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Worm 11-19-2017 11:46 PM

Dragon's Scales { Crystal x Worm }
This is a private roleplay between CrystalKitsune85 and Worm.

Worm 11-19-2017 11:54 PM

Moira was from a farmer's family. Even elves had caste systems. She wore the tarnished skin of a daily worker. Her hair was still a long, silken silver which she pulled away from her face into a ponytail. Strands fell around her eyebrows, green eyes peeked out beneath them. She was taller than her younger brother, and just as tall as the oldest. Being the only daughter was tough. You were pushed as hard as the boys, but overprotected at the same time. Right now, she felt lucky to get away from her family.

Bands of sunlight streamed from in between branches. Her favorite spot was in the forest of Venmenor. There was a secluded pond which she often dipped in. Today, she decided it an excuse to pick berries. After all, it was beautiful outside. The smell of forest mildew made her smile from cheek to cheek. She had a sprinkling of freckles just above her nose which were illuminated in the sunlight.

Crystalkitsune85 11-20-2017 12:56 AM

Kerian emerged from his cave and looked out across the vast expanse of the forest below his rocky cliff. He scanned the tree line and spotted the village of elves way off in the distance. His eyes narrowed and he snorted once and then shook his head. He sniffed the air trying to find breakfast and caught the scent of some deer a few miles away.

He took to the air after a fee moments of streching out his wings and flapping them a few times before taking off. He followed the scent of the deer and he spotted them a couple doe with a buck in a nice group.He circled around them a while and then took down after the buck, landing on his back and cracking his spine in half. He clamped down on the neck and snapped that as well.

The two doe ran off when he landed on the buck. He didn't care, he could track them down easily enough if he was still hungry. When he finished the Buck he lifted his head and sensed something else nearby. His nostrils flared and eyes pinpricked as he recognized it as elven. He stood there a second and then shifted into a more easier to maneuver in a forest form. He adopted a two-legged version of himself, black hair trailing down his back and lavender colored eyes. He wore all black and looked dark but not evil.

He stood in the forest, waiting for the elven female to come closer. He knew what she was, and she was fast approaching. Probably just looking for herbs or something.

Worm 11-20-2017 01:19 AM

The forest was normally calm, but today it seemed quiet. She lifted her head to the sky, saw birds flocking away. Her instincts were peaked. She began running, her movements stealthy and quiet. She leapt for cover beneath the trees, her bow cocked. Then, when she least expected it, a doe came running beneath her. And then another. Moira was shaking, knowing that something big was nearby.

She shifted forward to aim and before she knew it, she was slipping. Her foot didn't catch the branch as she'd hoped. With that misstep, she fell backwards from the branch and had to catch herself. Alas, all that she could grasp was the hard forest floor. She fell onto her ankle, it snapped under her weight. She let out a groan, looking at her basket spilling berries out onto the floor. She cringed, trying to get back onto her foot but any pressure shot arrows of pain up her spine. In the corner of her eye, she could swear she saw another elf.

Crystalkitsune85 11-20-2017 01:39 AM

Kerian walked casually through the forest and approached the elf. Since he had sensed her move but she stopped approaching when the doe ran past and she was heightened and in attack mode. He heard the fall from where he was, and heard the snap of her ankle meaning she broke it when she landed on it.

She was on the ground and he heard that a large boar was actually nearby snuffing through the grass and bushes. It had spotted Moira and was going to charge at her. Since she was injured and trying to get to her feet, he stepped into the clearing and stared it down. The boar started back and drug a hoof in the dirt ready to charge but he stood firm and eventually, the boar realized he was on the bottom of the food chain. He knew that Kieran was a dragon in a two-legged form and that if he didn't leave his life was at risk, so he retreated and ran off.

Kieran turned towards Moira who was still struggling. "Here I can help." he offered as he stepped towards her.

Worm 11-20-2017 08:55 PM

Moira watched as the boar reared its head, ready to charge. It was as if all of the animals in the area were angered by something that Moira was unable to understand. She sat, cringing in pain, looking over at the boar with tear filled eyes, hoping that someone would give her some sympathy. And then, there he was.

