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Evil Tink 03-07-2011 01:41 AM

Why I Outta..../shakes fist up Sun Chips right now and demand that they stop making their Garden Salsa flavored chips taste so damn good.

I could literally live off these things Dx

Have you ever encountered something sooooo delicious that you felt this way?
Or, perhaps and item you bought that you love so much you wish you could have an infinite amount?

I was really tempted to call them you know o3o

Zenella 03-07-2011 02:42 AM


I. freaking. love. them. D;

Stupid Wonka...D;

Batty 03-07-2011 02:47 AM

I'm like that with coffee. xDD; I could, quite literally, live off coffee.


Taradiddle 03-07-2011 11:04 AM

Albertson's chocolate chip cookies. I could easily become obese on those.

With The Current 03-07-2011 11:07 AM

I always get those when i got to Subway xP

Taradiddle 03-07-2011 11:08 AM

They are freakin' delicious!

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 11:34 AM

I dont think I've ever had those o.O
Im not a fan of cookies
Should I go out and buy them?
Are they that good?

Kaien Shiba 03-07-2011 11:43 AM

Pringles. the original ones. I think they tell you they have salt on them but nooo really those crunky buttery awesome cips of joy MUST have crack the way I just...canoot stop at one tube if allowed D=

that and samoas the girl scout cookies

Taradiddle 03-07-2011 12:30 PM

Evil Tink: Buy a bag, take a cookie, and if you have a microwave: Microwave it for 15 seconds. Just 15. You will have a delicious, warm, gooey cookie right in your very hands. I always have to use my will power to avoid eating, like, ten of 'em.

Desu 03-07-2011 12:34 PM

I could live off French bread and rice.... XD
My grandma had gotten french bread and a red velvet cake from the store... I grabbed the french bread and ran for it. XDDD straight to my room... and nommed on it... o3o I didn't share it... XD

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 04:13 PM

Maybe I should

Hello Kitty 03-07-2011 04:25 PM
She's not at work
She's not at school
She's not in bed

Wayy too many things to name.
I know it's gross, but McDonalds chicken nuggets.
I could eat those day in and day out and be perfectly happy.
Thank goodness I have a crazy ass metabolism and I can eat whatever I want and still stay thin.

Also, cupcakes. And...and... fruit snacks.
I think I finally broke her

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Hello Kitty (Post 554234)
She's not at work
She's not at school
She's not in bed

Wayy too many things to name.
I know it's gross, but McDonalds chicken nuggets.
I could eat those day in and day out and be perfectly happy.
Thank goodness I have a crazy ass metabolism and I can eat whatever I want and still stay thin.

Also, cupcakes. And...and... fruit snacks.
I think I finally broke her

I have a metabolism like that
I love it <3
Although, sometimes I wouldnt mind sharing it a aaallwwwaaayyysss hungry

McD's nuggets are a big gross, but man they are delicious xD

Hello Kitty 03-07-2011 04:49 PM
She's not at work
She's not at school
She's not in bed

It's great, isn't it?
We actually went through a phase where we thought something was actually wrong, because I could eat an entire pizza and LOSE weight.

I used to work at McDonalds, and damn was that the best time of my life. Free meals. Ugghh so good but so bad.
I think I finally broke her

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 04:57 PM

Hahaha I know
So many people hate me
Well they're just jealous

I could never bring myself to work at a fast food joint though../shudders

Hello Kitty 03-07-2011 05:06 PM
She's not at work
She's not at school
She's not in bed

It wasn't that bad! Not at all. Then again I'm one of the few who actually LIKE working.

I worked on the back cash register. And washed dishes. Very relaxing.
I think I finally broke her

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 05:07 PM

Well I suppose that's not so bad

I cashier at Kohl's
Occasionally I get around into the departments, but more often than not im on register. I hate it

Hello Kitty 03-07-2011 05:17 PM
She's not at work
She's not at school
She's not in bed

I don't shop at Kohl's... I've only been in one...once.

I don't think I would mind cashiering somewhere...Just because, I don't know.
I think I finally broke her

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 05:23 PM

Im sick of management down my throat about getting people to sign up for our store card.
Its so obnoxious, and I know it irritates customers asking them about it and stuff so I dont do it
Sue me

Hello Kitty 03-07-2011 05:29 PM
She's not at work
She's not at school
She's not in bed

I hate that too!
At McDonalds we were supposed to "Suggestive Sell" which means after the customer is done ordering, we're supposed to say "Would you like to try our cookies for $1?" Or whatever...and people would get so mad... So I stopped doing it.

The managers weren't very happy with me, but they usually left me alone.
I think I finally broke her

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 05:38 PM

Mine wont let me alone
It makes me sadface

Echo-chan713 03-07-2011 05:40 PM

My Mom's cooking

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 05:42 PM

Oh yess...mother's cooking
I love it when my mom cooks.
But the only thing that's better is when my dad cooks.
Hes sooooo kewl.
He makes like..allt his weird stuff that tastes great.

johnny 03-07-2011 05:47 PM

I really love the plain/original Sun Chips.

They're glooooorious.

And I feel that way about pretty much all my favorite types of candy, too.

And Cheez-Its.

...Damn, I eat a lot of snack foods. D:

Echo-chan713 03-07-2011 05:47 PM

Mom's cooking is better for you than resturant cooking

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 05:52 PM

But dad's cooking is even better

Feythfull 03-07-2011 06:00 PM

sun chips are tastey! Though i haven't tried the garden salad flavour.

Evil Tink 03-07-2011 06:19 PM

Then your life is incomplete!

Echo-chan713 03-07-2011 11:22 PM

I like the original ones and spread them with cream cheese or Borsia chees :O so delicious

Evil Tink 03-08-2011 12:13 AM

Cheese on sun chips?

Otouto 03-08-2011 12:23 AM

Pop and chinese food is all I need to live. *o*
I'm addicted for serious. D;
I'm surprised i'm not fat yet. ._.

Evil Tink 03-08-2011 12:26 AM

And specific brand of soda?
Mine would be coke
Coke and Sun Chips

Otouto 03-08-2011 12:32 AM

Coke is okay, a bit thick for me. I've been getting sick of pepsi too though. Recently i've been drinking ginger ale, so I guess you could say it's currently my favorite pop. xD
I think sunchips are pretty good. I like the onion ones. c:

Evil Tink 03-08-2011 12:34 AM

Oh those ones are good as well
I think the only ones I dont like are the Harvest Chedder ones
They make me gag

How can you not like Coke?
Its sooooo yummies

Misericorde 03-09-2011 01:00 PM

Bits 'n Bites. Oh and chicken fingers+BBQ sauce from Pizza Pizza. Yes... I would love being able to live on this. AND MILK. CHOCOLATE AND WHITE MILK. Yess.....

johnny 03-10-2011 12:39 AM

This thread makes me hungry.


-shakes fist.- >C

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