciate someone drawing a great full body of This outfit of hers. Feel free to arrange the colors. I don't exactly know where I want them to go so go for it!

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:30 PM

Other requests;
If possible, I'd love for these lovely peoples to have more artwork done of them rather than my derpy drawings.

Aiko Romanovi

Uma Ningyou

Gen & Gumo (Gen: ♀ Gumo: ♂ )

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:40 PM


A lot of items, 200k Aurum, 6 Runes. I'll link to items eventually.

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:41 PM

I'll link to OC's at some point, I think. @_@

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:42 PM

I'll make this reserved for now

MeiMei 01-17-2013 05:43 PM


MeiMei 01-20-2013 12:21 PM

This is open now. ; v ; Come and chat!

Espy 01-20-2013 01:04 PM

Laughing at how similar your Dante is to my Dante. I might give this a try (as freebies), but I'd need a bit more details concerning clothing and whatnot.

MeiMei 01-20-2013 01:11 PM

Are you serious? . _ . That's crazy. xD; I can try to give details as well as I possibly can. Is there anything you had questions on so far right now?

Espy 01-20-2013 01:25 PM

Not really. Still just pondering how well I can balance freebs with homework.

MeiMei 01-20-2013 01:26 PM

Aah. Focus on that homework first and foremost! Freebs can come at any time, or darn near. xD

littl3chocobo 01-20-2013 01:37 PM

XD the fact that i only draw gens i know(first two) means a lot of these are outside of what i will do but will i sit here and feel bad about being sick i will keep you company<3

MeiMei 01-20-2013 01:39 PM

Ahahaha aww. xD Yeah, I've tried to get them from different Generations, just to spice it up. ouo

But awww, you're sick?! That's never fun. e x e You getting enough to drink? A lot of chicken soup? :'O

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