She would've jumped from his presence, if she hadn't already sensed him near. She bit her lip, looking him over. There was something strange about him, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Even the boar seemed intimidated by the man. Moira tried to stand again, only to fall fast. She wasn't one to take help if she didn't need it, but she regrettably needed it. So she grabbed the man's hand, hoping that he would pull her up. "Why, thank you." She was surprised that someone would be here just in time. After all, if he weren't here, she'd be shit out of luck trying to stop a boar from pummeling her with no way to run.

Crystalkitsune85 11-20-2017 10:20 PM

Kerian instead picked her up and held her effortlessly in her arms. He stared at her and then tapped her forehead "Sleep" he said simply and then watched as his magic caused her to drop into a deep sleep. He allowed his wings to come forth on his back and he rose up into the air and flew back to his cave.

He landed on the edge of the cliff by his cave and walked in. Off to the right was a large dark cave that seemed to go back for ages. Of to the Left, seemed to be a house face, with a door. Built with wood, using the cave as interior walls. As he walked forward, the door swung open for him and he walked inside. The dark cave was when he was a dragon and the home area was for when he indulged and walked on two legs instead.

He walked her to a large bed that was in the back of that home area and put her into it. He would look at her ankle since she was out. He set it and wrapped it up. He may be a dragon but that didn't mean he wasn't intelligent or know how to do the same things humans or elves could. He was well versed, he was knowledgeable of healing techniques and actually knew how to cook.

Worm 11-21-2017 02:17 AM

Moira was scooped up by the gentleman with ease, her cheeks turning pink in the moment. Before she could thank the man, she was asleep. And surely this was all part of her dream somehow.

She smelled smoke and opened her eyes. She was in an unfamiliar place. She wanted to jump up and get her bearings, but her foot was bandaged and propped. Was it real then? Moira groaned, rubbing her head. The sheets were soft, the room was well lit and decorated. It seemed like someone of high status would live here. She let out a meek attempt for attention. "Hello? Anybody here?" She still hadn't the slightest clue as to how she'd gotten here in the first place.

Crystalkitsune85 11-21-2017 02:45 AM

His head poked through the doorway. He was in the kitchen area cooking something for her to eat. "She wakes!" he said with a sly smile. "Welcome back to the land of the living. Please keep that leg elevated. You, unfortunately, broke it when you fell. I set it and did my best to cast it. You'll need to stay laying down for a while with that leg elevated." he explained.

He withdrew his head back into the small kitchen and kept cooking up something for her to eat. He came back with a tray and a bowl of stew with a cup of cold water. "Here you go, Miss...I'm sorry I don't know your name. I am Kerian." he introduced himself with a slight bow.

Worm 11-21-2017 04:51 PM

When she lifted her head again, the familiar elf looked around the corner. She remembered how she broke her ankle in a flood of memories. But still, she didn't remember getting here. She held her head, still spinning. She sniffed the air, smelling less like smoke and more like food now. Her stomach gurgled in response. He placed the tray in front of her, and she blushed. It smelled different than her mother's cooking, but good nonetheless.
"Well thank you - Kerian." Moira watched him bow, dipping her head in response.

"You may call me Moira." She smelled the steam coming off of the stew, excited to eat. "I'm from Xanaros Village." She peeked her head to try and find a window where she could get her bearings. "Where are we?" She asked in a hushed voice, holding the spoon above her bowl of stew.

Crystalkitsune85 11-21-2017 05:45 PM

He stood by to watch her eat the stew he provided for her. It was no big deal to go grab something small to cook up for the lady while she was sleeping. "Ah, I know that village. I pass by it all the time," he said idly. "Mostly while hunting." he mused. "I hope the food is to your liking. I'm afraid I use mostly meat in my dishes, but if you prefer something more green or sweet, please let me know. I'm sure I can find something down there you'll enjoy." he said looking back towards the door.

"It is nice to meet you Moira." he said softly. When she asked where they were he tilted his head slightly. "In my home of course. We are actually inside a cave, but one side of it, looked like a nice area to build a house, so I created my own home here, utilizing the cave's interior for walls and just built up the front with a door. And the Kitchen area, I actually hollowed out myself..."

