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Jezzen 07-19-2011 02:42 AM

-Open!{[_ _Half Way House_ _]}Art Shop-


Welcome to my shop, have a little look around. I love to draw, so what better way to use that than to set up an art shop? I've been drawing all my life, and I love the most to see just how strange and surreal I can make my art. Pretty much the reason why I'm such a big furry and monster fan. XD Oh, yaoi too, of course. My three weaknesses. The weirder it is, the more that I will love you forever! Well, maybe that's too dramatic, but oh well. Have fun looking around, and stay a while to chat too.


-I offer traditional realistic and chibi pieces here. Examples for both will be listed below, along with prices.
-I will do OC's, avatars, couples, and groups of three. I have virtually no limit on the type of character you want. Anthro, alien, mythical, human, creature, some bizarre monstrosity from the depths of your imagination, I can do it all.
-I will not do explicit nude couples, or anthropomorphic objects/foods. However, I will do children and single character non-explicit nudes. As long as the nude is not in a pornographic pose then I'll do it. For example, stuff like this is okay. Not this.
-For all requests, please provide more than just an image of your avatar, OC, etc. I want you to describe what the person or people in the drawing is doing, where they are, what they are wearing, and so on. If you have trouble with that, then I can do a certain pattern in the background instead. But still, you have to decide the pattern. I hate doing a drawing with a plain background because it just makes the art feel unfinished.
-You can either post your request here or PM me with it. Just don't leave it in a comment on my profile page.
-No, I don't have forms for you to fill out. I don't like filling them out myself, so I won't do it to you.
-I can only do up to three requests at a time, and some may take up to a month to complete. So please, have some patience if you want to make a request. I will notify you as soon as I have it up in the gallery, you can check it out, see if there's any problems, then its yours. Please, do not send me messages or comments on my page everyday asking how its going. I will ignore you.
-I accept payments in any of the currencies and in items. I also accept trades for any of the OC's I have below.
-Feel free to chat and have a good time, and of course, follow the basic Trisphee rules, i.e., don't be an ass.
-If you have an issue with the completed request, don't be afraid to voice it, but don't attack me either. Some details about your avatar or OC may get totally overlooked, but I won't refuse to refund you payment or fix/redo the request.
-You may request a fanart, but I may or may not reject it. And maybe just for the fact that I don't feel like it. I'm pretty out of touch nowadays with anything that isn't a book or movie. I watch little to no anime, or keep up with any popular television series like House and Glee or the like. Criminal Minds and The Office is pretty okay, but I have season sets that I watch on my own time. I honestly don't care much where the two series have gone now. I may hunt down a clip of the character you want drawn, but be forewarned, I won't draw it if I don't like it. Simple as that.


Examples of all are in the link below to my gallery on DeviantArt:

Click the link and you can watch how I draw:
Jezzen's Youtube



My Shop Banner



Traditional >> Examples: X|X >> 8 - 11k, depending on how detailed you want it.
Chibi >> Examples: X|X >> 2k


Spaces Available

1. Rem
2. Empty
3. Empty


Requests Filled



Original Characters

Name: Donnie Sanders
Description: Blond hair that reaches about shoulder length, black eyes, and has quite a few scars. Two running vertical over each eye, two at the corners of his mouth, a star shaped scar over the center of his chest, and three claw mark like scars on his upper arms (not shoulders). Enjoys the taste of blood and loves pain. Has a collection of knives and binds to fuel his lusts. Also, do not dress him gothic because of this. He does not like tight clothes, or wearing too much. A simple t-shirt and jeans, sometimes a hoodie, will do him just fine. Feels the most comfortable in uncrowded areas, like a park at night.
Picture Reference: X|X

Name: Chebaerie
Description: Is a light gold colored feline furry who has a habit of wearing a white fluffy skirt and apron tied at the waist with a long pink ribbon. Has a pattern of Cheetah like spots down the ns [/u]center of his spine, but adding that is optional depending on the pose you put him in. His eyes are blue, one darker than the other, and his hair falls just past in shoulders in large curls. Is most likely to be found baking a cake or painting something cute. He is very fond of candy, is afraid of dark forests, and never wears shoes. But he cleans his feet many times throughout the day.
Picture Reference: X


