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Lawtan 03-27-2014 02:18 PM

Trisphee Fancomic?
Sorry it took a while to get to. (Was ill yesterday)

Anywho, I am opening this thread to see if and how Trisphee would want to go about making a webcomic based on the universe Trisphee is in.

Things (that I recall) that are brought up as issues with this:

1) The "professionals" of Trisphee (the staff) are somewhat strained in their work as it is, and are trying to implement first several fixes/improvements to their old system, followed by "other ideas"

2) A user-voluntary input/created webcomic has a high chance of being haphazard.

3) Whatever art could be obtained for the webcomic may not match, due to different styles from volunteers

4) Most importantly, what is desired from this webcomic.

This idea was made by Taletha, and I am trying to help it in someway become something to improve Trisphee, people's interest in Trisphee, and just have fun with a nutty webcomic :p-grin:

This post is to discuss and plan the webcomic.

And if I mad no sense, sorry - I can be bad with communicating thoughts, and I am still somewhat sickly.

Lawtan 03-27-2014 02:21 PM

Follow Trisphee's Code of Conduct
This is not an obligation - this is voluntary
Don't be an arse.

Lawtan 03-27-2014 02:23 PM





Taletha 03-28-2014 10:38 PM

Why are we calling it a fancomic? lol

Lawtan 03-28-2014 10:56 PM

Well, I thought that would emphasize the focus on Trisphee users, and if there was not enough interest/time between everyone, it could still be worked on at a slower pace.

Demonskid 04-01-2014 10:38 AM

It's also best to call it a Fancomic since it isn't made by the Staff. It's made by the user base, the fans of the website and is not an official comic for the site. Kind of like how a Fan Fiction is called Fan Fiction. It's made by the fans and not the owners. So that takes out the first part of the concerns in the first post.

As for that user created comic being a haphazard, as long as you put disclaimers and don't make any money off the comic, legal wise you'll be fine. Because it'll be a fancomic. Make sure people know that the original settings, and list the NPCs that belong to Trisphee. If possible add a link to the site so they can see where the idea for the comic came from.

Another Hazards that can arise are: the group arguing and falling apart, or putting a user into the comic as a character with out asking that person permission, and adding a person to bash them due to personal grudges and feelings against that person.

If/When a fight erupts, have everyone step back away from the comic, take a breather, and then come back to talk over what the fight was about. Have a neutral person to negotiate and keep things calm if needed.

As for the artist thing in concern number 3. If it is a group project, try to ask the artists to draw a rough draft, then vote of which drawing style to use. Then have everyone practice that drawing style. It really isn't all that hard to mimic a drawing style if you've practiced it.

Or, you can just get 1 artist, and have slower releases, but then you'll be screwed if that artist decides to give up and not work on it any more which happens fairly often.

and for #4. What is desired from the comic? No clue. Do you guys, The creators of the comic, want? Action Adventure? Romance? Comedy? A bit of all 3 or maybe even other things added in?
Every one has their reading preferences. I like Action Adventures mostly, with a bit of comedy mixed in. But others might prefer Romance and Comedy or just flat out comedy.

When/if you get your group together to make the comic, ask about what type of comic it should be. It's a Fancomic, that is a group project. There for the final decision is the groups decision.

I think a Fancomic is a good idea, and if made, it could draw people to the site. I once made a Gundam Wing/Trisphee Fanfiction (that i never updated because life got in the way) and it had brought in a few people. Quite Man Cometh is one of them! So a fancomic would be a good way to advertise the site. As long as personal feelings against people stay out of it so drama over it won't follow the comic, it'll be the best thing ever.

o3o thats just my thoughts and brain matter on the subject.. good luck!

Taletha 04-02-2014 04:56 PM

Sorry for my late reply, I was sort of swamped.

I have to point it out though: If the staff can't, or won't be involved, then there's not much point in doing this. It's not for us, it's for the site, and it's not for us to express fandom for the site, but rather it's so the site can expand.

