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Demonskid 08-09-2012 09:22 AM

Throw an Emote! "An Emote Contest" -Winners Announced-
Throw an Emote Contest
The Winners Announcement

Ultima : Sinopa Emotes
Night Fury : Furball Emotes
Obsidian : Phoenix Emotes

Thank you all for entering Trisphee's Emote making contest. They are all beautiful entries and honestly my favorite ones were Pink Panzers cause they looked like little mini DK's. Now here is what is going to happen.

Winners, Please make each emote a separate gif file. Name each one after what ever that emote represents. Please make a list of what the emotes are. ex: (:)) - happy, (T-T) - cry.

Zip up your emotes and then email them to and use this form so I know who sent what.


User Name:
Emote Set Name:
Emote List:
Prizes will be handed out as I receive the files and emotes will be uploaded once all I receive the files.

Winners if you wish to finish animating your emotes take the time to do so before sending them in. It's always best to have them completely finished.

Demonskid 08-09-2012 09:26 AM







Fenrir Wolf Form

Zephyr Cat Form


Demonskid 08-09-2012 09:29 AM

Reference Images for Kyun and Furball (they can be any color these are just refs)



Demonskid 08-10-2012 10:17 AM




Pink Pantzer



Serra Britt

Night Fury:


Demonskid 08-10-2012 07:27 PM

And let the emote making begin!

Pinkie 08-10-2012 07:50 PM

OH SO TRYING THIS!!! LETS GO MS PAINT! =throws poke'ball=

Hero 08-10-2012 07:51 PM

I wish I could pixel! I would enter if I could.
I can't wait to see the entries though.

Demonskid 08-10-2012 07:55 PM

^-^ I should prolly put in the title (emote contest)

Illusion 08-10-2012 08:30 PM


... o.e.. Let's see how this goes..

Fey 08-10-2012 08:40 PM

Okay, I think I'm missing the idea. There's eight categories, or eight 'characters' you'd like to see emote-d. Correct? By saying we can enter once per category does that mean we can make one emotion, or we can enter one SET of that character. Also, are you looking for specific emote 'emotions' or do you want just general 'this is a phoenix'?

What can I say, I'm the annoying one that asks too many questions.

Pinkie 08-10-2012 08:43 PM

Yes I would Like to know answers to those as well eheh

Kali_Namir 08-10-2012 08:44 PM

Kali may have to try to enter this if it goes on long enough...

Ultima 08-10-2012 08:47 PM

Currently fixing up my Kyun emotes and adding more =D
Should I enter them a separate pictures or would one picture with all of them work?

Demonskid 08-10-2012 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Fey (Post 1300634)
Okay, I think I'm missing the idea. There's eight categories, or eight 'characters' you'd like to see emote-d. Correct? By saying we can enter once per category does that mean we can make one emotion, or we can enter one SET of that character. Also, are you looking for specific emote 'emotions' or do you want just general 'this is a phoenix'?

What can I say, I'm the annoying one that asks too many questions.

They are Categories because the 'characters' are color based where Categories can have any color the user wants.

A set per category.

if someone wants to do a phoenix, then its a general "this is a phoenix"


Originally Posted by Kali_Namir (Post 1300644)
Kali may have to try to enter this if it goes on long enough...

The event will go on for a while. No end date is known at the moment, we want to give people a chance to make some


Originally Posted by Ultima (Post 1300649)
Currently fixing up my Kyun emotes and adding more =D
Should I enter them a separate pictures or would one picture with all of them work?

Ether/or. Some people might want to animate them so I would prefer if all be separate. :3

did i get everything answered x.x

Fey 08-10-2012 09:06 PM

Okay, you answered the questions I had, but now I have new ones.

If the categories are coloured based then do you have specific hex numbers for the colours you want? I will admit I've never looked when posting to see what emotes we have, so that may answer the question right there.... Though I do not see a drop down of various emotes we can use, so maybe I'm a bit more blonde and 'speshul' than I thought I was.

Demonskid 08-10-2012 09:08 PM

xD they aren't color based. we want people to pick their own colors :3

all emotes we had were removed for reasons. It's why we're looking for new ones :3

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