Name: Saori Sanders
Age: 20
Description: She is the daughter of another character of mine, and her main trait is inability to sympathize with anyone or anything. She doesn't care to form any deep relationship with anyone, other than her father and his lover. She doesn't like the idea of wearing clothes either, but after many long years her father has trained her to at least wear a pair of shorts and a tank top outside, which changes to a bikini top if she feels that the weather is too hot. She doesn't have much of a chest, but some of that is made up for in the size of her hips. Her eyes are black, and her white blonde hair falls long and straight just past her shoulders. Sometimes she also wears a pair of round, tinted glasses, though they are just for show.
Picture Reference:
None at the moment.


Name: Nahuel
Age: 30
Appearance: 8'0 ft tall, four eyed, four armed, two legged reptilian-human. His hair is black and falls to his waist, is either tied in a braid or decorated with feathers. Wears several bands on all his four arms, some for keepsakes from past victories. Has two spiral horns that grow out and down from his head, and two short prongs on top of his head that are hidden most of the time by the wolf head hat he wears. His only other clothing is a deer skin loincloth and a braided leather belt for his dagger, and a pouch for his ferret companion, Nuka.
Bio: Prefers to spend his days learning about his forest and where and why he came to be here. Though he has been given the title of Prince of the Forest, he has no one to really share it with. He is the only one of his kind for as far as he has traveled, even beyond the forest to an extent. His one true companion is Nuka, a well trained hunting ferret that never leaves his side. Though he considers Nuka his closest friend, every night he never misses making time to pray to the spirits to lead him back to his own kind one day. Always keeping inside him the wish just for a moment to spend with his mother, or father, or maybe even a sister or brother. And just maybe a stranger like him, if not that.
Picture Reference: X


Name: Wolfgang Rogers
Age: 32
Description: Works as a brand new doctor in a mental hospital. Is not much for conversation, and can come across as shy or unsociable. Has red, curly hair that he keeps in no particular style, and green hazel eyes. Wears very modest clothes most of the time while out in public. Long sleeved button up shirts, slacks, and the like. Rarely does he wear anything casual, or reveal any skin, unless he's drunk. Which happens at times. Has a slim build, scarcely muscled, and long legged. Sometimes lets his beard grow a little, but never more than an inch. Often seen wearing a long white, uniform coat when working, or carrying a briefcase/shoulder bag.
Sometimes I give him goat ears or horns, or even a tail, just because I think the goat fits him well. Totally your choice whether you want to add that or not though.
Picture Reference: X|X

Jezzen 07-19-2011 01:59 PM

Now totally prepared and open! Come on in, even just to chat. I'm a newbie and I wanna get to know you. :D

Pinkie 07-19-2011 02:07 PM

Ohhhh nice arts there dear

Jezzen 07-19-2011 05:12 PM

Aww, thank you. :3

How are you?

gremlin 07-19-2011 05:16 PM

I love your art.
I wish I had the AU for it. </3

Pinkie 07-19-2011 05:17 PM

Im good thank you for asking and your self dear?>:

Jezzen 07-19-2011 08:56 PM

Nierra: We could do a trade? I've been looking to build up a collection on a certain OC.

Pink: Doing alright. :D

Jezzen 07-21-2011 12:23 AM

Or I guess no trade. >.>

Anyone else...?

Divinitate 07-21-2011 03:17 PM

May buy Vouir art from you on here
e w e

Jezzen 07-22-2011 03:10 AM

Hey Divi! :D

Of course you can. My own Vouir guy is turning out awesome, so yours might be easier than I thought before.

Question, I've thought of a word for his name, but how can "elegance" be changed to sound right?

Divinitate 07-22-2011 11:56 AM

I always break the word down to its phonetic sounds.
Like when you say Damnation it breaks down to Dam Na Shen.