Unless this is a wholly different thing than what I was talking about for the last week...

Demonskid 04-02-2014 05:19 PM

I saw your post in the other thread. You said something about people needing to take an initiative. Since the staff doesnt have the time nor man power to make an official comic, the users (like you) should make a fan comic and post it on a webcomic site with disclaimers and links to trisphee.

Using ones Fandom can always be a way to help a site if it's used right. =)

a Fan Comic can help the site because it's advertising it. By advertising it, you'd be able to bring people to the site. People to the site sometimes means more donations to pay for more coders and artists.

One of the people my fanfiction had brought to the site ended up being a Writer for some time before life got into the way.

Or you can do it this way.
Ask staff for permission to make an official Trisphee comic and have it hosted here (but then that takes away the advertisement part of hosting it on a site where fan comics would go).

They won't have to be too involved if its a User Based Project that was granted permission to be made. Just draw up each chapter in rough draft form, and show it to them, once the each rough draft has been accepted finish it up and have it posted.

Taletha 04-02-2014 10:54 PM

Again, that won't do any good.

At best, we can ask the staff to host it here and make it official. But in that regard, anyone involved too would then become Trisphee staff (unless they already are). Dunno how that will sit with some folks, or if they can even afford new site staff (I'm not gonna lie, if I'm gonna be epically involved with writing and planning this thing out, I'm going to be asking for compensation at some point.).

I had no illusions what hurdles this thing had, but at the same time, again, initiative. This place obviously needs it. Heck, I just joined and I'm already getting bored (just...not a lot to do I'm sorry). >_>

Nexess 04-03-2014 08:47 PM


So because it wasn't understood before I will say this again, we do not have the time or man power for this,if you want to do this it must be done without our help. We do like the idea but it's not a top priority to be done right this very second. It will also be made by staff artists, meaning people we hire for the job, like Monmon or Twigg, if it were to be officially ours.

If you guys want to do this you need to understand we can't help you and nor will this be a trisphee official comic, it's as DK said, a fan comic.

Taletha 04-03-2014 10:40 PM

Well, that's that.

Lawtan 04-03-2014 10:57 PM

*Sighs* Well, gave it my best effort. Sorry, all.

I'd still be up to a fancomic, if it wasn't just myself.

Kenai 04-03-2014 11:09 PM

I need to get signed up for school. I also got RPs going on and an addiction for minecraft, wizard 101, and Final Fantasy 9 right now that I'm rotating. Buut somewhere int here I'll squeeze in reading the condensed summaries of Trisphee's history.

I'm excitedly brainstorming RP ideas. Reading the history I"m sure I can come up with plenty ideas to store away in the dark attic to be discovered...but really I just enjoy the brainstorming process. Also addicting. Did you know I never finish my construction projects on Minecraft? I should get my title changed to Professor Calamitous (sp?)

Nexess 04-03-2014 11:10 PM

BI I'm not saying you can't do it guys, I'm saying we just can't help you. If you'd like to do a fancomic you can, heck you can host it in the art forum if you want, or in trisphee talk, but we just don't have the funds nor the people to help you produce it. And because it's not made by us it wouldn't be an official part of trisphee, which in reality gives you guys a lot more to work with if you think about it. If we do it they'll be a storyline and plot to follow, it'd have to be nice with good graphics and colouring. You have the freedom to do whatever you want with those things, heck you can do a stick figure comic if you wanted.

Kenai 04-03-2014 11:17 PM

Also Nex I notice you feel like we aren't hearing you. And I don't want you to think that. I've heard. You haven't been shutting us down ever. Just being a counter-balance to enthusiams. -nods-

Also what is BI? You use it in your sentences and it confuzzles me.

Taletha 04-04-2014 12:27 AM

Nexess, I'm not sure I can name too many decent artists who'd work on a fan comic for an avatar site that has (no offense...) only about two dozen active users...

That's a really tall order, no matter the circumstance...

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