Worm 11-22-2017 03:27 PM

The elf took a couple of spoonfuls of the stew, trying to really absorb its flavor. Though she did in fact prefer more green in her food, it was actually pretty good, albeit a bit salty. She smiled when he gave her other food options. She shook her head. "This is all so much. I couldn't ask you for anything else." Moira sipped another spoonful of the hot stew. It was healing in itself. She wondered what kind of meat it was, leaning towards deer or maybe boar.

As he explained the amenities of his home, Moira looked around. She actually didn't notice that the stone walls were part of a cave. "Wait, you built this place yourself? That's incredible!" She gasped, now appreciating the space even more. "But how?" She remembered her father and brothers rebuilding their home when it was struck down by humans. It took them days to build a simple tree-home. To hollow out a cave seemed like it would take immense manpower. She wasn't sure how much of Kerian's story was true. There was something increasingly peculiar about him.

Crystalkitsune85 11-22-2017 04:26 PM

He just smiled "Oh I have my ways." he said with a wink. "I will try and make your stay here as comfortable as possible since you will be here for a while. I will have to carry you to another area when you need to "relieve" yourself but don't worry, I won't watch. I am after all still a gentleman." he then stood and went back into the kitchen presumably to clean up what he did there moments before.

When he popped back out and saw that she was finished with her dishes, he took them and disappeared again. When he finally emerged after a short while he approached the bed. "I have some books here if you need something to pass the days away. Though currently, I think you should get some rest. Dusk approaches and will be night soon. As soon as I think you are able to be relocated, I will send you to your own people to care for you. They would more than likely have better ways of caring for you then I." Kerian said.

Worm 11-22-2017 05:32 PM

She tried to feel comfortable in the man's presence. After all, he did rescue her. There was something that kept Moira suspicious. She blushed, bowed, and thanked the man at every opportunity. She nodded at the idea of sleep, however, she wasn't sure if she would be able to. She wasn't usually this agreeable. The elf just felt so incapacitated, that she felt there was no choice.

As she looked towards the outside, she wondered what her family thought. She wondered if they worried. "Do you think... Do you think you could tell my family that I'm okay? Perhaps carry a letter to them?" Though she would preferably be returned to them now, she was happy to hear that Kerian planned on returning her. Her eyes were red and droopy. Though the steam of hot food seemed to perk her up, she was stressed. In a foreign environment, everything seemed stressful. So she tried her best to remain a lady. "And... I think I would like to... Use your... Err, relieve myself." Her knees folded over each other, in attempts to hold it in. Her face was bright pink, looking down at the sheets.

Crystalkitsune85 11-22-2017 05:47 PM

He smiled knowingly "Why of course." he said and picked her up and carried her to an outdoor "outhouse" of sorts that used a small waterfall as runoff, to carry all the bad stuff away. He set her at the door of the outhouse and then went around the corner so she had privacy.

As she did her 'business' he spoke to her. "I can give you a pen and paper and you can write your family a letter and I will see it gets delivered," he told her. "I wouldn't want them to worry."

When she was done and would call out that she was finished would he return to retrieve her and take her back inside. By that point, the sun was finally down and stars were starting to twinkle across the sky. "Let us get you back inside." he said and then carried her back to the bed. "Would you like to write that letter now or in the morning?" he asked.

Worm 11-22-2017 05:56 PM

It felt good to be outside. The sound of the waterfall helped Moira with her stage fright. After the deed was done, she was whisked away again. The man seemed to carry her with ease. It made her bubble up in her stomach as if they were flying. Upon returning to her bed, she felt a sense of dread. She would never want to be trapped somewhere.

"I think I would like to write it now, if that's alright?" She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep much tonight. She had too many questions on her mind. Who was this gentleman? Why was he so stoic? What was he hiding? How did he get to her just in time? Was this all just a coincidence aligned by the stars?

"What of your family? What are they like?" She smiled, letting down her hair finally. Long strands of silvery blonde fell over her shoulders. Her eyes glowed with curiosity.

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