Ohoooo I'll have to get my samples ;D!
Though I really want Guile's Vouir drawn ;o;

Jezzen 07-22-2011 09:57 PM

Haha, I can do that. Make it a surprise for her. > u >

Divinitate 07-22-2011 11:59 PM

Yeees > w>
Just... need her refs D:
Asking would give it away I think.

Jezzen 07-23-2011 01:22 AM

I could just do a bust based on what's she's drawn already.

Divinitate 07-23-2011 03:15 AM

/scratches beard/
That you could. I'll give you 5k here to do that q w q

Jezzen 07-23-2011 03:49 AM

Coolio. XD

I should lower my prices again on here. I'm not sure if I went overboard, but I'm guessing so.

Divinitate 07-23-2011 11:42 AM

I personally have a lot of funds, so I'm not sure how easy it is to make money.
/sends a trade/

littl3chocobo 07-23-2011 12:09 PM

ok, so my request is kinda odd, feel free to decline it
i want that avi, i want it drawn however you please, make it as corrupeted or as mundane as you please it to be only make it how /you/ see it not how you think i would like it to be, i only want a lineart and i can pay the 8k as soon as you start drawing it(just show me a wip or something i don't need much just proof it at leas got started) though i tip when i like something, up to double if it is fast and shows the effort of the artist

that and i do things through pms^^: sorry

i am collecting art to get an idea of what people see when they see my avi(it's my default and the base for a few of my other outfits) yours will be my first paid-for-art though haha

Jezzen 07-24-2011 04:05 AM

Divi - Already started on it, I know B will love it. XD

Chocobo - Haha, I've drawn stranger things. ;D

And sure, I can give you a line art and WIP. Your guy does look interesting, I bet I can come up with a scene easy.

littl3chocobo 07-24-2011 04:08 AM

lovely, i will start a trade and you can accept when you post the verst wip fair? also could we do this in pms? i am forgetful

Jezzen 07-24-2011 03:23 PM

Hows your day been? I'm going off to work on some pottery in a little bit.

Divinitate 07-24-2011 05:21 PM

Thank you JEzz :D!!!!

Jezzen 07-25-2011 12:03 AM

Your welcome. XD

Divinitate 07-25-2011 03:33 AM

/snugs up to/
I sorry I forget Tris A LOT

Jezzen 07-25-2011 12:16 PM

Haha, no problem. XD

Here it is, Divi! X

littl3chocobo 07-25-2011 12:19 PM

it looks cool

Jezzen 07-25-2011 01:08 PM

Thank you. :D Your's is up next.

Divinitate 07-25-2011 04:08 PM

/trots to give it to Guille

Jezzen 07-25-2011 05:58 PM

Your welcome. XD

And thanks for all the cool stuff. Shopping spree! -flails away-

Divinitate 07-26-2011 12:23 AM

Welcome :D
I'd planned to give you stuff whether or not there was art involved . w.

Jezzen 07-26-2011 02:17 AM



You're sweet.

Rem 07-26-2011 05:05 PM

*squeals in a very manly way*

Jezzen! One of my favorite Solia artists here!
*runs around* I AM GOING TO ORDER SO MUCH ART ahahahahahaaaa

Um um
Can I get a waist-up traditional of my current avatar? How much would you like for that?

Divinitate 07-26-2011 07:47 PM

Rem <3

Jezz :
Only to people I like. :D

V. Lisette 07-26-2011 07:54 PM

Divinitate: Your avatar is awesome.


Divinitate 07-26-2011 10:55 PM

Thank you Sai.

Jezzen 07-27-2011 12:47 AM

Rem: Hey there! Haven't talked to you in a while. How's it going?

Hmm, halfbody. How about 9k?

Divi: Gawrsh. -hyuk hyuk- ^U^

Divinitate 07-27-2011 01:48 AM

I like what you've done with the items > w < !

Jezzen 07-27-2011 04:45 AM

Thank you. XD Dragon man, skeleton thing. Looks cool.

And yours is...a demonette lingerie model?

Divinitate 07-27-2011 12:26 PM

Kind of xD!
Just what I felt looked good.

Jezzen 07-27-2011 10:41 PM

Oooh, those are bruises on its face. For a bit I thought it was a big grin.

@ 3 @

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